Essentials of Organizational Behavior 3rd Edition - An Evidence-Based Approach
Publisher: | SAGE Publications |
Author: | Terri A. Scandura |
Edition: | @2022 |
eBook ISBN: | 9781544396798 |
Print ISBN: | 9781544396781 |
Type: | 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân |
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Những yếu tố cần thiết của hành vi tổ chức
Phương pháp tiếp cận dựa trên bằng chứng
Giành được Giải thưởng Sách giáo khoa Xuất sắc năm 2022 từ Hiệp hội Tác giả Sách giáo khoa & Học thuật (TAA) Ngắn gọn, thực tế và dựa trên nghiên cứu, Những yếu tố cần thiết về hành vi tổ chức trang bị cho sinh viên những kỹ năng cần thiết để trở thành nhà lãnh đạo và quản lý hiệu quả. Tác giả sách bán chạy nhất Terri A. Scandura sử dụng phương pháp tiếp cận dựa trên bằng chứng để giới thiệu cho sinh viên những mô hình đã được chứng minh là giúp nâng cao hạnh phúc, động lực và năng suất của mọi người tại nơi làm việc. Các bài tập trải nghiệm cũng như nhiều tình huống và ví dụ thực tế khác nhau mang lại cho học sinh nhiều cơ hội để áp dụng các khái niệm OB và trau dồi tư duy phản biện của mình. Phiên bản thứ ba bao gồm "#Trending in OB?" mới hộp về các chủ đề kịp thời như chứng nghiện mạng xã hội và các nhóm làm việc ảo trong đại dịch COVID-19; nghiên cứu trường hợp mới về các vấn đề quan trọng như biện pháp bảo vệ chống phân biệt đối xử của American Airlines đối với người lao động LGBTQ; và nghiên cứu mới nhất về các chủ đề như khả năng lãnh đạo bền bỉ và toàn diện. Tiêu đề này được kèm theo một gói dạy và học hoàn chỉnh. Tùy chọn kỹ thuật số / Phần mềm khóa học SAGE Vantage là một nền tảng kỹ thuật số trực quan cung cấp nội dung văn bản này và tài liệu khóa học trong trải nghiệm học tập cung cấp các bài tập được chấm điểm tự động và các công cụ đa phương tiện tương tác, tất cả đều được thiết kế cẩn thận để khơi dậy sự tham gia của sinh viên và thúc đẩy tư duy phản biện. Được xây dựng dành cho bạn và học viên của bạn, nó cung cấp cách thiết lập khóa học đơn giản và cho phép học viên chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho lớp học. Video có thể gán với đánh giá Video có thể gán (có sẵn với SAGE Vantage) gắn liền với mục tiêu học tập và được tuyển chọn dành riêng cho văn bản này để đưa các khái niệm vào cuộc sống. . Tự đánh giá có thể chỉ định Tự đánh giá có thể chỉ định (có sẵn với SAGE Vantage) giúp sinh viên hiểu được điểm mạnh và phong cách quản lý của chính họ. Hộp mực LMS: Nhập tài nguyên người hướng dẫn của tiêu đề này vào hệ thống quản lý học tập (LMS) của trường bạn và tiết kiệm thời gian. Bạn không sử dụng LMS? Bạn vẫn có thể truy cập tất cả các tài nguyên trực tuyến tương tự cho tựa sách này thông qua Trang web Tài nguyên dành cho Giảng viên được bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu.
About the Author
Section I • Introduction
Chapter 1 • What Is Organizational Behavior?
Learning Objectives
A Crisis in Organizations?
What Is Going on With CEO Leadership?
What Is Organizational Behavior?
Disciplines Contributing to Organizational Behavior
From Theory to Practice
Evidence-Based Management
What Is Critical Thinking?
Applying Critical Thinking to Theories in Organizational Behavior
Outcomes in Organizational Behavior
Employee Well-Being
Employee Withdrawal
Levels of Analysis in Organizational Behavior
How OB Research Increases Employee Performance
Plan for This Textbook
Leadership Implications: Thinking Critically
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 1.1: Personal Leadership Development Plan
Toolkit Activity 1.2: Assessing Your Experiential Evidence Base
Case Study 1.1: Evidence-Based Management: People Analytics at Google
Section II • Understanding Inpiduals in Organizations
Chapter 2 • Personality and Person–Environment Fit
Learning Objectives
The Personality Effect in Unicorns
What Is Personality?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Limitations of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
How the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Is Used in Organizations
The Big Five
Personality Traits and Health Research
Other Relevant Personality Traits
Psychological Capital
Person–Environment Fit
Person–Organization Fit
Person–Job Fit
Personality–Job Fit Theory
Leadership Implications: Understanding Others
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 2.1: Fitting in Somewhere Great!
Case Study 2.1: Whom Would You Hire?
Chapter 3 • Emotions and Moods
Learning Objectives
Does Lack of Sleep Make You Grumpy?
Emotions and Moods at Work
Affective Events Theory
Affective Climate
The Broaden-and-Build Model of Emotions
Emotional Labor
Acting at Work
Emotional Division of Labor
Emotional Intelligence
Can Emotional Intelligence Be Learned?
Limitations of Emotional Intelligence
How Emotional Intelligence Is Used in Organizations
Regulating Emotions
Emotional Contagion
Leadership Implications: Mindful Coaching
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 3.1: The 5-Minute Gratitude Exercise
Case Study 3.1: Managing Your Boss’s Moods and Emotions
Chapter 4 • Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Learning Objectives
Job Satisfaction: Trends and Causes
What Is an Attitude?
Components of an Attitude
Cognitive Dissonance
Do Attitudes Matter?
Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction Facets
Responses to Job Dissatisfaction
Job Search Attitudes
Organizational Commitment
Job Involvement
Employee Engagement
Perceived Organizational Support
Psychological Empowerment
Leadership Implications: Creating Meaning at Work
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 4.1: What Do Workers Want From Their Jobs?
Case Study 4.1: Job Satisfaction in a Family-Owned Company
Chapter 5 • Perception, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving
Learning Objectives
Would You Be Happier if You Were Richer?
Understanding Why Perceptual Biases Exist
The Primacy Effect
The Recency Effect
The Availability Bias
Contrast Effects
Halo Error
Employability: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies During the Application Process
Inpidual Decision-Making
Decision Processes and Organizational Performance
Why Some People Can’t Make Decisions
Constraints on Inpidual Decision-Making
The Rational Decision-Making Model
Limitations of the Rational Model
Bounded Rationality
Prospect Theory
The Importance of How Decisions Are Framed
Benefits of Intuition
Wicked Organizational Problems
Decision Traps
Hindsight Bias
Escalation of Commitment
Creative Problem-Solving
Going With the “Flow”
Three-Component Model of Creativity
Leadership Implications: Making Ethical Decisions
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 5.1: The Oil Drilling Partnership
Case Study 5.1: Making Decisions Using Machine Learning at Lufthansa
Section III • Influencing and Motivating Employees
Chapter 6 • Leadership
Learning Objectives
Have Leaders Lost Their Followers’ Trust?
What Is Leadership?
Differentiating Management and Leadership
Managerial Leadership
The Trait Approach
Limitations of the Trait Approach
Leader Behaviors
Path–Goal Theory
Motivational Leadership Behaviors
Adapting to the Situation
Leader–Member Exchange
Inclusive Leadership
Leader–Member Exchange Development
Attributions and Leader–Member Relationships
The Mentor Connection
The Importance of Trust
Calculus-Based Trust
Knowledge-Based Trust
Identification-Based Trust
Repairing Broken Trust
Full-Range Leadership Development
Transactional Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Moral Approaches
Ethical Leadership
Servant and Authentic Leadership
Leadership Implications: Flexibility Matters
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 6.1: Comparing Supervisor Leader-Member Exchange
Toolkit Activity 6.2: Applying the Full-Range Leadership Development Model
Case Study 6.1: Melissa Reiff: Servant Leader of the Container Store
Chapter 7 • Power and Politics
Learning Objectives
What Is It Like to Have Power?
The Difference Between Power and Influence
Organizational Sources of Power
Influence Strategies
Which Influence Strategies Are the Most Effective?
Influence Without Authority
Impression Management
Perceptions of Organizational Politics
Political Skill
Having Both the Will and the Skill for Politics
Leadership Implications: Managing With Power
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 7.1: Politics or Citizenship?
Toolkit Activity 7.2: What Would You Do?
Case Study 7.1: Can You Succeed Without Power?
Chapter 8 • Motivation: Core Concepts
Learning Objectives
Do You Have Grit?
What Is Motivation?
Needs Theories
Goal Setting
“SMART” Goals
Regulatory Goal Focus
The Role of Leaders in Goal Setting
Job Characteristics Theory
The Motivating Potential of Work
Designing Work to Be Motivational
Work Redesign and Job Stress
Job Crafting
The Importance of Fairness
Equity Theory
Organizational Justice: Expanding Fairness
Developing a Fair Reputation
Expectancy Theory
Expectancy Theory Predictions of Effort and Motivation
The Pygmalion Effect
The Galatea Effect
The Golem Effect
Leadership Implications: Who Will Lead?
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 8.1: Future Me Letter
Toolkit Activity 8.2: SMART Goals Template
Case Study 8.1: Vision Boards at Lululemon
Chapter 9 • Motivation: Applications
Learning Objectives
The Meaning of Money
Reinforcement Theory
Schedules of Reinforcement
Organizational Behavior Modification
Social Learning Theory
The Modeling Process
Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Rewards
Relationship Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards
Self-Determination Theory
What Money Can and Cannot Do
Pay Dispersion
Performance Management
Sources of Performance Management Ratings
Performance Management Methods
Problems With Performance Reviews
Other Forms of Compensation
Feedback Seeking
Leadership Implications: Motivating With Rewards
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 9.1: Performance Appraisal Dos and Don’ts
Toolkit Activity 9.2: Performance Management Role-Play
Case Study 9.1: Increasing Motivation at Delta One Chennai
Section IV • Building Relationships
Chapter 10 • Group Processes and Teams
Learning Objectives
Does Trust Impact Team Performance?
What Is a Team?
Work Group Versus Team
Team Purpose
Team Norms
The Team Charter
Team Mental Models
Team Development
Five-Stage Model
Team Performance Curve
Team Effectiveness
Team Metrics
Team Learning
Team Creativity and Innovation
Social Identity
Team Decision-Making
Participation in Team Decisions
Nominal Group Technique
Team Challenges
Social Loafing
Virtual Teams
Team Diversity
Challenges of Team Diversity
Benefits of Team Diversity
Leadership Implications: Empowering the Team
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 10.1: The Team Charter
Toolkit Activity 10.2: The Marshmallow Challenge
Toolkit Activity 10.3: How to Run an Effective Meeting (Checklist)
Case Study 10.1: Problem-Solving in Virtual Teams
Chapter 11 • Managing Conflict and Negotiation
Learning Objectives
The Costs of Workplace Conflict
What Is Conflict?
Causes of Organizational Conflict
Is Conflict Always Bad?
