
Employment Relations 2nd Edition - Fairness and Trust in the Workplace


Publisher:Sage Publications Ltd (UK)
Author: Cecilie Bingham
Edition: @2023
eBook ISBN: 9781529786064
Print ISBN: 9781529774795
Type: 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân  

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Mô tả sản phẩm

Quan hệ việc làm
Sự công bằng và tin cậy ở nơi làm việc
Phù hợp với kết quả học tập của CIPD, Quan hệ Việc làm: Sự công bằng và Tin cậy tại Nơi làm việc (ấn bản thứ hai) phản ánh sâu sắc về nghiên cứu, bình luận, bằng chứng và thực tiễn hiện tại trong lĩnh vực quan hệ việc làm với cách tiếp cận quốc tế và tập trung vào toàn cầu hóa. Kết hợp các khái niệm, công cụ và mô hình lý thuyết với các ví dụ thực tế, cuốn sách này có nhiều tính năng học tập sáng tạo được thiết kế để giúp sinh viên tương tác với chủ đề, bao gồm: Trích đoạn các tin tức gần đây liên quan đến nội dung chương Một loạt nghiên cứu điển hình từ nhiều bối cảnh khác nhau, hoạt động và bài tập ôn tập Cuốn sách được khen ngợi bởi nguồn tài liệu của giảng viên, bao gồm sổ tay hướng dẫn toàn diện và các slide PowerPoint. Thích hợp cho sinh viên Đại học và Sau đại học về các khóa học Quan hệ Việc làm, Quan hệ Công nghiệp hoặc Quản lý nhân sự.

List of Case Studies, Case Snippets and News Flashes
Guided Tour
Online Resources
About the Author
About this Book
1 Employee Relations: Setting the Scene
What to Expect
Employee Relations – What Is It?
Changes in the UK Employment Market
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Power Imbalances
Frames of Reference
Managerial Styles
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
2 Employee Relations: The Importance of Context
What to Expect
Context – Is It Relevant?
Globalisation and Employment Relations
Convergence Versus Divergence
Trade Unions
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
3 Trust and Getting a Fair Deal at Work
What to Expect
Trust at Work
Fairness and Trust
Fairness and the Law
Equity, Efficiency and Voice
Employee Perceptions of Organisational Fairness, Justice and Injustice
Psychological Contract
Increased Workloads and Levels of Trust
Trust and the High-performing Workplace
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
4 Contract Change and the Employment Relationship
What to Expect
What Is an Employment Contract?
What’s in a Name?
Employment Contracts and the Power Realities of the Employment Relationship
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
5 Employment Relations in Precarious Platform and Gig Work
What to Expect
Platforms and Gigs Explained
Precarious Work
Insecurity and Platform Work
Platform Work
Different Types of Platform Work
The Impact of Algorithms on the Employment Relationship
Platform Work, Power and Worker Representation
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
6 Causes and Expressions of Workplace Conflict
What to Expect
The Causes and Inevitability of Workplace Conflict
Academic Perspectives on Conflict
Expressions of Conflict
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
7 Conflict: Reduction, Regulation and Resolution
What to Expect
A Contested Relationship: Managerial Styles and Their Impact
Conflict and Performance Management
Conflict Reduction and Strategies Engendering Employee Trust
Addressing Conflict
Restrictions on Employers That Could Reduce the Incidence of Conflict
Examples of Legal Restrictions to Reduce Conflict
Procedures and Their Impact on the Employment Relationship
Types of Procedures
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
8 Employee Engagement and the Employment Relationship
What to Expect
What Is Employee Engagement?
The Engagement Paradox
Measures of Engagement
Engagement and the Employment Relationship
Engagement Trust and Voice
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
9 Sharing Information and Decision-Making: From Employee Involvement to Partnership
What to Expect
Encouraging Commitment Through Involvement and Participation
Employee Involvement, Participation and Partnership
What Do Employee Involvement, Participation and Partnership Entail?
Employee Involvement
Employee Networks
Employee Participation
Categorising Participation
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
10 Employee Voice: Being Heard and Making a Difference
What to Expect
Voice – Definitions and Their Shortcomings
Evidence for the Concept of Employee Voice Within the Employment Relationship
Employer Voice
Patterns of Voice
Direct Voice
Indirect Voice
Collective Bargaining
National v. Local Agreements
Collective Bargaining Models
Enabling Voice – UK Employers’ Legal Obligations
Voice and Silence
Voice and Diversity
Voice, Trust and Fairness
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
11 Flexibility and Fairness in the Employment Relationship
What to Expect
Flexible Work Patterns: What Are They and Who Benefits?
Flexibility for the Employee
Managerial Styles and Flexibility From the Employers’ Point of View
Flexible Working and Pluralist Approaches
The Flexible Firm
Different Types of Flexible Working Patterns
Flexibility: Gender and Family-friendly Practices
Flexibility: Power, Conflict and Trust
Flexibility: Points to Consider for Maintaining an Harmonious Employment Relationship
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
12 Equitable Reward and the Employment Relationship
What to Expect
The Value of Reward in the Workplace
Employers and Reward
Influences Affecting Reward
Consensual Methods of Determining Reward
Reward and Perceptions of Fairness
Different Types of Payment Systems
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
13 Fairness in Practice
What to Expect
Fairness in Context
Fairness and Power
Fairness and Justice at Work: A Recap
Injustice, Justice and Conflict
Voice Mechanisms and the Perceptions of Fairness
Holding the Front Line Via Fairness: The Importance of Line Managers
Relevant Articles for Further Reading


