
Organizational Change Management 1st Edition - Inclusion, Collaboration and Digital Change in Practice


Publisher:Sage Publications Ltd (UK)
Author: Danielle Tucker; Stefano Cirella; Paul Kelly
Edition: @2024
eBook ISBN:9781529615753
Print ISBN: 9781529792256
Type: 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân  

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Quản lý thay đổi tổ chức
Hòa nhập, hợp tác và thay đổi kỹ thuật số trong thực tiễn
Cuốn sách này giới thiệu toàn diện về Quản lý Thay đổi Tổ chức thông qua quan điểm khác biệt và kịp thời về cơ quan thay đổi tổ chức. Nó có một cách tiếp cận mang tính thực tiễn cao và độc đáo, với các chương tiên tiến về chuyển đổi kỹ thuật số, tính sáng tạo, sức mạnh, tính toàn diện và đa dạng. Các tính năng chính bao gồm: Nghiên cứu trường hợp dựa trên các công ty thực tế, có thể được sử dụng để nghiên cứu các chủ đề của chương trong nhiều bối cảnh quốc tế, ngành và hình thức tổ chức. Các hoạt động trải nghiệm và thảo luận mang đến cơ hội đạt được những hiểu biết sâu sắc vô giá cần thiết tại nơi làm việc.

List of Figures
List of Tables
Online Resources
About the Authors
Why a Textbook on Organizational Change?
Who is this book for?
How This Book Is Structured
Part I: The strategic context of change
Part II: An approach based on change makers
Part III: Current issues on change
Part IV: Integrated case studies
Part I The Strategic Context of Change
1 An Introduction to Change: What Is Change and Why Do We Do It?
Chapter Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is Organizational Change?
Contextual levels of change
Continuous improvement
Transformational change
1.3 Urgency and Crisis in Driving Change
1.4 Change Implementation
Theory E and Theory O
Measuring change success
Key questions for implementing organizational change
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
2 Traditional Theories of Change: An Overview
Chapter Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Planned Change Approach
Lewin’s three-step model
Underpinning assumptions
Other models of planned change
Criticisms of the planned change approach
2.3 Emergent Change Approach
Organizational learning
Managerial behaviour
Power and politics
Criticisms of the emergent change approach
Planned versus emergent change
2.4 Systems Approach
Complexity theory
Criticisms of the systems approach
2.5 Process Approach
Criticisms of a process approach
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
3 The Role of Strategy and the External Environment in Driving Change
Chapter Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Strategic Context of Change Management
External environment
Stakeholder analysis
3.3 Developing a Business Strategy
3.4 Managing Change Strategically
Developing the strategic vision of change
Designing and implementing the interventions
3.5 Change Makers Implementing Change from Within
The role of change makers in strategy processes
Why do change makers feel frustrated?
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
Part II An Approach Based on Change Makers
4 Change Makers and Change Agents: Diverse Roles and Common Challenges
Chapter Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Who Are Change Makers and What Do They Do?
Definition of change maker
Creating change makers
Project managers and project teams
4.3 The Importance of Change Makers in the Change Process
Diffusion of innovation
Managing emotions
Boundary spanning
4.4 Challenges for Change Makers
Role ambiguity
Power dynamics
Dominant narratives and resistance to change
Managing complexity and multifaceted change
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
5 Perspectives on Digital Transformation
Chapter Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Digital Transformation: Definitions and History
5.3 Current Digital Transformation Models
IT waterfall and agile models
5.4 Technology-centric digital transformation
Technology-centric evolution
The human side of digital transformation
Some interim lessons for change makers
5.5 Alternative Perspectives on Digital Transformation
Technological-determinist perspectives
Sociological-determinist perspectives
Socio-technical middle ground
Human–computer interaction – the social end of computer science
Information systems and organizational practice
Final lessons for change makers
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
6 Change and Voice: Inclusivity, Equality and Diversity
Chapter Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Resistance and Voice: A Critical Perspective
6.3 Challenges in Representing Diverse Voices
Influencing similar others
Different notions of fairness
Institutionalized power and silencing
6.4 Mechanisms for Employee Voice
Employee participation (e.g. collective bargaining)
Inclusive meetings and collaborative decision-making
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
Part III Current Issues on Change
7 Leadership and Organizational Change
Chapter Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Traditional Views of Leadership
What these traditional views mean for change makers
7.3 Contemporary Views of Leadership
Contingency-based leadership
Situational leadership
Full-range leadership model (FRLM)
Authentic leadership
Responsible leadership and caring leadership
Corporate leadership and fundamentalism
What contemporary views of leadership mean for change makers
7.4 Alternative and Critical Views of Leadership
Follower-centric leadership
Distributed leadership
Inclusive leadership and persity
Toxic, bad and destructive leadership
What alternative and critical views mean for change makers
7.5 How Leadership Views Support Change Efforts
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
8 Power and Resistance in Organizational Change
Chapter Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Aspects of Power and Change
Power and politics in organizational change
Power as possession or relational, wielders, receivers and cultural norms
Power in concepts and in work roles
Power in behaviour
Power and change makers
8.3 Traditional Views of Power
Authority and hierarchy
Coercion, remuneration and normative power
Influence and persuasion
The seven bases of power
8.4 Contemporary Views of Power
Meaning and power
The three faces of power
Power-over, power-to, power-with and power-within – an accessible framework
Three circuits of power
Foucault’s work on power
8.5 Emerging Views: Distributed Power, Inclusion and Digital Change
Distributed power
Power, inclusion and persity
Power and digital change
8.6 Traditional Views of Resistance
Resistance as psychological responses to change
Resistance and leadership
Resistance and identity
Resistance due to threats and fears
8.7 Alternative Views of Resistance
Overcoming the ‘resistance is bad’ view
Re-interpreting resistance as beneficial to change
Constructive engagement and shared sense-making
Readiness for change, motivations and outcomes
Resistance, power and better change processes
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
9 Change and Creativity: Enhancing the Power of Collective Creativity
Chapter Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 What Is Creativity?