Task Versus Relationship Conflict
Workplace Incivility and Aggression
Abusive Supervision
Toxic Workplaces
Workplace Violence
Conflict Resolution Styles
Team Conflict and Performance
Resolving Conflict Across Cultures
Third-Party Interventions
Distributive Bargaining
Integrative Bargaining
Emotions at the Bargaining Table
Cross-Cultural Negotiation
Union–Management Negotiations
Leadership Implications: Perspective Taking
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 11.1: Checklist for Difficult Conversations
Toolkit Activity 11.2: Salary Negotiation
Toolkit Activity 11.3: Negotiation Style Assessment
Case Study 11.1: Perspective Taking: Health Versus Wealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter 12 • Organizational Communication
Learning Objectives
“Thin-Slicing” a Conversation
What Is Organizational Communication?
The Communication Process
Barriers to Effective Communication
Communication Apprehension
Active Listening
Communication Networks
Communication Flows in Organizations
The Grapevine
Electronic Communication
Text Messages
Social Networking
Cross-Cultural Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Leadership Implications: The Management of Meaning
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 12.1: Active Listening Exercise
Case Study 12.1: What’s App-ening?
Chapter 13 • Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adjustments
Learning Objectives
Trends Impacting Diversity and Inclusion
Surface-Level and Deep-Level Diversity
Generations at the Workplace
The Millennials
Generation Z
What Is Culture?
High-Context Versus Low-Context Cultures
Hofstede’s Cultural Values
Criticisms and Usefulness of Hofstede’s Research
Cultural Tightness–Looseness
GLOBE Studies of Cross-Cultural Leadership
Developing Global Leaders
Cultural Intelligence
The Third Culture
The Global Mindset
Cross-Cultural Adjustment Strategies
Integrative Acculturation: Multiculturals
Culture Shock
Expatriate Adjustment
Leadership Implications: Becoming a Global Leader
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 13.1: Generations at Work
Toolkit Activity 13.2: Journey to Sharahad
Case Study 13.1: American Airlines: Supporting the LGBTQ Community
Section V • Leaders as Change Agents
Chapter 14 • Organizational Culture
Learning Objectives
The Team Culture at Warby Parker
What Is Organizational Culture?
Seven Characteristics of Culture
Markets, Bureaucracies, and Clans
National Culture and Organizational Culture
Strong Organizational Cultures
Zappos: A Strong Organizational Culture
Organizational Subcultures
Anticipatory Socialization
Entry and Assimilation
Attraction–Selection–Attrition (ASA)
How Employees Learn Culture
Organizational Climate
How Climate Influences Organizational Performance
Ethical Climate
Leadership Implications: Culture Change
Tool #1: Recruiting and Selecting People for Culture Fit
Tool #2: Managing Culture Through Socialization and Training
Tool #3: Managing Culture Through the Reward System
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 14.1: Comparing Organizational Cultures: IDEO and Amazon
Case Study 14.1: Changing the Culture at Boeing
Chapter 15 • Leading Change and Stress Management
Learning Objectives
Leading Change in a VUCA World
Forces Driving Organizational Change
Planned Organizational Change
Organizational Subsystems Involved in Planned Change
Organizational Development
Examples of Organizational Development Interventions
Resistance to Change
How to Overcome Resistance to Change
Leading Change
Lewin’s Three-Step Model
Force Field Analysis
Kotter’s Eight-Step Model
Effective Change Implementation
Stress in the Context of Organizational Change
What Is Stress?
Stress Episode
Stress and Organizational Performance
Is There An Optimal Level of Stress?
Role Stress
Stress Is a Global Concern
Social Support
Preventive Stress Management in Organizations
Employee Assistance Programs
Leadership Implications: Helping Employees Cope
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 15.1: Appreciative Inquiry
Toolkit Activity 15.2: Warning Signs of Burnout
Toolkit Activity 15.3: Stressful Life Events
Case Study 15.1: Organizational Change at Amazon
Case Study 15.2: The Price of Entrepreneurship
Appendix 1: The Scientific Method in Organizational Behavior
Appendix 2: Organizational Structure
Author Index
Subject Index
Những yếu tố cần thiết của hành vi tổ chức
Phương pháp tiếp cận dựa trên bằng chứng
Giành được Giải thưởng Sách giáo khoa Xuất sắc năm 2022 từ Hiệp hội Tác giả Sách giáo khoa & Học thuật (TAA) Ngắn gọn, thực tế và dựa trên nghiên cứu, Những yếu tố cần thiết về hành vi tổ chức trang bị cho sinh viên những kỹ năng cần thiết để trở thành nhà lãnh đạo và quản lý hiệu quả. Tác giả sách bán chạy nhất Terri A. Scandura sử dụng phương pháp tiếp cận dựa trên bằng chứng để giới thiệu cho sinh viên những mô hình đã được chứng minh là giúp nâng cao hạnh phúc, động lực và năng suất của mọi người tại nơi làm việc. Các bài tập trải nghiệm cũng như nhiều tình huống và ví dụ thực tế khác nhau mang lại cho học sinh nhiều cơ hội để áp dụng các khái niệm OB và trau dồi tư duy phản biện của mình. Phiên bản thứ ba bao gồm "#Trending in OB?" mới hộp về các chủ đề kịp thời như chứng nghiện mạng xã hội và các nhóm làm việc ảo trong đại dịch COVID-19; nghiên cứu trường hợp mới về các vấn đề quan trọng như biện pháp bảo vệ chống phân biệt đối xử của American Airlines đối với người lao động LGBTQ; và nghiên cứu mới nhất về các chủ đề như khả năng lãnh đạo bền bỉ và toàn diện. Tiêu đề này được kèm theo một gói dạy và học hoàn chỉnh. Tùy chọn kỹ thuật số / Phần mềm khóa học SAGE Vantage là một nền tảng kỹ thuật số trực quan cung cấp nội dung văn bản này và tài liệu khóa học trong trải nghiệm học tập cung cấp các bài tập được chấm điểm tự động và các công cụ đa phương tiện tương tác, tất cả đều được thiết kế cẩn thận để khơi dậy sự tham gia của sinh viên và thúc đẩy tư duy phản biện. Được xây dựng dành cho bạn và học viên của bạn, nó cung cấp cách thiết lập khóa học đơn giản và cho phép học viên chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho lớp học. Video có thể gán với đánh giá Video có thể gán (có sẵn với SAGE Vantage) gắn liền với mục tiêu học tập và được tuyển chọn dành riêng cho văn bản này để đưa các khái niệm vào cuộc sống. . Tự đánh giá có thể chỉ định Tự đánh giá có thể chỉ định (có sẵn với SAGE Vantage) giúp sinh viên hiểu được điểm mạnh và phong cách quản lý của chính họ. Hộp mực LMS: Nhập tài nguyên người hướng dẫn của tiêu đề này vào hệ thống quản lý học tập (LMS) của trường bạn và tiết kiệm thời gian. Bạn không sử dụng LMS? Bạn vẫn có thể truy cập tất cả các tài nguyên trực tuyến tương tự cho tựa sách này thông qua Trang web Tài nguyên dành cho Giảng viên được bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu.