Quan hệ việc làm
Sự công bằng và tin cậy ở nơi làm việc
Phù hợp với kết quả học tập của CIPD, Quan hệ Việc làm: Sự công bằng và Tin cậy tại Nơi làm việc (ấn bản thứ hai) phản ánh sâu sắc về nghiên cứu, bình luận, bằng chứng và thực tiễn hiện tại trong lĩnh vực quan hệ việc làm với cách tiếp cận quốc tế và tập trung vào toàn cầu hóa. Kết hợp các khái niệm, công cụ và mô hình lý thuyết với các ví dụ thực tế, cuốn sách này có nhiều tính năng học tập sáng tạo được thiết kế để giúp sinh viên tương tác với chủ đề, bao gồm: Trích đoạn các tin tức gần đây liên quan đến nội dung chương Một loạt nghiên cứu điển hình từ nhiều bối cảnh khác nhau, hoạt động và bài tập ôn tập Cuốn sách được khen ngợi bởi nguồn tài liệu của giảng viên, bao gồm sổ tay hướng dẫn toàn diện và các slide PowerPoint. Thích hợp cho sinh viên Đại học và Sau đại học về các khóa học Quan hệ Việc làm, Quan hệ Công nghiệp hoặc Quản lý nhân sự.

List of Case Studies, Case Snippets and News Flashes
Guided Tour
Online Resources
About the Author
About this Book
1 Employee Relations: Setting the Scene
What to Expect
Employee Relations – What Is It?
Changes in the UK Employment Market
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Power Imbalances
Frames of Reference
Managerial Styles
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
2 Employee Relations: The Importance of Context
What to Expect
Context – Is It Relevant?
Globalisation and Employment Relations
Convergence Versus Divergence
Trade Unions
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
3 Trust and Getting a Fair Deal at Work
What to Expect
Trust at Work
Fairness and Trust
Fairness and the Law
Equity, Efficiency and Voice
Employee Perceptions of Organisational Fairness, Justice and Injustice
Psychological Contract
Increased Workloads and Levels of Trust
Trust and the High-performing Workplace
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
4 Contract Change and the Employment Relationship
What to Expect
What Is an Employment Contract?
What’s in a Name?
Employment Contracts and the Power Realities of the Employment Relationship
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
5 Employment Relations in Precarious Platform and Gig Work
What to Expect
Platforms and Gigs Explained
Precarious Work
Insecurity and Platform Work
Platform Work
Different Types of Platform Work
The Impact of Algorithms on the Employment Relationship
Platform Work, Power and Worker Representation
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
6 Causes and Expressions of Workplace Conflict
What to Expect
The Causes and Inevitability of Workplace Conflict
Academic Perspectives on Conflict
Expressions of Conflict
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
7 Conflict: Reduction, Regulation and Resolution
What to Expect
A Contested Relationship: Managerial Styles and Their Impact
Conflict and Performance Management
Conflict Reduction and Strategies Engendering Employee Trust
Addressing Conflict
Restrictions on Employers That Could Reduce the Incidence of Conflict
Examples of Legal Restrictions to Reduce Conflict
Procedures and Their Impact on the Employment Relationship
Types of Procedures
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
8 Employee Engagement and the Employment Relationship
What to Expect
What Is Employee Engagement?
The Engagement Paradox
Measures of Engagement
Engagement and the Employment Relationship
Engagement Trust and Voice
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
9 Sharing Information and Decision-Making: From Employee Involvement to Partnership
What to Expect
Encouraging Commitment Through Involvement and Participation
Employee Involvement, Participation and Partnership
What Do Employee Involvement, Participation and Partnership Entail?
Employee Involvement
Employee Networks
Employee Participation
Categorising Participation
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
10 Employee Voice: Being Heard and Making a Difference
What to Expect
Voice – Definitions and Their Shortcomings
Evidence for the Concept of Employee Voice Within the Employment Relationship
Employer Voice
Patterns of Voice
Direct Voice
Indirect Voice
Collective Bargaining
National v. Local Agreements
Collective Bargaining Models
Enabling Voice – UK Employers’ Legal Obligations
Voice and Silence
Voice and Diversity
Voice, Trust and Fairness
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
11 Flexibility and Fairness in the Employment Relationship
What to Expect
Flexible Work Patterns: What Are They and Who Benefits?
Flexibility for the Employee
Managerial Styles and Flexibility From the Employers’ Point of View
Flexible Working and Pluralist Approaches
The Flexible Firm
Different Types of Flexible Working Patterns
Flexibility: Gender and Family-friendly Practices
Flexibility: Power, Conflict and Trust
Flexibility: Points to Consider for Maintaining an Harmonious Employment Relationship
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
12 Equitable Reward and the Employment Relationship
What to Expect
The Value of Reward in the Workplace
Employers and Reward
Influences Affecting Reward
Consensual Methods of Determining Reward
Reward and Perceptions of Fairness
Different Types of Payment Systems
Relevant Articles for Further Reading
13 Fairness in Practice
What to Expect
Fairness in Context
Fairness and Power
Fairness and Justice at Work: A Recap
Injustice, Justice and Conflict
Voice Mechanisms and the Perceptions of Fairness
Holding the Front Line Via Fairness: The Importance of Line Managers
Relevant Articles for Further Reading

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