
Business Ethics 3rd Edition - Best Practices for Designing and Managing Ethical Organizations


Publisher:SAGE Publications, Inc
Author: Denis Collins; Patricia Kanashiro
Edition: @2022
eBook ISBN:9781544396842
Print ISBN: 9781071839973
Type: 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân  

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Đạo đức kinh doanh
Các phương pháp thực hành tốt nhất để thiết kế và quản lý các tổ chức có đạo đức
Đạo đức kinh doanh dạy cho sinh viên cách tạo ra các tổ chức có tính chính trực cao và hiệu suất vượt trội. Tác giả Denis Collins và đồng tác giả mới Patricia Kanashiro hướng dẫn độc giả cách thiết kế các tổ chức có đạo đức bằng cách sử dụng Mô hình hệ thống đạo đức nhằm phác thảo các phương pháp hay nhất để tuyển dụng, đào tạo, đưa ra các quyết định có đạo đức và nuôi dưỡng niềm tin. Phiên bản thứ ba được sửa đổi đáng kể tích hợp những kết quả nghiên cứu mới nhất; bao gồm ba chương mới về quản trị doanh nghiệp và mối quan hệ với các bên liên quan, tính bền vững toàn cầu và quyền công dân doanh nghiệp toàn cầu; và khám phá các chủ đề kịp thời thông qua các nghiên cứu điển hình mới về cuộc khủng hoảng opioid, phong trào #MeToo, biến đổi khí hậu và phản ứng của doanh nghiệp đối với đại dịch COVID-19.

About the Authors
Chapter 1 Unethical Behaviors in Organizations and Human Nature
Ethical Issues at Work
Daily Occurrence of Ethical Issues
Extent of Unethical Behaviors
Profession and Industry Issues
Operation Areas
Costs Associated With Unethical Behaviors
Legal Costs
Employee Theft Costs
Monitoring Costs
Reputation Costs
Abusive Treatment Costs
Recruitment and Turnover Costs
Competitive Advantages of Ethical Organizations
Ethical Applications: Persuading Employees of the Importance of Being Ethical
Human Nature
Born With Prior Knowledge of Right and Wrong
Born Good or With a Moral Sense
Born With Inherited Sin
Born Morally Neutral
Moral Development
Cognitive Development
Stages of Moral Development
Lies and Cheating
Why Do Good People Behave Unethically?
Unintended Unethical Behaviors
Choosing Between Competing Values
Intentional Unethical Behaviors
Failure to Report Unethical Behaviors
So, Why Be Moral?
Chapter 2 The Evolution of Business Ethics
The Historical Flow of Civilization and Business Ethics
Early Civilizations and Business Ethics
European Settlement of America and Business Ethics
Freedom, Rights, and the Ethics of Capitalism
Adam Smith’s Capitalism
Smith on Labor Issues
Business Ethics Under Capitalism
Unfair Competition
Labor Unions
Stakeholder Rights and the Interpenetrating Systems Model
From Regulation to Ethical Encouragements
Wages and Compensation
Minimum and Living Wages
Employee Benefits
Defense Industry Initiative
Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
Other Incentives
The Ethical Systems Model
A High-Integrity Work Culture
The Ethical Systems Model
Ethical Applications: The Total Quality Management of Ethics
Chapter 3 Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Relationships
Traditional Shareholder-Oriented Governance Systems
Shareholder “Best Interests”
Narrow Conception of Social Responsibility
Broad Conception of Social Responsibility
Ethical Applications: Business Roundtable Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation
Innovative Stakeholder-Oriented Governance Systems
Benefit Corporation and Certified B Corps
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
Corporate Governance Best Practices
Governance Problems and Issues
Undue Influence by CEO and Other Managers
Board Member Interests and Insider Trading
Board Diversity
Sexual Harassment
Shareholder Activism
Executive Pay
Chapter 4 Hiring Ethical People
Importance of an Ethics Screen
The Six-Step Ethics Job Screen Process
Step 1: Ethics Screen Notice
Step 2: Legal Ground Rules
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Disparate Impacts
Affirmative Action
Alcoholism and Smoking
Undocumented or Illegal Immigrants
Step 3: Behavioral Information
Reference Checks
Ethical Applications: Legal Protections for Contacting References
Background Checks
Integrity Tests
Step 4: Personality Traits and Related Characteristics
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Mental Disability Tests
Step 5: Interview Questions
Previous Ethical Dilemmas
Visual Lie Detection
Realistic Job Previews
Step 6: Post-Interview Tests
Drug Testing
Chapter 5 Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct
Differences Between a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct
Purpose and Importance of Codes
Align the Organization’s Values With Industry, Professional, and Legal Codes
Demonstrate Managerial Concern for Ethics
Convey a Particular Set of Values and Obligations
Meet Legal Requirements and Industry Trends
Positively Affect Employee Behaviors and Firm Performance
Code of Ethics
International Codes
Creating a Code of Ethics
Connecting Code of Ethics to Strategic Planning
Code of Conduct
Ethical Applications: Commitment to My Coworkers
Business Gratuities
Implementing an Effective Code Communication Strategy
Annual Code of Ethics Assessment
Chapter 6 Ethical Decision-Making
Ethical Behavior Model
Inpidual Characteristics (A)
Organization Characteristics (B)
Societal Characteristics (C)
Inpidual’s Moral Consciousness (D)
Situation’s Moral Intensity (E)
Ethical Judgment (F)
Ethical Intentions (G)
Systematic Rational Ethical Decision-Making Process (H)
Need for Moral Reflection: Volkswagen
A Systematic Rational Ethical Decision-Making Process
The Six Ethical Theories
Social Group Relativism
Cultural Relativism
Virtue Ethics
Universal Appeal
Reaching a Moral Conclusion: Volkswagen
Persuading Others
Ethical Applications: Achieving Ethical Consensus
Ten “Ethical Hazard Approaching” Signs
Chapter 7 Ethics Training
Building Awareness, Trust, and a High-Integrity Work Culture
Extent of Ethics Training
Who to Train
Web-Based Ethics Training
The Workshop Facilitator
Ethics Discussion Guidelines
Framing the Training Workshop
Ethics Training Options
Ethical Culture Workshops
Typical Behaviors Experienced
Ethical Culture Assessment
Code-of-Conduct Workshops
Code-of-Conduct Content
Applying the Code of Conduct to Specific Situations
Outcome of Code-of-Conduct Violations
Fraud and Theft Exploration
Ethical Decision-Making Workshops
Apply the Systematic Rational Ethical Decision-Making Process
Ethical Applications: Requiring Written Response to Ethical Dilemmas
Create Business Ethics Scenarios for Discussion
Scripting Responses to Unethical Behaviors
Ethical Self-Awareness Workshops
Ethics Personality Measures
Gratitude and Appreciation
Level-of-Moral-Development Analysis
Benchmark to an Ideal Employee
Work as a Calling
Inspirational Quotes
Assessing the Ethics Training Workshops
Chapter 8 Respecting Employee Diversity
Four Dimensions of Diversity
Permanent Dimension
Evolving Dimension
Personality Dimension
Organizational Dimension
History of Ethnic and Religious Diversity and Discrimination
Population Diversity Growth
Discriminatory Employment Practices
Unauthorized Immigrant Populations
Workplace Discrimination
Gender Discrimination Issues
Pay Inequality
Glass Ceiling
Race and Ethnicity Discrimination Issues
Religious Discrimination Issues
Age Discrimination Issues
Disability Discrimination Issues
Sexual Orientation Discrimination Issues
Harassment and Hostile Work Environments
Retaliation for Discrimination Claim
Diversity Management
Competitive Advantages of Diversity Management
Best Operational Practices for Managing Diversity
Implementing a Diversity Initiative
Diversity Training
Ethical Applications: Addressing Microaggressions
When You are the Target
When You are a Bystander
When You are the Microaggressor
Diversity Training Workshops
Who Are You?
Us Versus Them
Dominant Group and Subordinate Group Awareness
The Dominant Group’s Status
Implicit Attitude Test (IAT)
Inpidual Uniqueness and Commonalities
Sexual Harassment
Communication Style
Chapter 9 Ethics Reporting Systems
Employee Silence on Ethical Misconduct
Extent and Cost of Employee Silence
Reasons for Employee Silence
Organizational Factors
Observer Factors
Anticipated and Actual Negative Outcomes
Effective Internal Ethics Reporting System
Ethically Approachable Managers
Ethics Point Person
Ethics and Compliance Officer (ECO)
Ethics Assist Lines
How an Ethics Assist Line Works
Types of Inquiries
Effective Ethics Assist Lines
Whistleblowing Encouraged by Government
The False Claims Act
Reporting Tax Fraud
Dodd-Frank Act of 2010
Whistleblower Protection Laws
When to Blow the Whistle
Negative Outcomes for Whistleblowers
Organization Ethics Audit
Chapter 10 Managers as Ethical Leaders and Performance Assessments
Managerial Power
Exercise of Power
Traditional Leadership Styles
Authoritarian Leadership Style
Participatory Leadership Style
Situational Leadership Style
Ethical Leadership
Personal Integrity
What Is Ethical Leadership?