Những yếu tố cần thiết của hành vi tổ chức
Phương pháp tiếp cận dựa trên bằng chứng
Giành được Giải thưởng Sách giáo khoa Xuất sắc năm 2022 từ Hiệp hội Tác giả Sách giáo khoa & Học thuật (TAA) Ngắn gọn, thực tế và dựa trên nghiên cứu, Những yếu tố cần thiết về hành vi tổ chức trang bị cho sinh viên những kỹ năng cần thiết để trở thành nhà lãnh đạo và quản lý hiệu quả. Tác giả sách bán chạy nhất Terri A. Scandura sử dụng phương pháp tiếp cận dựa trên bằng chứng để giới thiệu cho sinh viên những mô hình đã được chứng minh là giúp nâng cao hạnh phúc, động lực và năng suất của mọi người tại nơi làm việc. Các bài tập trải nghiệm cũng như nhiều tình huống và ví dụ thực tế khác nhau mang lại cho học sinh nhiều cơ hội để áp dụng các khái niệm OB và trau dồi tư duy phản biện của mình. Phiên bản thứ ba bao gồm "#Trending in OB?" mới hộp về các chủ đề kịp thời như chứng nghiện mạng xã hội và các nhóm làm việc ảo trong đại dịch COVID-19; nghiên cứu trường hợp mới về các vấn đề quan trọng như biện pháp bảo vệ chống phân biệt đối xử của American Airlines đối với người lao động LGBTQ; và nghiên cứu mới nhất về các chủ đề như khả năng lãnh đạo bền bỉ và toàn diện. Tiêu đề này được kèm theo một gói dạy và học hoàn chỉnh. Tùy chọn kỹ thuật số / Phần mềm khóa học SAGE Vantage là một nền tảng kỹ thuật số trực quan cung cấp nội dung văn bản này và tài liệu khóa học trong trải nghiệm học tập cung cấp các bài tập được chấm điểm tự động và các công cụ đa phương tiện tương tác, tất cả đều được thiết kế cẩn thận để khơi dậy sự tham gia của sinh viên và thúc đẩy tư duy phản biện. Được xây dựng dành cho bạn và học viên của bạn, nó cung cấp cách thiết lập khóa học đơn giản và cho phép học viên chuẩn bị tốt hơn cho lớp học. Video có thể gán với đánh giá Video có thể gán (có sẵn với SAGE Vantage) gắn liền với mục tiêu học tập và được tuyển chọn dành riêng cho văn bản này để đưa các khái niệm vào cuộc sống. . Tự đánh giá có thể chỉ định Tự đánh giá có thể chỉ định (có sẵn với SAGE Vantage) giúp sinh viên hiểu được điểm mạnh và phong cách quản lý của chính họ. Hộp mực LMS: Nhập tài nguyên người hướng dẫn của tiêu đề này vào hệ thống quản lý học tập (LMS) của trường bạn và tiết kiệm thời gian. Bạn không sử dụng LMS? Bạn vẫn có thể truy cập tất cả các tài nguyên trực tuyến tương tự cho tựa sách này thông qua Trang web Tài nguyên dành cho Giảng viên được bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu.
About the Author
Section I • Introduction
Chapter 1 • What Is Organizational Behavior?
Learning Objectives
A Crisis in Organizations?
What Is Going on With CEO Leadership?
What Is Organizational Behavior?
Disciplines Contributing to Organizational Behavior
From Theory to Practice
Evidence-Based Management
What Is Critical Thinking?
Applying Critical Thinking to Theories in Organizational Behavior
Outcomes in Organizational Behavior
Employee Well-Being
Employee Withdrawal
Levels of Analysis in Organizational Behavior
How OB Research Increases Employee Performance
Plan for This Textbook
Leadership Implications: Thinking Critically
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 1.1: Personal Leadership Development Plan
Toolkit Activity 1.2: Assessing Your Experiential Evidence Base
Case Study 1.1: Evidence-Based Management: People Analytics at Google
Section II • Understanding Inpiduals in Organizations
Chapter 2 • Personality and Person–Environment Fit
Learning Objectives
The Personality Effect in Unicorns
What Is Personality?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Limitations of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
How the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Is Used in Organizations
The Big Five
Personality Traits and Health Research
Other Relevant Personality Traits
Psychological Capital
Person–Environment Fit
Person–Organization Fit
Person–Job Fit
Personality–Job Fit Theory
Leadership Implications: Understanding Others
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 2.1: Fitting in Somewhere Great!