9.3 The Creative Process
9.4 Inpidual Creativity
9.5 Group Creativity and Team Creativity
Team creativity techniques
9.6 Organizational Creativity
Creative climate
9.7 Collective Creativity: Empowering People as Agents of Creativity
Developing collective creativity as an organizational capability
Leading for collective creativity
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
10 Change and Innovation: Exploring Collaborative Models
Chapter Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 What Is Innovation?
10.3 Managing Innovation
Innovation and technology
10.4 Innovation and Collaboration
Open innovation
Collaborative innovation
10.5 Design-Driven Innovation: The Role of Interpreters
Interpreters and design discourses
10.6 Innovation and the Role of Users
User innovation
The role of lead users
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
11 Evaluating Change: From Metrics to Networks
Chapter Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Evaluations as Performance and Metrics
Evaluation in project management
Critical success factors
User acceptance testing
Relying on metrics for evaluation
Innovation, performance and priming the pump – but unclear evaluation?
Evaluating learning during change
Summarizing metrics-based views
11.3 Beyond Metrics, Towards Networks
11.4 Evaluation with Stakeholders and Networks
Boundary partners, spheres of influence and spheres of interest
Design networks
Activity networks
Actor networks
11.5 Comparing Metrics and Network Approaches
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
12 Learning, Collaborative Research and Knowledge Sharing
Chapter Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Learning in Organizations
Inpidual learning
Organizational learning
12.3 Collaborative Research for Change
Action research and insider action research
Collaborative management research
12.4 Knowledge Sharing During Change
Knowledge and knowledge sharing
Communities of practice
Knowledge brokering
12.5 Challenges for Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Power and the inclusive valuing of knowledge
Balancing what works with new ideas
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
Part IV Integrated Case Studies
Case Study A: Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Managing Change at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Three Months After Opening
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
‘Why are we going backwards?’
Discussion Questions
Resistance to change
Knowledge exchange
Case Study B: Building an Entrepreneurial Social Enterprise with Wellbeing in Mind
Developing a Strategy and Organizational Structure
Creating a Work Environment to Promote Wellbeing and Creativity
A Great Place to Work?
Constantly Changing
Discussion Questions
Leadership and power
Inclusivity and voice
Case Study C: Leading a Turnaround and Empowering Creativity in Soft Silk
Early 2000s and the Crisis
The Turnaround: A Long, Complex Transformation
Collaborating with Academia
Empowering Creativity
The End of Massimo’s Term and the New Leadership
What Happened Next: New Projects and New Challenges
Discussion Questions
Creativity and innovation
Learning and collaboration
Leadership and power
Case Study D: A Global Development ‘Knowledge Platform’: What Wins When Long-Term Capacity Building Clashes with Short-Term Results Pressures?
Introducing the Knowledge Platform
Key Change Stakeholders
KP Project Structure and Stresses
Overall Objectives: Capacities, Relationships and Products
Year 0: Original Vision
Year 1: Knowledge Products Over Knowledge Processes
Year 2: From Capacity Building to Short-Term Results
Four Challenges: Why Did the KP Fail?
