Creating Effective Teams 6th Edition A Guide for Members and Leaders
Publisher: | SAGE Publications, Inc |
Author: | Susan A. Wheelan; Maria Åkerlund; Christian Jacobsson |
Edition: | @2021 |
eBook ISBN: | 9781544332963 |
Print ISBN: | 9781544332970 |
Type: | 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân |
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Tạo nhóm hiệu quả
Hướng dẫn dành cho Thành viên và Lãnh đạo
Hướng dẫn thực tế để xây dựng và duy trì các nhóm hoạt động hiệu quả nhất Dựa trên kinh nghiệm tư vấn nhiều năm của các tác giả với các nhóm trong khu vực công và tư nhân, Tạo nhóm hiệu quả: Hướng dẫn dành cho thành viên và lãnh đạo mô tả lý do tại sao các nhóm lại quan trọng, cách họ hoạt động, và điều gì khiến họ thành công. Các văn bản bao gồm bốn giai đoạn phát triển nhóm — hình thành, tấn công, chuẩn mực và thực hiện — để giúp người đọc định hướng các giai đoạn khác nhau này một cách hiệu quả. Các chương riêng biệt được dành cho trách nhiệm của trưởng nhóm và các thành viên trong nhóm. Susan A. Wheelan, Maria Akerlund và Christian Jacobsson nêu bật những vấn đề thường gặp xảy ra trong nhóm cũng như cung cấp những lời khuyên thiết thực, ví dụ thực tế và bảng câu hỏi để giúp giải quyết những vấn đề đó.
About the Authors
Chapter 1 • Why Groups?
Groups Have a Long History of Success
We Need Groups Every Day
Groups Increase Our Knowledge Base
When Teams Are Good, They’re Very, Very Good
Creating Effective Teams
How to Use This Book
Chapter 2 • Effective Organizational Support for Teams
Plant Groups in a Favorable Organizational Climate
Give Groups What They Need to Do Their Best
Pick Members Based on Their Ability to Do the Task and Their Ability to Contribute to Group Success
Educate People for Group Participation Competence
Avoid Unsubstantiated Team Development and Consultation Strategies
Avoid Helping Groups Too Much
Make Sure Each Group Has Enough Autonomy to Do Its Work but Remains Connected With the Rest of the Organization
Conduct Organizational Support Reviews Regularly
The Organizational Support Checklist
Chapter 3 • From Groups to Teams: The Stages of Group Development
Stage 1: Dependence and Inclusion
Stage 2: Counterdependence and Fighting
Stage 3: Trust and Structure
Stage 4: Work and Productivity
Surviving Group Development
Chapter 4 • How Do High Performance Teams Function?
The Characteristics of High Performance Teams
Ten Keys to Productivity
Team Performance Checklist
Chapter 5 • Effective Team Members
Don’t Blame Others for Group Problems
Encourage the Process of Goal, Role, and Task Clarification
Encourage the Adoption of an Open Communication Structure in Which All Member Input and Feedback Are Heard
Promote an Appropriate Ratio of Task and Supportive Communications
Promote the Use of Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Procedures
Encourage the Establishment of Norms That Support Productivity, Innovation, and Freedom of Expression
Go Along With Norms That Promote Group Effectiveness and Productivity
Promote Group Cohesion and Cooperation
Effective Member Checklist
Chapter 6 • Effective Team Leadership
Don’t Take On Every Leadership Assignment You Are Offered
Adjust Your Leadership Style to Meet the Developmental Needs of the Group at a Particular Time
Leadership at Stage 1: Be a Directive and Confident Leader
Leadership at Stage 2: When Members Begin to Demand More Participation in Running the Group, Slowly Begin to Empower Them
Leadership at Stage 3: Involve Members in the Leadership Function
Leadership at Stage 4: Participate as an Expert Member of Your Team
Effective Leader Checklist
Chapter 7 • Navigating Stage 1
Goals of Stage 1
Concerns About Safety and Inclusion
Dependence on the Designated Leader
A Wish for Order and Structure
Chapter 8 • Surviving Stage 2
Goals of Stage 2
Create a Unified Group Culture
Create a Unified and Effective Group Structure
Chapter 9 • Reorganizing at Stage 3
Goals of Stage 3
Fine-Tuning Roles, Organization, and Procedures
Solidifying Positive Relationships
Chapter 10 • Sustaining High Performance
Goals of Stage 4
Getting the Work Done Well
Making Decisions
Cohesion and Conflict
Maintaining High Performance
Chapter 11 • Changes in Team Functioning
Fluid Teams
Self-Managed Teams
Agile Teams
Virtual Teams
Multicultural Teams
Chapter 12 • Research on the Integrated Model of Group Development
Does the Model Describe What Really Happens in Groups?