Case Study 2.1: Whom Would You Hire?
Chapter 3 • Emotions and Moods
Learning Objectives
Does Lack of Sleep Make You Grumpy?
Emotions and Moods at Work
Affective Events Theory
Affective Climate
The Broaden-and-Build Model of Emotions
Emotional Labor
Acting at Work
Emotional Division of Labor
Emotional Intelligence
Can Emotional Intelligence Be Learned?
Limitations of Emotional Intelligence
How Emotional Intelligence Is Used in Organizations
Regulating Emotions
Emotional Contagion
Leadership Implications: Mindful Coaching
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 3.1: The 5-Minute Gratitude Exercise
Case Study 3.1: Managing Your Boss’s Moods and Emotions
Chapter 4 • Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Learning Objectives
Job Satisfaction: Trends and Causes
What Is an Attitude?
Components of an Attitude
Cognitive Dissonance
Do Attitudes Matter?
Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction Facets
Responses to Job Dissatisfaction
Job Search Attitudes
Organizational Commitment
Job Involvement
Employee Engagement
Perceived Organizational Support
Psychological Empowerment
Leadership Implications: Creating Meaning at Work
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 4.1: What Do Workers Want From Their Jobs?
Case Study 4.1: Job Satisfaction in a Family-Owned Company
Chapter 5 • Perception, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving
Learning Objectives
Would You Be Happier if You Were Richer?
Understanding Why Perceptual Biases Exist
The Primacy Effect
The Recency Effect
The Availability Bias
Contrast Effects
Halo Error
Employability: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies During the Application Process
Inpidual Decision-Making
Decision Processes and Organizational Performance
Why Some People Can’t Make Decisions
Constraints on Inpidual Decision-Making
The Rational Decision-Making Model
Limitations of the Rational Model
Bounded Rationality
Prospect Theory
The Importance of How Decisions Are Framed
Benefits of Intuition
Wicked Organizational Problems
Decision Traps
Hindsight Bias
Escalation of Commitment
Creative Problem-Solving
Going With the “Flow”
Three-Component Model of Creativity
Leadership Implications: Making Ethical Decisions
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 5.1: The Oil Drilling Partnership
Case Study 5.1: Making Decisions Using Machine Learning at Lufthansa
Section III • Influencing and Motivating Employees
Chapter 6 • Leadership
Learning Objectives
Have Leaders Lost Their Followers’ Trust?
What Is Leadership?
Differentiating Management and Leadership
Managerial Leadership
The Trait Approach
Limitations of the Trait Approach
Leader Behaviors
Path–Goal Theory
Motivational Leadership Behaviors
Adapting to the Situation
Leader–Member Exchange
Inclusive Leadership
Leader–Member Exchange Development
Attributions and Leader–Member Relationships
The Mentor Connection
The Importance of Trust
Calculus-Based Trust
Knowledge-Based Trust
Identification-Based Trust
Repairing Broken Trust
Full-Range Leadership Development
Transactional Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Moral Approaches
Ethical Leadership
Servant and Authentic Leadership
Leadership Implications: Flexibility Matters
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 6.1: Comparing Supervisor Leader-Member Exchange
Toolkit Activity 6.2: Applying the Full-Range Leadership Development Model
Case Study 6.1: Melissa Reiff: Servant Leader of the Container Store
Chapter 7 • Power and Politics
Learning Objectives
What Is It Like to Have Power?
The Difference Between Power and Influence
Organizational Sources of Power
Influence Strategies
Which Influence Strategies Are the Most Effective?
Influence Without Authority
Impression Management
Perceptions of Organizational Politics
Political Skill
Having Both the Will and the Skill for Politics
Leadership Implications: Managing With Power
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 7.1: Politics or Citizenship?
Toolkit Activity 7.2: What Would You Do?
Case Study 7.1: Can You Succeed Without Power?
Chapter 8 • Motivation: Core Concepts
Learning Objectives
Do You Have Grit?
What Is Motivation?
Needs Theories
Goal Setting
“SMART” Goals
Regulatory Goal Focus
The Role of Leaders in Goal Setting
Job Characteristics Theory
The Motivating Potential of Work
Designing Work to Be Motivational
Work Redesign and Job Stress
Job Crafting
The Importance of Fairness
Equity Theory
Organizational Justice: Expanding Fairness
Developing a Fair Reputation
Expectancy Theory
Expectancy Theory Predictions of Effort and Motivation
The Pygmalion Effect
The Galatea Effect
The Golem Effect
Leadership Implications: Who Will Lead?
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 8.1: Future Me Letter
Toolkit Activity 8.2: SMART Goals Template
Case Study 8.1: Vision Boards at Lululemon
Chapter 9 • Motivation: Applications
Learning Objectives
The Meaning of Money
Reinforcement Theory
Schedules of Reinforcement
Organizational Behavior Modification
Social Learning Theory
The Modeling Process
Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Rewards
Relationship Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards
Self-Determination Theory
What Money Can and Cannot Do
Pay Dispersion
Performance Management
Sources of Performance Management Ratings
Performance Management Methods
Problems With Performance Reviews
Other Forms of Compensation
Feedback Seeking
Leadership Implications: Motivating With Rewards
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 9.1: Performance Appraisal Dos and Don’ts
Toolkit Activity 9.2: Performance Management Role-Play
Case Study 9.1: Increasing Motivation at Delta One Chennai
Section IV • Building Relationships
Chapter 10 • Group Processes and Teams
Learning Objectives
Does Trust Impact Team Performance?