Ethical Leadership During Coronavirus
Measuring Ethical Leadership
Ethical Applications: Common Decencies at Work
Developing Ethical Leadership Skills
Servant Leadership
A Great Place to Work
Goals Fostering Ethical Behaviors
Holistic Organizational Goals
Stretch Goals
Goal Setting
Clawback Disincentives
Stress Management
Appraising Employee and Organization Ethical Performance
Transparent Employee Feedback
Performance Appraisals
Unethical Behaviors
Living Up to the Code-of-Ethics Performance Appraisals
Ideal-Employee Performance Appraisal
Collection and Evaluation Issues
Performance Appraisal Feedback
Disciplining Ethical Violations
Major Infractions
Minor Infractions
Forgiving Unethical Employees
Chapter 11 Ethically Engaging and Empowering Employees
Extent and Benefits of Employee Engagement
Ethically Engaging Employees
Human Needs
Paul Lawrence
Abraham Maslow
David Mcclelland
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Justice and Fairness
Unethical Bullies
Meaningful Work
Measuring Employee Engagement
Ethically Empowering Employees
Empowering Go-Getters, Fence-Sitters, and Adversarials
Adversarial Employees
Measuring a Manager’s Empowerment Behaviors
Empowering Through Teams
Empowering Effective Teams
Open-Book Management
Ethical Applications: Open-Book Management
Appreciative Inquiry
Daily Performance Huddles
Empowering Through Group-Based Financial Incentives
Scanlon-Type Gainsharing Plans
Profit Sharing
Stock Option and Stock Purchase Plans
Chapter 12 Global Sustainability
Economic Growth and the World’s Changing Climate
Economic Growth
Climate Change
Climate Change Impacts
International Treaties and National Public Policy
Global CO2 Emissions
Global Accountability and Cooperation
Competitive Advantages of Green Businesses
Business Sector Responses
Green Energy, Technology, and Jobs
Science-Based Firms
Managing the Environmental Change Process
Green Organization Features
Green Mission Statement
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Green Buildings
Ethical Applications: Steps to Green Your Office
Cradle-to-Cradle Products in a Circular Economy
Green Suppliers
Environmental Goals and Performance Indicators
Carbon Offsets and Green Philanthropy
Chapter 13 Global Corporate Citizenship
International Business
Political Norms and Risks—McKinsey in South Africa
Legal and Judicial Norms and Risks—Uber in Brazil
Cultural Norms and Risks—U.S. Pharmaceuticals in India
Global Business Civilizing Efforts
Addressing “When in Rome Do As The Romans Do”
Integrative Social Contract Theory
United Nations Global Compact
Bribery and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
Sweatshops and Child Labor
Non-Western Society Corporate Social Responsibility Examples
Business Case for Community Involvement
Reputation Benefits
Networking Benefits
Global CSR Business Opportunities for Addressing Poverty
Fair Trade
Social Entrepreneurship
Bottom of the Pyramid
Philanthropy and Volunteerism
Giving Money
Giving Products
Ethical Applications: A Highly Integrated Win–Win Donation
Giving Skills
Giving Job Opportunities
Strategic Philanthropy
Community Involvement Management Process and Employee Training Benefits
Happiness and Work–Life Balance
Stakeholder Engagement
Multiple Stakeholder Demands
Stakeholder Dialogues
Community Reputation Assessment
Social Performance Reporting
Case Study 1 Opioid Responsibility: Big Pharma, Doctors, Consultants, and Patients
Author Biography
Case Overview
Creating a Nation of Addicts: Purdue Pharma and Oxycontin
Purdue Pharma
What is an Opioid?
What is Oxycontin?
Creating a Market for Pain Relief
Success: Oxycontin Sales Soar
The Safer Drug That Wasn’t Safer
An Addiction Epidemic
Who’s to Blame for the Epidemic?
Purdue’s Response
Case Study 2 Bayer and Monsanto: Acquiring a Global Giant with a Giant Image Problem
Author Biographies
Case Overview
Bayer’s Business History and Controversies
Monsanto’s Business History and Image Problem
GMO Controversy
Acceptance of GMOs Internationally
GMO Labeling Problem
Intellectual Property Rights Problems
GMO Cotton Problem in India
Roundup Product Problem
Monsanto Public Relations Strategy
Monsanto Collaboration Strategy
Monsanto’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
Bayer’s Acquisition Problems
Case Study 3 Searching for the “New Normal”: The Business Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020
Author Biographies
Case Overview
Shutdown Orders
Impact on Business
Business Response 1: Sharing The Cost with Employees and other Stakeholders
Business Response 2: Putting Stakeholders First
Businesses and Frontline Workers
Business and Other Stakeholders
Business and The Community
Small Business: Pivoting to Survive
COVID-19 and Academia
In Search of A “New Normal”
Business Advantages of the New Normal
Case Study 4 The Happiness Minimum Wage: The Story of Dan Price and Gravity Payments
Author Biography
Case Overview
Salary Increase Influences
What is The Happiness Minimum Wage?
The Complex Question of Appropriate Wages
Thinking About Wages
The Living Wage
The Minimum Wage
Theory of Efficiency of Wages
Values and Motives
Epilogue: Where are Dan Price and Gravity Payments Today?
