
Adult Development and Aging


Publisher:SAGE Publications, Inc
Author: Julie Hicks Patrick; Bert Hayslip, Jr.; Lisa Hollis-Sawyer
Edition: @2021
eBook ISBN:9781544361673
Print ISBN: 9781544361666
Type: 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân  

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Được tổ chức theo chủ đề, Phát triển và Lão hóa ở Người lớn: Tăng trưởng, Tuổi thọ và Thử thách cung cấp cho học sinh sự hiểu biết toàn diện về quá trình lão hóa ở tuổi trưởng thành từ nhiều góc độ. Các tác giả sử dụng các nguyên tắc phát triển tuổi thọ để cho người đọc thấy được tính định hướng của những thay đổi ở giai đoạn đầu, giữa và cuối tuổi trưởng thành. Trong khuôn khổ kiến ​​thức khoa học, văn bản trình bày bốn chủ đề chính để hướng dẫn người học: tập trung vào lão hóa là sự phát triển; một quan điểm toàn cầu về bối cảnh; một cách tiếp cận tích hợp, sôi động để đưa tin đa dạng; và khoa học tâm lý chuyển thành trải nghiệm thực tế. Chương cuối cùng tập trung vào các cách cải thiện trải nghiệm lão hóa cho tất cả người lớn.
Bao gồm với tiêu đề này:
Trang web tài nguyên dành cho người hướng dẫn được bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu (chính thức được gọi là SAGE Edge) cung cấp quyền truy cập vào tất cả các tài nguyên dành riêng cho văn bản, bao gồm ngân hàng bài kiểm tra và các trang trình bày PowerPoint® dành riêng cho từng chương có thể chỉnh sửa. Tìm hiểu thêm.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments
About the Authors
  Chapter 1: Studying Growth and Change Across the Life Span 
Principles of Life Span Development
Generational Cohorts
The Multidimensional Nature of Age
Developmental Research Methods: Disentangling Chronological Age, Historical Period, and Generational Cohort
Theoretical Frameworks
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 2: Biological Aging, Health, and Longevity 
Why Do We Age? Theories of Biological Aging
Age-Related Changes in Vison
Age-Related Changes in Audition
Age-Related Changes in Gustation
Age-Related Changes in Olfaction
Age-Related Changes in Somesthesis
Specific Chronic Health Conditions
Everyday Experience of Biological Aging
Life Expectancy and Life Span
From Theory to Application: Life Extension and Health Span
Integrating Across Topics
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 3: Cognitive Development Across Adulthood 
What Is Cognition?
Psychometric Approach
Crystallized (Gc) and Fluid (Gf) Abilities
Seattle Longitudinal Study and Primary Mental Abilities
Memory as Cognition
Information-Processing Approaches to Cognition
Noncognitive Influences on Cognitive Aging
Memory in Everyday Life
Optimizing Cognition in Adulthood
Other Frameworks Related to Cognitive Aging
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 4: Coping and Resiliency in Adulthood 
Life Events as Causes of Change
Stress and Coping in Adulthood
Coping With Loss in Adulthood: An Overview
Influences on How We Cope With Loss: How Death Is Defined
The Meaning We Attach to Death and Dying Influences How We Cope With Loss
Responses to Death and Dying as Influences on Coping With Loss
Coping With and Surviving Loss
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 5: Personality and Emotional Regulation 
Defining Personality in Adulthood
Stability and Change: Stage and Non-Stage Theories of Traits
The “Big Five” and Other Personality Models
Observable Behaviors and Impression Management
Resiliency in Adjustment to Aging
Defining Emotional Regulation in Later Life
Emotional Intelligence and Self-Control
Self-Determination and Personal Growth
Different Emotional Coping Styles and Strategies
Emotional Adaptation to Aging-Related Losses and Changes
Therapeutic Interventions to Support Positive Aging Adjustment
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 6: Mental Health and Intervention 
Mental Health in Adulthood
Alzheimer’s Disease
The Course of Alzheimer’s Disease
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Disorders That Mimic Dementia
Common Functional Disorders
The Mental Health Challenges Faced by College Students
Other Functional Disorders
Drug Use and Abuse Among Younger and Older Persons
Therapeutic Interventions With Adults and Older Persons
Goals for Therapy With Adults
Therapies With Adults and Older Persons
Behavioral Interventions
Prevention as Therapy
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 7: The Social-Environmental Context of Adulthood and Aging 
Understanding and Describing the Environment
Transactions With the Environment
Person-Environment Interaction
Adult Development in Context
Influences on the Developmental Niche in Adulthood: The Healthy and Not-So-Healthy
Real-Life Applications of Person- Environment Fit and Developmental Niche
Making Choices About Alternative Paths of Adult Development
Developmental Tasks in Adulthood: Young Adulthood
Developmental Tasks in Adulthood: Middle Adulthood
Developmental Tasks in Adulthood: Late Adulthood
Housing in Later Life
Older Adults’ Involvement in the Community
Enhancing Older Persons’ Use of Services and Programs
Person-Environment Fit and Quality of Life in Late Adulthood
Societal Intervention as Environmental Change
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 8: Interpersonal Relationships: Our Personal Network of Support 
Technology and Social Support
Aging and Convoy Membership
Functions of Social Convoys
Negative Interpersonal Interactions
Intergenerational Relationships: A Key Dimension of Our Convoy of Support
Functions of Intergenerational Relationships
Intergenerational Exchanges of Help and Assistance: Parents and Adult Children
Caregiving in an Intergenerational Context
Caregiving in Adulthood
Elder Abuse
Grandparents as Caregivers
Gender Differences in Social Support
Cultural Variations in the Intergenerational Kinship Network
Educational Implications of Intergenerational Relationships
Interest-Related and Deep Friendships
Remarriage Among Widows and Widowers
Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 9: Socialization and the Family 
Defining Socialization in Adulthood
Socializing Effects of Age (Cohort), Gender, and Culture
Interpersonal Relationships in Adulthood
Partner Selection and Marriage
LGBTQ Relationships
Relationship Satisfaction
Family Relationships
Defining Family in Later Life: Biological and Nonbiological Ties
Aging Family Roles and Transitions
Structural Changes and Adaptations: Divorce, Remarriage, and Blended Forms
Grandparenting and Second Parenthood
Social Networking and the Use of Social Media
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 10: Work 
Industrial Gerontology
Current Workforce Trends in the United States and Other Industrialized Nations
Career Trajectories and Transitions Affecting Aging
Situational, Cultural, and Cohort Factors Influencing Workforce Participation
Work-Related Stressors and Adaptation Efforts
Skill Updating to Avoid Obsolescence and Job Loss
Discouraged Older Worker Syndrome and Resilience
Ageism, Age Discrimination, and Older Workers’ Rights and Responsibilities
The Future of an Aging Workforce: National and Global Trends
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 11: Retirement 
Concepts/Theories Explaining Retirement Motivation
Types of Retirement Options and Associated Experiences
Health Factors and Gender Differences: Retirement Timing
Preretirement Attitudes and Retirement Preparation
Outcomes From Retirement: Short- and Long-Term Effects
Public Policy and Future Retirement Support Resources: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 12: Aging Well: Promoting Healthy Development Across the Life Span 
A Brief History of Successful Aging
Successful Aging Versus Healthy Aging
Pulling It All Together
Heterogeneity and Healthy Aging
Multidisciplinary Supports for Healthy Aging
Summary and Conclusion