What Is a Team?
Work Group Versus Team
Team Purpose
Team Norms
The Team Charter
Team Mental Models
Team Development
Five-Stage Model
Team Performance Curve
Team Effectiveness
Team Metrics
Team Learning
Team Creativity and Innovation
Social Identity
Team Decision-Making
Participation in Team Decisions
Nominal Group Technique
Team Challenges
Social Loafing
Virtual Teams
Team Diversity
Challenges of Team Diversity
Benefits of Team Diversity
Leadership Implications: Empowering the Team
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 10.1: The Team Charter
Toolkit Activity 10.2: The Marshmallow Challenge
Toolkit Activity 10.3: How to Run an Effective Meeting (Checklist)
Case Study 10.1: Problem-Solving in Virtual Teams
Chapter 11 • Managing Conflict and Negotiation
Learning Objectives
The Costs of Workplace Conflict
What Is Conflict?
Causes of Organizational Conflict
Is Conflict Always Bad?
Task Versus Relationship Conflict
Workplace Incivility and Aggression
Abusive Supervision
Toxic Workplaces
Workplace Violence
Conflict Resolution Styles
Team Conflict and Performance
Resolving Conflict Across Cultures
Third-Party Interventions
Distributive Bargaining
Integrative Bargaining
Emotions at the Bargaining Table
Cross-Cultural Negotiation
Union–Management Negotiations
Leadership Implications: Perspective Taking
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 11.1: Checklist for Difficult Conversations
Toolkit Activity 11.2: Salary Negotiation
Toolkit Activity 11.3: Negotiation Style Assessment
Case Study 11.1: Perspective Taking: Health Versus Wealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter 12 • Organizational Communication
Learning Objectives
“Thin-Slicing” a Conversation
What Is Organizational Communication?
The Communication Process
Barriers to Effective Communication
Communication Apprehension
Active Listening
Communication Networks
Communication Flows in Organizations
The Grapevine
Electronic Communication
Text Messages
Social Networking
Cross-Cultural Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Leadership Implications: The Management of Meaning
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 12.1: Active Listening Exercise
Case Study 12.1: What’s App-ening?
Chapter 13 • Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adjustments
Learning Objectives
Trends Impacting Diversity and Inclusion
Surface-Level and Deep-Level Diversity
Generations at the Workplace
The Millennials
Generation Z
What Is Culture?
High-Context Versus Low-Context Cultures
Hofstede’s Cultural Values
Criticisms and Usefulness of Hofstede’s Research
Cultural Tightness–Looseness
GLOBE Studies of Cross-Cultural Leadership
Developing Global Leaders
Cultural Intelligence
The Third Culture
The Global Mindset
Cross-Cultural Adjustment Strategies
Integrative Acculturation: Multiculturals
Culture Shock
Expatriate Adjustment
Leadership Implications: Becoming a Global Leader
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 13.1: Generations at Work
Toolkit Activity 13.2: Journey to Sharahad
Case Study 13.1: American Airlines: Supporting the LGBTQ Community
Section V • Leaders as Change Agents
Chapter 14 • Organizational Culture
Learning Objectives
The Team Culture at Warby Parker
What Is Organizational Culture?
Seven Characteristics of Culture
Markets, Bureaucracies, and Clans
National Culture and Organizational Culture
Strong Organizational Cultures
Zappos: A Strong Organizational Culture
Organizational Subcultures
Anticipatory Socialization
Entry and Assimilation
Attraction–Selection–Attrition (ASA)
How Employees Learn Culture
Organizational Climate
How Climate Influences Organizational Performance
Ethical Climate
Leadership Implications: Culture Change
Tool #1: Recruiting and Selecting People for Culture Fit
Tool #2: Managing Culture Through Socialization and Training
Tool #3: Managing Culture Through the Reward System
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 14.1: Comparing Organizational Cultures: IDEO and Amazon
Case Study 14.1: Changing the Culture at Boeing
Chapter 15 • Leading Change and Stress Management
Learning Objectives
Leading Change in a VUCA World
Forces Driving Organizational Change
Planned Organizational Change
Organizational Subsystems Involved in Planned Change
Organizational Development
Examples of Organizational Development Interventions
Resistance to Change
How to Overcome Resistance to Change
Leading Change
Lewin’s Three-Step Model
Force Field Analysis
Kotter’s Eight-Step Model
Effective Change Implementation
Stress in the Context of Organizational Change
What Is Stress?
Stress Episode
Stress and Organizational Performance
Is There An Optimal Level of Stress?
Role Stress
Stress Is a Global Concern
Social Support
Preventive Stress Management in Organizations
Employee Assistance Programs
Leadership Implications: Helping Employees Cope
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 15.1: Appreciative Inquiry
Toolkit Activity 15.2: Warning Signs of Burnout
Toolkit Activity 15.3: Stressful Life Events
Case Study 15.1: Organizational Change at Amazon
Case Study 15.2: The Price of Entrepreneurship
Appendix 1: The Scientific Method in Organizational Behavior
Appendix 2: Organizational Structure
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Author
Section I • Introduction
Chapter 1 • What Is Organizational Behavior?
Learning Objectives
A Crisis in Organizations?
What Is Going on With CEO Leadership?
What Is Organizational Behavior?
Disciplines Contributing to Organizational Behavior
From Theory to Practice
Evidence-Based Management
What Is Critical Thinking?