How Are Groups Distributed Across the Four Stages?
On Average, How Long Does the Development Process Take?
Does Team Building Have Any Effect?
Does Group Size Affect Group Maturity?
How Do Work Groups in Different Sectors Function?
A Final Thought
Tạo nhóm hiệu quả
Hướng dẫn dành cho Thành viên và Lãnh đạo
Hướng dẫn thực tế để xây dựng và duy trì các nhóm hoạt động hiệu quả nhất Dựa trên kinh nghiệm tư vấn nhiều năm của các tác giả với các nhóm trong khu vực công và tư nhân, Tạo nhóm hiệu quả: Hướng dẫn dành cho thành viên và lãnh đạo mô tả lý do tại sao các nhóm lại quan trọng, cách họ hoạt động, và điều gì khiến họ thành công. Các văn bản bao gồm bốn giai đoạn phát triển nhóm — hình thành, tấn công, chuẩn mực và thực hiện — để giúp người đọc định hướng các giai đoạn khác nhau này một cách hiệu quả. Các chương riêng biệt được dành cho trách nhiệm của trưởng nhóm và các thành viên trong nhóm. Susan A. Wheelan, Maria Akerlund và Christian Jacobsson nêu bật những vấn đề thường gặp xảy ra trong nhóm cũng như cung cấp những lời khuyên thiết thực, ví dụ thực tế và bảng câu hỏi để giúp giải quyết những vấn đề đó.
Tạo nhóm hiệu quả
Hướng dẫn dành cho Thành viên và Lãnh đạo
Hướng dẫn thực tế để xây dựng và duy trì các nhóm hoạt động hiệu quả nhất Dựa trên kinh nghiệm tư vấn nhiều năm của các tác giả với các nhóm trong khu vực công và tư nhân, Tạo nhóm hiệu quả: Hướng dẫn dành cho thành viên và lãnh đạo mô tả lý do tại sao các nhóm lại quan trọng, cách họ hoạt động, và điều gì khiến họ thành công. Các văn bản bao gồm bốn giai đoạn phát triển nhóm — hình thành, tấn công, chuẩn mực và thực hiện — để giúp người đọc định hướng các giai đoạn khác nhau này một cách hiệu quả. Các chương riêng biệt được dành cho trách nhiệm của trưởng nhóm và các thành viên trong nhóm. Susan A. Wheelan, Maria Akerlund và Christian Jacobsson nêu bật những vấn đề thường gặp xảy ra trong nhóm cũng như cung cấp những lời khuyên thiết thực, ví dụ thực tế và bảng câu hỏi để giúp giải quyết những vấn đề đó.
About the Authors
Chapter 1 • Why Groups?
Groups Have a Long History of Success
We Need Groups Every Day
Groups Increase Our Knowledge Base
When Teams Are Good, They’re Very, Very Good
Creating Effective Teams
How to Use This Book
Chapter 2 • Effective Organizational Support for Teams
Plant Groups in a Favorable Organizational Climate
Give Groups What They Need to Do Their Best
Pick Members Based on Their Ability to Do the Task and Their Ability to Contribute to Group Success
Educate People for Group Participation Competence
Avoid Unsubstantiated Team Development and Consultation Strategies
Avoid Helping Groups Too Much
Make Sure Each Group Has Enough Autonomy to Do Its Work but Remains Connected With the Rest of the Organization
Conduct Organizational Support Reviews Regularly
The Organizational Support Checklist
Chapter 3 • From Groups to Teams: The Stages of Group Development
Stage 1: Dependence and Inclusion
Stage 2: Counterdependence and Fighting
Stage 3: Trust and Structure
Stage 4: Work and Productivity
Surviving Group Development
Chapter 4 • How Do High Performance Teams Function?