Discussion Questions
Learning and knowledge sharing
Digital transformation
Power and resistance
Case Study E: Zwilling: Merging Two Family Firms
The Merger
Announcing the merger
Changes in processes and structure
Resistance to Change
Discussion Questions
Resistance to change
Creativity and innovation


Quản lý thay đổi tổ chức
Hòa nhập, hợp tác và thay đổi kỹ thuật số trong thực tiễn
Cuốn sách này giới thiệu toàn diện về Quản lý Thay đổi Tổ chức thông qua quan điểm khác biệt và kịp thời về cơ quan thay đổi tổ chức. Nó có một cách tiếp cận mang tính thực tiễn cao và độc đáo, với các chương tiên tiến về chuyển đổi kỹ thuật số, tính sáng tạo, sức mạnh, tính toàn diện và đa dạng. Các tính năng chính bao gồm: Nghiên cứu trường hợp dựa trên các công ty thực tế, có thể được sử dụng để nghiên cứu các chủ đề của chương trong nhiều bối cảnh quốc tế, ngành và hình thức tổ chức. Các hoạt động trải nghiệm và thảo luận mang đến cơ hội đạt được những hiểu biết sâu sắc vô giá cần thiết tại nơi làm việc.


List of Figures
List of Tables
Online Resources
About the Authors
Why a Textbook on Organizational Change?
Who is this book for?
How This Book Is Structured
Part I: The strategic context of change
Part II: An approach based on change makers
Part III: Current issues on change
Part IV: Integrated case studies
Part I The Strategic Context of Change
1 An Introduction to Change: What Is Change and Why Do We Do It?
Chapter Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is Organizational Change?
Contextual levels of change
Continuous improvement
Transformational change
1.3 Urgency and Crisis in Driving Change
1.4 Change Implementation
Theory E and Theory O
Measuring change success
Key questions for implementing organizational change
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
2 Traditional Theories of Change: An Overview
Chapter Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Planned Change Approach
Lewin’s three-step model
Underpinning assumptions
Other models of planned change
Criticisms of the planned change approach
2.3 Emergent Change Approach
Organizational learning
Managerial behaviour
Power and politics
Criticisms of the emergent change approach
Planned versus emergent change
2.4 Systems Approach
Complexity theory
Criticisms of the systems approach
2.5 Process Approach
Criticisms of a process approach
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
3 The Role of Strategy and the External Environment in Driving Change
Chapter Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Strategic Context of Change Management
External environment
Stakeholder analysis
3.3 Developing a Business Strategy
3.4 Managing Change Strategically
Developing the strategic vision of change
Designing and implementing the interventions
3.5 Change Makers Implementing Change from Within
The role of change makers in strategy processes
Why do change makers feel frustrated?
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
Part II An Approach Based on Change Makers
4 Change Makers and Change Agents: Diverse Roles and Common Challenges
Chapter Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Who Are Change Makers and What Do They Do?
Definition of change maker
Creating change makers
Project managers and project teams
4.3 The Importance of Change Makers in the Change Process
Diffusion of innovation
Managing emotions
Boundary spanning
4.4 Challenges for Change Makers
Role ambiguity
Power dynamics
Dominant narratives and resistance to change
Managing complexity and multifaceted change
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
5 Perspectives on Digital Transformation
Chapter Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Digital Transformation: Definitions and History
5.3 Current Digital Transformation Models
IT waterfall and agile models
5.4 Technology-centric digital transformation
Technology-centric evolution
The human side of digital transformation
Some interim lessons for change makers
5.5 Alternative Perspectives on Digital Transformation
Technological-determinist perspectives
Sociological-determinist perspectives
Socio-technical middle ground
Human–computer interaction – the social end of computer science
Information systems and organizational practice
Final lessons for change makers
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
6 Change and Voice: Inclusivity, Equality and Diversity
Chapter Objectives
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Resistance and Voice: A Critical Perspective
6.3 Challenges in Representing Diverse Voices
Influencing similar others
Different notions of fairness
Institutionalized power and silencing
6.4 Mechanisms for Employee Voice
Employee participation (e.g. collective bargaining)
Inclusive meetings and collaborative decision-making
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
Part III Current Issues on Change
7 Leadership and Organizational Change
Chapter Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Traditional Views of Leadership
What these traditional views mean for change makers
7.3 Contemporary Views of Leadership
Contingency-based leadership
Situational leadership
Full-range leadership model (FRLM)
Authentic leadership
Responsible leadership and caring leadership
Corporate leadership and fundamentalism
What contemporary views of leadership mean for change makers
7.4 Alternative and Critical Views of Leadership
Follower-centric leadership
Distributed leadership
Inclusive leadership and persity
Toxic, bad and destructive leadership
What alternative and critical views mean for change makers
7.5 How Leadership Views Support Change Efforts
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
8 Power and Resistance in Organizational Change
Chapter Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Aspects of Power and Change