Applying Critical Thinking to Theories in Organizational Behavior
Outcomes in Organizational Behavior
Employee Well-Being
Employee Withdrawal
Levels of Analysis in Organizational Behavior
How OB Research Increases Employee Performance
Plan for This Textbook
Leadership Implications: Thinking Critically
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 1.1: Personal Leadership Development Plan
Toolkit Activity 1.2: Assessing Your Experiential Evidence Base
Case Study 1.1: Evidence-Based Management: People Analytics at Google
Section II • Understanding Inpiduals in Organizations
Chapter 2 • Personality and Person–Environment Fit
Learning Objectives
The Personality Effect in Unicorns
What Is Personality?
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Limitations of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
How the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Is Used in Organizations
The Big Five
Personality Traits and Health Research
Other Relevant Personality Traits
Psychological Capital
Person–Environment Fit
Person–Organization Fit
Person–Job Fit
Personality–Job Fit Theory
Leadership Implications: Understanding Others
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 2.1: Fitting in Somewhere Great!
Case Study 2.1: Whom Would You Hire?
Chapter 3 • Emotions and Moods
Learning Objectives
Does Lack of Sleep Make You Grumpy?
Emotions and Moods at Work
Affective Events Theory
Affective Climate
The Broaden-and-Build Model of Emotions
Emotional Labor
Acting at Work
Emotional Division of Labor
Emotional Intelligence
Can Emotional Intelligence Be Learned?
Limitations of Emotional Intelligence
How Emotional Intelligence Is Used in Organizations
Regulating Emotions
Emotional Contagion
Leadership Implications: Mindful Coaching
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 3.1: The 5-Minute Gratitude Exercise
Case Study 3.1: Managing Your Boss’s Moods and Emotions
Chapter 4 • Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Learning Objectives
Job Satisfaction: Trends and Causes
What Is an Attitude?
Components of an Attitude
Cognitive Dissonance
Do Attitudes Matter?
Job Satisfaction
Job Satisfaction Facets
Responses to Job Dissatisfaction
Job Search Attitudes
Organizational Commitment
Job Involvement
Employee Engagement
Perceived Organizational Support
Psychological Empowerment
Leadership Implications: Creating Meaning at Work
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 4.1: What Do Workers Want From Their Jobs?
Case Study 4.1: Job Satisfaction in a Family-Owned Company
Chapter 5 • Perception, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving
Learning Objectives
Would You Be Happier if You Were Richer?
Understanding Why Perceptual Biases Exist
The Primacy Effect
The Recency Effect
The Availability Bias
Contrast Effects
Halo Error
Employability: Self-Fulfilling Prophecies During the Application Process
Inpidual Decision-Making
Decision Processes and Organizational Performance
Why Some People Can’t Make Decisions
Constraints on Inpidual Decision-Making
The Rational Decision-Making Model
Limitations of the Rational Model
Bounded Rationality
Prospect Theory
The Importance of How Decisions Are Framed
Benefits of Intuition
Wicked Organizational Problems
Decision Traps
Hindsight Bias
Escalation of Commitment
Creative Problem-Solving
Going With the “Flow”
Three-Component Model of Creativity
Leadership Implications: Making Ethical Decisions
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 5.1: The Oil Drilling Partnership
Case Study 5.1: Making Decisions Using Machine Learning at Lufthansa
Section III • Influencing and Motivating Employees
Chapter 6 • Leadership
Learning Objectives
Have Leaders Lost Their Followers’ Trust?
What Is Leadership?
Differentiating Management and Leadership
Managerial Leadership
The Trait Approach
Limitations of the Trait Approach
Leader Behaviors
Path–Goal Theory
Motivational Leadership Behaviors
Adapting to the Situation
Leader–Member Exchange
Inclusive Leadership
Leader–Member Exchange Development
Attributions and Leader–Member Relationships
The Mentor Connection
The Importance of Trust
Calculus-Based Trust
Knowledge-Based Trust
Identification-Based Trust
Repairing Broken Trust
Full-Range Leadership Development
Transactional Leadership
Transformational Leadership
Moral Approaches
Ethical Leadership
Servant and Authentic Leadership
Leadership Implications: Flexibility Matters
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 6.1: Comparing Supervisor Leader-Member Exchange
Toolkit Activity 6.2: Applying the Full-Range Leadership Development Model
Case Study 6.1: Melissa Reiff: Servant Leader of the Container Store
Chapter 7 • Power and Politics
Learning Objectives
What Is It Like to Have Power?
The Difference Between Power and Influence
Organizational Sources of Power
Influence Strategies
Which Influence Strategies Are the Most Effective?
Influence Without Authority
Impression Management
Perceptions of Organizational Politics
Political Skill
Having Both the Will and the Skill for Politics
Leadership Implications: Managing With Power
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 7.1: Politics or Citizenship?
Toolkit Activity 7.2: What Would You Do?
Case Study 7.1: Can You Succeed Without Power?
Chapter 8 • Motivation: Core Concepts
Learning Objectives
Do You Have Grit?
What Is Motivation?
Needs Theories
Goal Setting
“SMART” Goals
Regulatory Goal Focus
The Role of Leaders in Goal Setting
Job Characteristics Theory
The Motivating Potential of Work
Designing Work to Be Motivational
Work Redesign and Job Stress
Job Crafting
The Importance of Fairness
Equity Theory
Organizational Justice: Expanding Fairness
Developing a Fair Reputation
Expectancy Theory
Expectancy Theory Predictions of Effort and Motivation
The Pygmalion Effect
The Galatea Effect
The Golem Effect
Leadership Implications: Who Will Lead?