Discussion Questions
Case Study 5 Volkswagen’s Diesel Scandal: Failure of the Code of Conduct
Author Biography
Case Overview
Codes of Conduct
Volkswagen’s Code of Conduct
Fundamentals of Engineering Ethics—German Association of Engineers (VDI)
Mounting Pressure on VW
External Factors
Fuel Prices
Shift in Customer Demand
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
Emissions Standards
Internal Factors
Strategy 2018
Governance Structure
Autocratic Leadership
Legal and Ethical Lapses
VW’s Emphasis on the Environment and Sustainability
Development of A “Clean Diesel” Engine
Testing The “Clean Diesel” Engine
Knowledge About the Defeat Device
Stock Price
Financial Costs
Credit Ratings
Car Sales
Prison Sentences
Writing the Initial Report
Case Study 6 Troubles in Higher Education: The Growing Dilemma of Student Debt
Author Biography
Case Overview
Student Loan Growth Crisis
Lending to Students: The Backstory
History of the Federal Student Loan Program
Public Student Loans Available in Higher Education
Direct Subsidized Stafford Loans
Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
Perkins Loans
Pell Grants
FSEOG Grant (aka SEOG Grant)
Federal Work-Study
Parent PLUS Loans
Graduate PLUS Loans (aka Direct PLUS Loans)
Private Student Loans
Student Loan Consolidation
Loan Forgiveness
Student Loan Repayment: Plans and Options
The Standard Repayment Plan
The Graduated Repayment Plan
The Extended Repayment Plan
The Pay-as-You-Earn Repayment Plan (PAYE)
The Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR)
The Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR)
The Income-Sensitive Repayment Plan (ISR)
Higher Education: Nonprofit Versus For-Profit Institutions
Where Do We Go From Here?
Case Study 7 Deutsche Bank’s Path Back to Profitability: From Corruption to Compliance
Author Biography
Case Overview
History of Deutsche Bank
A Culture of Corruption
Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)
Mirror Trades
LIBOR Fixing
Jeffrey Epstein
Political Hirings and Bribes in China
Risk Factors in DB’s Strategic Plan
Donald Trump’s DB Loans
Other Risk Factors
Path to Profitability and Integrity
Internal Controls and Compliance
Cultural Change
Aetna: An Example of Cultural Change
Case Study 8 Starbucks: A Socially Responsible Firm And A Diversity Crisis
Author Biography
Community Involvement Background
Philadelphia Diversity Incident
Antibias Diversity Training Day and Curriculum
Other Social Justice Issues
Case Study 9 Boeing 737 Max and the Challenger: The Tale of Flying Objects Falling From the Sky
Author Biography
Case Overview
Ethical Decision-Making
The Space Shuttle Challenger
The Boeing 737 Max
Case Study 10 The Wells Fargo Scandal: A Tale of a Toxic Corporate Culture
Author Biographies
Case Overview
Financial Crisis of 2007–2008 and Its Aftermath
How Did the Fraud Occur?
How Did This Happen at Wells Fargo?
A Toxic Corporate Culture
Employees Succumbed
Leadership Was Complicit
Result: System Failure
What About the Customers?
What About the Regulators?
Bottom-Line Costs of Bad Behavior
Personal Costs
First Steps for Wells Fargo
Change at Wells Fargo
Looking Forward
Case Study 11 Uber’s #MeToo Reckoning: Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination
Author Biographies
Case Overview
Self-Care Message
History of Uber
Uber’s Climate of Tolerance
Fowler’s Account
Decision to Quit
Postevent Responses by Uber Leadership
Changes and Resolutions
A Brief Overview of the Research Evidence
Internal Reporting Systems and Whistleblowing
Incidents and Reporting of Sexual Harassment
Employee Silence
Consequences for Employees Experiencing Sexual Harassment
Preventative Approaches
Evidence Summary
Case Study 12 The Paris Climate Change Agreement: Walmart and Amazon as Sustainability Leaders
Author Biographies
Background: The Global Paris Climate Agreement
U.S. Climate Domestic Policies
The Climate Change Response from Global Businesses: Walmart’s and Amazon’s Climate Policy Approaches
Reducing GHG Emissions in Direct Operations (Scope 1 And 2)
Reducing GHG Emissions in the Supply Chain (Scope 3 Upstream)
Reducing GHG Emissions from Consumers (Scope 3 Downstream)
Increasing Pressures to Protect the Environment and Address Climate Change
Case Study 13 Corporate Citizen or Public Parasite? Amazon’s Complicated Relationship With the IRS
Author Biography
Case Overview
From Basement Bookstore to Global Juggernaut
Taxing Amazon’s Success?
Just How Much Tax Should Amazon be Paying?
Is Amazon Unique in Avoiding its Taxes?
Why Do (or Don’t) Corporations Pay Taxes?
What Does a Corporation Owe its Shareholders?
What Does a Corporation Owe the Rest of US?
Does Tax Avoidance Really Maximize Shareholder Value?
Does Amazon Give Good Returns on Tax Incentives?