Được tổ chức theo chủ đề, Phát triển và Lão hóa ở Người lớn: Tăng trưởng, Tuổi thọ và Thử thách cung cấp cho học sinh sự hiểu biết toàn diện về quá trình lão hóa ở tuổi trưởng thành từ nhiều góc độ. Các tác giả sử dụng các nguyên tắc phát triển tuổi thọ để cho người đọc thấy được tính định hướng của những thay đổi ở giai đoạn đầu, giữa và cuối tuổi trưởng thành. Trong khuôn khổ kiến ​​thức khoa học, văn bản trình bày bốn chủ đề chính để hướng dẫn người học: tập trung vào lão hóa là sự phát triển; một quan điểm toàn cầu về bối cảnh; một cách tiếp cận tích hợp, sôi động để đưa tin đa dạng; và khoa học tâm lý chuyển thành trải nghiệm thực tế. Chương cuối cùng tập trung vào các cách cải thiện trải nghiệm lão hóa cho tất cả người lớn.
Bao gồm với tiêu đề này:
Trang web tài nguyên dành cho người hướng dẫn được bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu (chính thức được gọi là SAGE Edge) cung cấp quyền truy cập vào tất cả các tài nguyên dành riêng cho văn bản, bao gồm ngân hàng bài kiểm tra và các trang trình bày PowerPoint® dành riêng cho từng chương có thể chỉnh sửa. Tìm hiểu thêm.