Power and politics in organizational change
Power as possession or relational, wielders, receivers and cultural norms
Power in concepts and in work roles
Power in behaviour
Power and change makers
8.3 Traditional Views of Power
Authority and hierarchy
Coercion, remuneration and normative power
Influence and persuasion
The seven bases of power
8.4 Contemporary Views of Power
Meaning and power
The three faces of power
Power-over, power-to, power-with and power-within – an accessible framework
Three circuits of power
Foucault’s work on power
8.5 Emerging Views: Distributed Power, Inclusion and Digital Change
Distributed power
Power, inclusion and persity
Power and digital change
8.6 Traditional Views of Resistance
Resistance as psychological responses to change
Resistance and leadership
Resistance and identity
Resistance due to threats and fears
8.7 Alternative Views of Resistance
Overcoming the ‘resistance is bad’ view
Re-interpreting resistance as beneficial to change
Constructive engagement and shared sense-making
Readiness for change, motivations and outcomes
Resistance, power and better change processes
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
9 Change and Creativity: Enhancing the Power of Collective Creativity
Chapter Objectives
9.1 Introduction
9.2 What Is Creativity?
9.3 The Creative Process
9.4 Inpidual Creativity
9.5 Group Creativity and Team Creativity
Team creativity techniques
9.6 Organizational Creativity
Creative climate
9.7 Collective Creativity: Empowering People as Agents of Creativity
Developing collective creativity as an organizational capability
Leading for collective creativity
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
10 Change and Innovation: Exploring Collaborative Models
Chapter Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 What Is Innovation?
10.3 Managing Innovation
Innovation and technology
10.4 Innovation and Collaboration
Open innovation
Collaborative innovation
10.5 Design-Driven Innovation: The Role of Interpreters
Interpreters and design discourses
10.6 Innovation and the Role of Users
User innovation
The role of lead users
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
11 Evaluating Change: From Metrics to Networks
Chapter Objectives
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Evaluations as Performance and Metrics
Evaluation in project management
Critical success factors
User acceptance testing
Relying on metrics for evaluation
Innovation, performance and priming the pump – but unclear evaluation?
Evaluating learning during change
Summarizing metrics-based views
11.3 Beyond Metrics, Towards Networks
11.4 Evaluation with Stakeholders and Networks
Boundary partners, spheres of influence and spheres of interest
Design networks
Activity networks
Actor networks
11.5 Comparing Metrics and Network Approaches
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
12 Learning, Collaborative Research and Knowledge Sharing
Chapter Objectives
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Learning in Organizations
Inpidual learning
Organizational learning
12.3 Collaborative Research for Change
Action research and insider action research
Collaborative management research
12.4 Knowledge Sharing During Change
Knowledge and knowledge sharing
Communities of practice
Knowledge brokering
12.5 Challenges for Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Power and the inclusive valuing of knowledge
Balancing what works with new ideas
Chapter Summary
Further Recommended Reading
Part IV Integrated Case Studies
Case Study A: Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Managing Change at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Three Months After Opening
Stakeholder Engagement Strategy at Queen Elizabeth Hospital
‘Why are we going backwards?’
Discussion Questions
Resistance to change
Knowledge exchange
Case Study B: Building an Entrepreneurial Social Enterprise with Wellbeing in Mind
Developing a Strategy and Organizational Structure
Creating a Work Environment to Promote Wellbeing and Creativity
A Great Place to Work?
Constantly Changing
Discussion Questions
Leadership and power
Inclusivity and voice
Case Study C: Leading a Turnaround and Empowering Creativity in Soft Silk
Early 2000s and the Crisis
The Turnaround: A Long, Complex Transformation
Collaborating with Academia
Empowering Creativity
The End of Massimo’s Term and the New Leadership
What Happened Next: New Projects and New Challenges
Discussion Questions
Creativity and innovation
Learning and collaboration
Leadership and power
Case Study D: A Global Development ‘Knowledge Platform’: What Wins When Long-Term Capacity Building Clashes with Short-Term Results Pressures?
Introducing the Knowledge Platform
Key Change Stakeholders
KP Project Structure and Stresses
Overall Objectives: Capacities, Relationships and Products
Year 0: Original Vision
Year 1: Knowledge Products Over Knowledge Processes
Year 2: From Capacity Building to Short-Term Results
Four Challenges: Why Did the KP Fail?
Discussion Questions
Learning and knowledge sharing
Digital transformation
Power and resistance
Case Study E: Zwilling: Merging Two Family Firms
The Merger
Announcing the merger
Changes in processes and structure
Resistance to Change
Discussion Questions
Resistance to change
Creativity and innovation

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