Amazon is not Picking up its Share of Society’s Tab
Appendix Ethical Considerations


Đạo đức kinh doanh
Các phương pháp thực hành tốt nhất để thiết kế và quản lý các tổ chức có đạo đức
Đạo đức kinh doanh dạy cho sinh viên cách tạo ra các tổ chức có tính chính trực cao và hiệu suất vượt trội. Tác giả Denis Collins và đồng tác giả mới Patricia Kanashiro hướng dẫn độc giả cách thiết kế các tổ chức có đạo đức bằng cách sử dụng Mô hình hệ thống đạo đức nhằm phác thảo các phương pháp hay nhất để tuyển dụng, đào tạo, đưa ra các quyết định có đạo đức và nuôi dưỡng niềm tin. Phiên bản thứ ba được sửa đổi đáng kể tích hợp những kết quả nghiên cứu mới nhất; bao gồm ba chương mới về quản trị doanh nghiệp và mối quan hệ với các bên liên quan, tính bền vững toàn cầu và quyền công dân doanh nghiệp toàn cầu; và khám phá các chủ đề kịp thời thông qua các nghiên cứu điển hình mới về cuộc khủng hoảng opioid, phong trào #MeToo, biến đổi khí hậu và phản ứng của doanh nghiệp đối với đại dịch COVID-19.


About the Authors
Chapter 1 Unethical Behaviors in Organizations and Human Nature
Ethical Issues at Work
Daily Occurrence of Ethical Issues
Extent of Unethical Behaviors
Profession and Industry Issues
Operation Areas
Costs Associated With Unethical Behaviors
Legal Costs
Employee Theft Costs
Monitoring Costs
Reputation Costs
Abusive Treatment Costs
Recruitment and Turnover Costs
Competitive Advantages of Ethical Organizations
Ethical Applications: Persuading Employees of the Importance of Being Ethical
Human Nature
Born With Prior Knowledge of Right and Wrong
Born Good or With a Moral Sense
Born With Inherited Sin
Born Morally Neutral
Moral Development
Cognitive Development
Stages of Moral Development
Lies and Cheating
Why Do Good People Behave Unethically?
Unintended Unethical Behaviors
Choosing Between Competing Values
Intentional Unethical Behaviors
Failure to Report Unethical Behaviors
So, Why Be Moral?
Chapter 2 The Evolution of Business Ethics
The Historical Flow of Civilization and Business Ethics
Early Civilizations and Business Ethics
European Settlement of America and Business Ethics
Freedom, Rights, and the Ethics of Capitalism
Adam Smith’s Capitalism
Smith on Labor Issues
Business Ethics Under Capitalism
Unfair Competition
Labor Unions
Stakeholder Rights and the Interpenetrating Systems Model
From Regulation to Ethical Encouragements
Wages and Compensation
Minimum and Living Wages
Employee Benefits
Defense Industry Initiative
Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
Other Incentives
The Ethical Systems Model
A High-Integrity Work Culture
The Ethical Systems Model
Ethical Applications: The Total Quality Management of Ethics
Chapter 3 Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Relationships
Traditional Shareholder-Oriented Governance Systems
Shareholder “Best Interests”
Narrow Conception of Social Responsibility
Broad Conception of Social Responsibility
Ethical Applications: Business Roundtable Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation
Innovative Stakeholder-Oriented Governance Systems
Benefit Corporation and Certified B Corps
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
Corporate Governance Best Practices
Governance Problems and Issues
Undue Influence by CEO and Other Managers
Board Member Interests and Insider Trading
Board Diversity
Sexual Harassment
Shareholder Activism
Executive Pay
Chapter 4 Hiring Ethical People
Importance of an Ethics Screen
The Six-Step Ethics Job Screen Process
Step 1: Ethics Screen Notice
Step 2: Legal Ground Rules
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Disparate Impacts
Affirmative Action
Alcoholism and Smoking
Undocumented or Illegal Immigrants
Step 3: Behavioral Information
Reference Checks
Ethical Applications: Legal Protections for Contacting References
Background Checks
Integrity Tests
Step 4: Personality Traits and Related Characteristics
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Mental Disability Tests
Step 5: Interview Questions
Previous Ethical Dilemmas
Visual Lie Detection
Realistic Job Previews
Step 6: Post-Interview Tests
Drug Testing
Chapter 5 Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct
Differences Between a Code of Ethics and a Code of Conduct
Purpose and Importance of Codes
Align the Organization’s Values With Industry, Professional, and Legal Codes