Publisher’s Acknowledgments
About the Authors
  Chapter 1: Studying Growth and Change Across the Life Span 
Principles of Life Span Development
Generational Cohorts
The Multidimensional Nature of Age
Developmental Research Methods: Disentangling Chronological Age, Historical Period, and Generational Cohort
Theoretical Frameworks
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 2: Biological Aging, Health, and Longevity 
Why Do We Age? Theories of Biological Aging
Age-Related Changes in Vison
Age-Related Changes in Audition
Age-Related Changes in Gustation
Age-Related Changes in Olfaction
Age-Related Changes in Somesthesis
Specific Chronic Health Conditions
Everyday Experience of Biological Aging
Life Expectancy and Life Span
From Theory to Application: Life Extension and Health Span
Integrating Across Topics
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 3: Cognitive Development Across Adulthood 
What Is Cognition?
Psychometric Approach
Crystallized (Gc) and Fluid (Gf) Abilities
Seattle Longitudinal Study and Primary Mental Abilities
Memory as Cognition
Information-Processing Approaches to Cognition
Noncognitive Influences on Cognitive Aging
Memory in Everyday Life
Optimizing Cognition in Adulthood
Other Frameworks Related to Cognitive Aging
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 4: Coping and Resiliency in Adulthood 
Life Events as Causes of Change
Stress and Coping in Adulthood
Coping With Loss in Adulthood: An Overview
Influences on How We Cope With Loss: How Death Is Defined
The Meaning We Attach to Death and Dying Influences How We Cope With Loss
Responses to Death and Dying as Influences on Coping With Loss
Coping With and Surviving Loss
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 5: Personality and Emotional Regulation 
Defining Personality in Adulthood
Stability and Change: Stage and Non-Stage Theories of Traits
The “Big Five” and Other Personality Models
Observable Behaviors and Impression Management
Resiliency in Adjustment to Aging
Defining Emotional Regulation in Later Life
Emotional Intelligence and Self-Control
Self-Determination and Personal Growth
Different Emotional Coping Styles and Strategies
Emotional Adaptation to Aging-Related Losses and Changes
Therapeutic Interventions to Support Positive Aging Adjustment
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 6: Mental Health and Intervention 
Mental Health in Adulthood
Alzheimer’s Disease
The Course of Alzheimer’s Disease
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Disorders That Mimic Dementia
Common Functional Disorders
The Mental Health Challenges Faced by College Students
Other Functional Disorders
Drug Use and Abuse Among Younger and Older Persons
Therapeutic Interventions With Adults and Older Persons
Goals for Therapy With Adults
Therapies With Adults and Older Persons
Behavioral Interventions
Prevention as Therapy
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 7: The Social-Environmental Context of Adulthood and Aging 
Understanding and Describing the Environment
Transactions With the Environment
Person-Environment Interaction
Adult Development in Context
Influences on the Developmental Niche in Adulthood: The Healthy and Not-So-Healthy
Real-Life Applications of Person- Environment Fit and Developmental Niche
Making Choices About Alternative Paths of Adult Development
Developmental Tasks in Adulthood: Young Adulthood
Developmental Tasks in Adulthood: Middle Adulthood
Developmental Tasks in Adulthood: Late Adulthood
Housing in Later Life
Older Adults’ Involvement in the Community
Enhancing Older Persons’ Use of Services and Programs
Person-Environment Fit and Quality of Life in Late Adulthood
Societal Intervention as Environmental Change
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 8: Interpersonal Relationships: Our Personal Network of Support 
Technology and Social Support
Aging and Convoy Membership
Functions of Social Convoys
Negative Interpersonal Interactions
Intergenerational Relationships: A Key Dimension of Our Convoy of Support
Functions of Intergenerational Relationships
Intergenerational Exchanges of Help and Assistance: Parents and Adult Children
Caregiving in an Intergenerational Context
Caregiving in Adulthood
Elder Abuse
Grandparents as Caregivers
Gender Differences in Social Support
Cultural Variations in the Intergenerational Kinship Network
Educational Implications of Intergenerational Relationships
Interest-Related and Deep Friendships
Remarriage Among Widows and Widowers
Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 9: Socialization and the Family 
Defining Socialization in Adulthood
Socializing Effects of Age (Cohort), Gender, and Culture
Interpersonal Relationships in Adulthood
Partner Selection and Marriage
LGBTQ Relationships
Relationship Satisfaction
Family Relationships
Defining Family in Later Life: Biological and Nonbiological Ties
Aging Family Roles and Transitions
Structural Changes and Adaptations: Divorce, Remarriage, and Blended Forms
Grandparenting and Second Parenthood
Social Networking and the Use of Social Media
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 10: Work 
Industrial Gerontology
Current Workforce Trends in the United States and Other Industrialized Nations
Career Trajectories and Transitions Affecting Aging
Situational, Cultural, and Cohort Factors Influencing Workforce Participation
Work-Related Stressors and Adaptation Efforts
Skill Updating to Avoid Obsolescence and Job Loss
Discouraged Older Worker Syndrome and Resilience
Ageism, Age Discrimination, and Older Workers’ Rights and Responsibilities
The Future of an Aging Workforce: National and Global Trends
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 11: Retirement 
Concepts/Theories Explaining Retirement Motivation
Types of Retirement Options and Associated Experiences
Health Factors and Gender Differences: Retirement Timing
Preretirement Attitudes and Retirement Preparation
Outcomes From Retirement: Short- and Long-Term Effects
Public Policy and Future Retirement Support Resources: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Summary and Conclusion
  Chapter 12: Aging Well: Promoting Healthy Development Across the Life Span 
A Brief History of Successful Aging
Successful Aging Versus Healthy Aging
Pulling It All Together
Heterogeneity and Healthy Aging
Multidisciplinary Supports for Healthy Aging
Summary and Conclusion

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