The Characteristics of High Performance Teams
Ten Keys to Productivity
Team Performance Checklist
Chapter 5 • Effective Team Members
Don’t Blame Others for Group Problems
Encourage the Process of Goal, Role, and Task Clarification
Encourage the Adoption of an Open Communication Structure in Which All Member Input and Feedback Are Heard
Promote an Appropriate Ratio of Task and Supportive Communications
Promote the Use of Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Procedures
Encourage the Establishment of Norms That Support Productivity, Innovation, and Freedom of Expression
Go Along With Norms That Promote Group Effectiveness and Productivity
Promote Group Cohesion and Cooperation
Effective Member Checklist
Chapter 6 • Effective Team Leadership
Don’t Take On Every Leadership Assignment You Are Offered
Adjust Your Leadership Style to Meet the Developmental Needs of the Group at a Particular Time
Leadership at Stage 1: Be a Directive and Confident Leader
Leadership at Stage 2: When Members Begin to Demand More Participation in Running the Group, Slowly Begin to Empower Them
Leadership at Stage 3: Involve Members in the Leadership Function
Leadership at Stage 4: Participate as an Expert Member of Your Team
Effective Leader Checklist
Chapter 7 • Navigating Stage 1
Goals of Stage 1
Concerns About Safety and Inclusion
Dependence on the Designated Leader
A Wish for Order and Structure
Chapter 8 • Surviving Stage 2
Goals of Stage 2
Create a Unified Group Culture
Create a Unified and Effective Group Structure
Chapter 9 • Reorganizing at Stage 3
Goals of Stage 3
Fine-Tuning Roles, Organization, and Procedures
Solidifying Positive Relationships
Chapter 10 • Sustaining High Performance
Goals of Stage 4
Getting the Work Done Well
Making Decisions
Cohesion and Conflict
Maintaining High Performance
Chapter 11 • Changes in Team Functioning
Fluid Teams
Self-Managed Teams
Agile Teams
Virtual Teams
Multicultural Teams
Chapter 12 • Research on the Integrated Model of Group Development
Does the Model Describe What Really Happens in Groups?
How Are Groups Distributed Across the Four Stages?
On Average, How Long Does the Development Process Take?
Does Team Building Have Any Effect?
Does Group Size Affect Group Maturity?
How Do Work Groups in Different Sectors Function?
A Final Thought
About the Authors
Chapter 1 • Why Groups?
Groups Have a Long History of Success
We Need Groups Every Day
Groups Increase Our Knowledge Base
When Teams Are Good, They’re Very, Very Good
Creating Effective Teams
How to Use This Book
Chapter 2 • Effective Organizational Support for Teams
Plant Groups in a Favorable Organizational Climate
Give Groups What They Need to Do Their Best
Pick Members Based on Their Ability to Do the Task and Their Ability to Contribute to Group Success
Educate People for Group Participation Competence
Avoid Unsubstantiated Team Development and Consultation Strategies
Avoid Helping Groups Too Much
Make Sure Each Group Has Enough Autonomy to Do Its Work but Remains Connected With the Rest of the Organization
Conduct Organizational Support Reviews Regularly
The Organizational Support Checklist
Chapter 3 • From Groups to Teams: The Stages of Group Development
Stage 1: Dependence and Inclusion
Stage 2: Counterdependence and Fighting
Stage 3: Trust and Structure
Stage 4: Work and Productivity
Surviving Group Development
Chapter 4 • How Do High Performance Teams Function?
The Characteristics of High Performance Teams
Ten Keys to Productivity
Team Performance Checklist
Chapter 5 • Effective Team Members
Don’t Blame Others for Group Problems
Encourage the Process of Goal, Role, and Task Clarification
Encourage the Adoption of an Open Communication Structure in Which All Member Input and Feedback Are Heard
Promote an Appropriate Ratio of Task and Supportive Communications
Promote the Use of Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Procedures
Encourage the Establishment of Norms That Support Productivity, Innovation, and Freedom of Expression
Go Along With Norms That Promote Group Effectiveness and Productivity
Promote Group Cohesion and Cooperation
Effective Member Checklist
Chapter 6 • Effective Team Leadership
Don’t Take On Every Leadership Assignment You Are Offered
Adjust Your Leadership Style to Meet the Developmental Needs of the Group at a Particular Time
Leadership at Stage 1: Be a Directive and Confident Leader
Leadership at Stage 2: When Members Begin to Demand More Participation in Running the Group, Slowly Begin to Empower Them
Leadership at Stage 3: Involve Members in the Leadership Function
Leadership at Stage 4: Participate as an Expert Member of Your Team
Effective Leader Checklist
Chapter 7 • Navigating Stage 1
Goals of Stage 1
Concerns About Safety and Inclusion
Dependence on the Designated Leader
A Wish for Order and Structure
Chapter 8 • Surviving Stage 2
Goals of Stage 2
Create a Unified Group Culture
Create a Unified and Effective Group Structure
Chapter 9 • Reorganizing at Stage 3
Goals of Stage 3
Fine-Tuning Roles, Organization, and Procedures
Solidifying Positive Relationships
Chapter 10 • Sustaining High Performance
Goals of Stage 4
Getting the Work Done Well
Making Decisions
Cohesion and Conflict
Maintaining High Performance
Chapter 11 • Changes in Team Functioning
Fluid Teams
Self-Managed Teams
Agile Teams
Virtual Teams
Multicultural Teams
Chapter 12 • Research on the Integrated Model of Group Development
Does the Model Describe What Really Happens in Groups?
How Are Groups Distributed Across the Four Stages?
On Average, How Long Does the Development Process Take?
Does Team Building Have Any Effect?
Does Group Size Affect Group Maturity?
How Do Work Groups in Different Sectors Function?
A Final Thought