Demonstrate Managerial Concern for Ethics
Convey a Particular Set of Values and Obligations
Meet Legal Requirements and Industry Trends
Positively Affect Employee Behaviors and Firm Performance
Code of Ethics
International Codes
Creating a Code of Ethics
Connecting Code of Ethics to Strategic Planning
Code of Conduct
Ethical Applications: Commitment to My Coworkers
Business Gratuities
Implementing an Effective Code Communication Strategy
Annual Code of Ethics Assessment
Chapter 6 Ethical Decision-Making
Ethical Behavior Model
Inpidual Characteristics (A)
Organization Characteristics (B)
Societal Characteristics (C)
Inpidual’s Moral Consciousness (D)
Situation’s Moral Intensity (E)
Ethical Judgment (F)
Ethical Intentions (G)
Systematic Rational Ethical Decision-Making Process (H)
Need for Moral Reflection: Volkswagen
A Systematic Rational Ethical Decision-Making Process
The Six Ethical Theories
Social Group Relativism
Cultural Relativism
Virtue Ethics
Universal Appeal
Reaching a Moral Conclusion: Volkswagen
Persuading Others
Ethical Applications: Achieving Ethical Consensus
Ten “Ethical Hazard Approaching” Signs
Chapter 7 Ethics Training
Building Awareness, Trust, and a High-Integrity Work Culture
Extent of Ethics Training
Who to Train
Web-Based Ethics Training
The Workshop Facilitator
Ethics Discussion Guidelines
Framing the Training Workshop
Ethics Training Options
Ethical Culture Workshops
Typical Behaviors Experienced
Ethical Culture Assessment
Code-of-Conduct Workshops
Code-of-Conduct Content
Applying the Code of Conduct to Specific Situations
Outcome of Code-of-Conduct Violations
Fraud and Theft Exploration
Ethical Decision-Making Workshops
Apply the Systematic Rational Ethical Decision-Making Process
Ethical Applications: Requiring Written Response to Ethical Dilemmas
Create Business Ethics Scenarios for Discussion
Scripting Responses to Unethical Behaviors
Ethical Self-Awareness Workshops
Ethics Personality Measures
Gratitude and Appreciation
Level-of-Moral-Development Analysis
Benchmark to an Ideal Employee
Work as a Calling
Inspirational Quotes
Assessing the Ethics Training Workshops
Chapter 8 Respecting Employee Diversity
Four Dimensions of Diversity
Permanent Dimension
Evolving Dimension
Personality Dimension
Organizational Dimension
History of Ethnic and Religious Diversity and Discrimination
Population Diversity Growth
Discriminatory Employment Practices
Unauthorized Immigrant Populations
Workplace Discrimination
Gender Discrimination Issues
Pay Inequality
Glass Ceiling
Race and Ethnicity Discrimination Issues
Religious Discrimination Issues
Age Discrimination Issues
Disability Discrimination Issues
Sexual Orientation Discrimination Issues
Harassment and Hostile Work Environments
Retaliation for Discrimination Claim
Diversity Management
Competitive Advantages of Diversity Management
Best Operational Practices for Managing Diversity
Implementing a Diversity Initiative
Diversity Training
Ethical Applications: Addressing Microaggressions
When You are the Target
When You are a Bystander
When You are the Microaggressor
Diversity Training Workshops
Who Are You?
Us Versus Them
Dominant Group and Subordinate Group Awareness
The Dominant Group’s Status
Implicit Attitude Test (IAT)
Inpidual Uniqueness and Commonalities
Sexual Harassment
Communication Style
Chapter 9 Ethics Reporting Systems
Employee Silence on Ethical Misconduct
Extent and Cost of Employee Silence
Reasons for Employee Silence
Organizational Factors
Observer Factors
Anticipated and Actual Negative Outcomes
Effective Internal Ethics Reporting System
Ethically Approachable Managers
Ethics Point Person
Ethics and Compliance Officer (ECO)
Ethics Assist Lines
How an Ethics Assist Line Works
Types of Inquiries
Effective Ethics Assist Lines
Whistleblowing Encouraged by Government
The False Claims Act
Reporting Tax Fraud
Dodd-Frank Act of 2010
Whistleblower Protection Laws
When to Blow the Whistle
Negative Outcomes for Whistleblowers
Organization Ethics Audit
Chapter 10 Managers as Ethical Leaders and Performance Assessments
Managerial Power
Exercise of Power
Traditional Leadership Styles
Authoritarian Leadership Style
Participatory Leadership Style
Situational Leadership Style
Ethical Leadership
Personal Integrity
What Is Ethical Leadership?
Ethical Leadership During Coronavirus
Measuring Ethical Leadership
Ethical Applications: Common Decencies at Work
Developing Ethical Leadership Skills
Servant Leadership
A Great Place to Work
Goals Fostering Ethical Behaviors
Holistic Organizational Goals
Stretch Goals
Goal Setting
Clawback Disincentives
Stress Management
Appraising Employee and Organization Ethical Performance
Transparent Employee Feedback
Performance Appraisals
Unethical Behaviors
Living Up to the Code-of-Ethics Performance Appraisals
Ideal-Employee Performance Appraisal
Collection and Evaluation Issues
Performance Appraisal Feedback
Disciplining Ethical Violations
Major Infractions
Minor Infractions
Forgiving Unethical Employees
Chapter 11 Ethically Engaging and Empowering Employees
Extent and Benefits of Employee Engagement
Ethically Engaging Employees
Human Needs
Paul Lawrence
Abraham Maslow
David Mcclelland
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Justice and Fairness
Unethical Bullies
Meaningful Work
Measuring Employee Engagement
Ethically Empowering Employees
Empowering Go-Getters, Fence-Sitters, and Adversarials
Adversarial Employees
Measuring a Manager’s Empowerment Behaviors
Empowering Through Teams
Empowering Effective Teams
Open-Book Management
Ethical Applications: Open-Book Management
Appreciative Inquiry
Daily Performance Huddles
Empowering Through Group-Based Financial Incentives
Scanlon-Type Gainsharing Plans
Profit Sharing
Stock Option and Stock Purchase Plans
Chapter 12 Global Sustainability
Economic Growth and the World’s Changing Climate
Economic Growth
Climate Change
Climate Change Impacts
International Treaties and National Public Policy
Global CO2 Emissions
Global Accountability and Cooperation
Competitive Advantages of Green Businesses
Business Sector Responses
Green Energy, Technology, and Jobs
Science-Based Firms
Managing the Environmental Change Process
Green Organization Features
Green Mission Statement
Environmental Management System (EMS)
Green Buildings
Ethical Applications: Steps to Green Your Office
Cradle-to-Cradle Products in a Circular Economy
Green Suppliers
Environmental Goals and Performance Indicators
Carbon Offsets and Green Philanthropy
Chapter 13 Global Corporate Citizenship
International Business
Political Norms and Risks—McKinsey in South Africa
Legal and Judicial Norms and Risks—Uber in Brazil
Cultural Norms and Risks—U.S. Pharmaceuticals in India
Global Business Civilizing Efforts
Addressing “When in Rome Do As The Romans Do”
Integrative Social Contract Theory
United Nations Global Compact
Bribery and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
Sweatshops and Child Labor
Non-Western Society Corporate Social Responsibility Examples
Business Case for Community Involvement
Reputation Benefits
Networking Benefits
Global CSR Business Opportunities for Addressing Poverty
Fair Trade
Social Entrepreneurship
Bottom of the Pyramid
Philanthropy and Volunteerism
Giving Money
Giving Products
Ethical Applications: A Highly Integrated Win–Win Donation
Giving Skills
Giving Job Opportunities
Strategic Philanthropy
Community Involvement Management Process and Employee Training Benefits
Happiness and Work–Life Balance
Stakeholder Engagement
Multiple Stakeholder Demands
Stakeholder Dialogues
Community Reputation Assessment
Social Performance Reporting
Case Study 1 Opioid Responsibility: Big Pharma, Doctors, Consultants, and Patients
Author Biography
Case Overview
Creating a Nation of Addicts: Purdue Pharma and Oxycontin
Purdue Pharma
What is an Opioid?
What is Oxycontin?
Creating a Market for Pain Relief
Success: Oxycontin Sales Soar
The Safer Drug That Wasn’t Safer
An Addiction Epidemic
Who’s to Blame for the Epidemic?
Purdue’s Response
Case Study 2 Bayer and Monsanto: Acquiring a Global Giant with a Giant Image Problem
Author Biographies
Case Overview
Bayer’s Business History and Controversies
Monsanto’s Business History and Image Problem
GMO Controversy
Acceptance of GMOs Internationally
GMO Labeling Problem
Intellectual Property Rights Problems
GMO Cotton Problem in India
Roundup Product Problem
Monsanto Public Relations Strategy
Monsanto Collaboration Strategy
Monsanto’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
Bayer’s Acquisition Problems
Case Study 3 Searching for the “New Normal”: The Business Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020
Author Biographies
Case Overview
Shutdown Orders
Impact on Business
Business Response 1: Sharing The Cost with Employees and other Stakeholders
Business Response 2: Putting Stakeholders First
Businesses and Frontline Workers
Business and Other Stakeholders
Business and The Community
Small Business: Pivoting to Survive
COVID-19 and Academia
In Search of A “New Normal”
Business Advantages of the New Normal
Case Study 4 The Happiness Minimum Wage: The Story of Dan Price and Gravity Payments
Author Biography
Case Overview
Salary Increase Influences
What is The Happiness Minimum Wage?
The Complex Question of Appropriate Wages
Thinking About Wages
The Living Wage
The Minimum Wage
Theory of Efficiency of Wages
Values and Motives
Epilogue: Where are Dan Price and Gravity Payments Today?
Discussion Questions
Case Study 5 Volkswagen’s Diesel Scandal: Failure of the Code of Conduct
Author Biography
Case Overview
Codes of Conduct
Volkswagen’s Code of Conduct
Fundamentals of Engineering Ethics—German Association of Engineers (VDI)
Mounting Pressure on VW
External Factors
Fuel Prices
Shift in Customer Demand
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles
Emissions Standards
Internal Factors
Strategy 2018
Governance Structure
Autocratic Leadership
Legal and Ethical Lapses
VW’s Emphasis on the Environment and Sustainability
Development of A “Clean Diesel” Engine
Testing The “Clean Diesel” Engine
Knowledge About the Defeat Device
Stock Price
Financial Costs
Credit Ratings
Car Sales
Prison Sentences
Writing the Initial Report
Case Study 6 Troubles in Higher Education: The Growing Dilemma of Student Debt
Author Biography
Case Overview
Student Loan Growth Crisis
Lending to Students: The Backstory
History of the Federal Student Loan Program
Public Student Loans Available in Higher Education
Direct Subsidized Stafford Loans
Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
Perkins Loans
Pell Grants
FSEOG Grant (aka SEOG Grant)
Federal Work-Study
Parent PLUS Loans
Graduate PLUS Loans (aka Direct PLUS Loans)
Private Student Loans
Student Loan Consolidation
Loan Forgiveness
Student Loan Repayment: Plans and Options
The Standard Repayment Plan
The Graduated Repayment Plan
The Extended Repayment Plan
The Pay-as-You-Earn Repayment Plan (PAYE)
The Income-Based Repayment Plan (IBR)
The Income-Contingent Repayment Plan (ICR)
The Income-Sensitive Repayment Plan (ISR)
Higher Education: Nonprofit Versus For-Profit Institutions
Where Do We Go From Here?
Case Study 7 Deutsche Bank’s Path Back to Profitability: From Corruption to Compliance
Author Biography
Case Overview
History of Deutsche Bank
A Culture of Corruption
Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS)
Mirror Trades
LIBOR Fixing
Jeffrey Epstein
Political Hirings and Bribes in China
Risk Factors in DB’s Strategic Plan
Donald Trump’s DB Loans
Other Risk Factors
Path to Profitability and Integrity
Internal Controls and Compliance
Cultural Change
Aetna: An Example of Cultural Change
Case Study 8 Starbucks: A Socially Responsible Firm And A Diversity Crisis
Author Biography
Community Involvement Background
Philadelphia Diversity Incident
Antibias Diversity Training Day and Curriculum
Other Social Justice Issues
Case Study 9 Boeing 737 Max and the Challenger: The Tale of Flying Objects Falling From the Sky
Author Biography
Case Overview
Ethical Decision-Making
The Space Shuttle Challenger
The Boeing 737 Max
Case Study 10 The Wells Fargo Scandal: A Tale of a Toxic Corporate Culture
Author Biographies
Case Overview
Financial Crisis of 2007–2008 and Its Aftermath
How Did the Fraud Occur?
How Did This Happen at Wells Fargo?
A Toxic Corporate Culture
Employees Succumbed
Leadership Was Complicit
Result: System Failure
What About the Customers?
What About the Regulators?
Bottom-Line Costs of Bad Behavior
Personal Costs
First Steps for Wells Fargo
Change at Wells Fargo
Looking Forward
Case Study 11 Uber’s #MeToo Reckoning: Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination
Author Biographies
Case Overview
Self-Care Message
History of Uber
Uber’s Climate of Tolerance
Fowler’s Account
Decision to Quit
Postevent Responses by Uber Leadership
Changes and Resolutions
A Brief Overview of the Research Evidence
Internal Reporting Systems and Whistleblowing
Incidents and Reporting of Sexual Harassment
Employee Silence
Consequences for Employees Experiencing Sexual Harassment
Preventative Approaches
Evidence Summary
Case Study 12 The Paris Climate Change Agreement: Walmart and Amazon as Sustainability Leaders
Author Biographies
Background: The Global Paris Climate Agreement
U.S. Climate Domestic Policies
The Climate Change Response from Global Businesses: Walmart’s and Amazon’s Climate Policy Approaches
Reducing GHG Emissions in Direct Operations (Scope 1 And 2)
Reducing GHG Emissions in the Supply Chain (Scope 3 Upstream)
Reducing GHG Emissions from Consumers (Scope 3 Downstream)
Increasing Pressures to Protect the Environment and Address Climate Change
Case Study 13 Corporate Citizen or Public Parasite? Amazon’s Complicated Relationship With the IRS
Author Biography
Case Overview
From Basement Bookstore to Global Juggernaut
Taxing Amazon’s Success?
Just How Much Tax Should Amazon be Paying?
Is Amazon Unique in Avoiding its Taxes?
Why Do (or Don’t) Corporations Pay Taxes?
What Does a Corporation Owe its Shareholders?
What Does a Corporation Owe the Rest of US?
Does Tax Avoidance Really Maximize Shareholder Value?
Does Amazon Give Good Returns on Tax Incentives?
Amazon is not Picking up its Share of Society’s Tab
Appendix Ethical Considerations

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