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 8.1: Future Me Letter
Toolkit Activity 8.2: SMART Goals Template
Case Study 8.1: Vision Boards at Lululemon
Chapter 9 • Motivation: Applications
Learning Objectives
The Meaning of Money
Reinforcement Theory
Schedules of Reinforcement
Organizational Behavior Modification
Social Learning Theory
The Modeling Process
Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Rewards
Relationship Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards
Self-Determination Theory
What Money Can and Cannot Do
Pay Dispersion
Performance Management
Sources of Performance Management Ratings
Performance Management Methods
Problems With Performance Reviews
Other Forms of Compensation
Feedback Seeking
Leadership Implications: Motivating With Rewards
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 9.1: Performance Appraisal Dos and Don’ts
Toolkit Activity 9.2: Performance Management Role-Play
Case Study 9.1: Increasing Motivation at Delta One Chennai
Section IV • Building Relationships
Chapter 10 • Group Processes and Teams
Learning Objectives
Does Trust Impact Team Performance?
What Is a Team?
Work Group Versus Team
Team Purpose
Team Norms
The Team Charter
Team Mental Models
Team Development
Five-Stage Model
Team Performance Curve
Team Effectiveness
Team Metrics
Team Learning
Team Creativity and Innovation
Social Identity
Team Decision-Making
Participation in Team Decisions
Nominal Group Technique
Team Challenges
Social Loafing
Virtual Teams
Team Diversity
Challenges of Team Diversity
Benefits of Team Diversity
Leadership Implications: Empowering the Team
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 10.1: The Team Charter
Toolkit Activity 10.2: The Marshmallow Challenge
Toolkit Activity 10.3: How to Run an Effective Meeting (Checklist)
Case Study 10.1: Problem-Solving in Virtual Teams
Chapter 11 • Managing Conflict and Negotiation
Learning Objectives
The Costs of Workplace Conflict
What Is Conflict?
Causes of Organizational Conflict
Is Conflict Always Bad?
Task Versus Relationship Conflict
Workplace Incivility and Aggression
Abusive Supervision
Toxic Workplaces
Workplace Violence
Conflict Resolution Styles
Team Conflict and Performance
Resolving Conflict Across Cultures
Third-Party Interventions
Distributive Bargaining
Integrative Bargaining
Emotions at the Bargaining Table
Cross-Cultural Negotiation
Union–Management Negotiations
Leadership Implications: Perspective Taking
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 11.1: Checklist for Difficult Conversations
Toolkit Activity 11.2: Salary Negotiation
Toolkit Activity 11.3: Negotiation Style Assessment
Case Study 11.1: Perspective Taking: Health Versus Wealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Chapter 12 • Organizational Communication
Learning Objectives
“Thin-Slicing” a Conversation
What Is Organizational Communication?
The Communication Process
Barriers to Effective Communication
Communication Apprehension
Active Listening
Communication Networks
Communication Flows in Organizations
The Grapevine
Electronic Communication
Text Messages
Social Networking
Cross-Cultural Communication
Nonverbal Communication
Leadership Implications: The Management of Meaning
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 12.1: Active Listening Exercise
Case Study 12.1: What’s App-ening?
Chapter 13 • Diversity and Cross-Cultural Adjustments
Learning Objectives
Trends Impacting Diversity and Inclusion
Surface-Level and Deep-Level Diversity
Generations at the Workplace
The Millennials
Generation Z
What Is Culture?
High-Context Versus Low-Context Cultures
Hofstede’s Cultural Values
Criticisms and Usefulness of Hofstede’s Research
Cultural Tightness–Looseness
GLOBE Studies of Cross-Cultural Leadership
Developing Global Leaders
Cultural Intelligence
The Third Culture
The Global Mindset
Cross-Cultural Adjustment Strategies
Integrative Acculturation: Multiculturals
Culture Shock
Expatriate Adjustment
Leadership Implications: Becoming a Global Leader
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 13.1: Generations at Work
Toolkit Activity 13.2: Journey to Sharahad
Case Study 13.1: American Airlines: Supporting the LGBTQ Community
Section V • Leaders as Change Agents
Chapter 14 • Organizational Culture
Learning Objectives
The Team Culture at Warby Parker
What Is Organizational Culture?
Seven Characteristics of Culture
Markets, Bureaucracies, and Clans
National Culture and Organizational Culture
Strong Organizational Cultures
Zappos: A Strong Organizational Culture
Organizational Subcultures
Anticipatory Socialization
Entry and Assimilation
Attraction–Selection–Attrition (ASA)
How Employees Learn Culture
Organizational Climate
How Climate Influences Organizational Performance
Ethical Climate
Leadership Implications: Culture Change
Tool #1: Recruiting and Selecting People for Culture Fit
Tool #2: Managing Culture Through Socialization and Training
Tool #3: Managing Culture Through the Reward System
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 14.1: Comparing Organizational Cultures: IDEO and Amazon
Case Study 14.1: Changing the Culture at Boeing
Chapter 15 • Leading Change and Stress Management
Learning Objectives
Leading Change in a VUCA World
Forces Driving Organizational Change
Planned Organizational Change
Organizational Subsystems Involved in Planned Change
Organizational Development
Examples of Organizational Development Interventions
Resistance to Change
How to Overcome Resistance to Change
Leading Change
Lewin’s Three-Step Model
Force Field Analysis
Kotter’s Eight-Step Model
Effective Change Implementation
Stress in the Context of Organizational Change
What Is Stress?
Stress Episode
Stress and Organizational Performance
Is There An Optimal Level of Stress?
Role Stress
Stress Is a Global Concern
Social Support
Preventive Stress Management in Organizations
Employee Assistance Programs
Leadership Implications: Helping Employees Cope
Key Terms
Toolkit Activity 15.1: Appreciative Inquiry
Toolkit Activity 15.2: Warning Signs of Burnout
Toolkit Activity 15.3: Stressful Life Events
Case Study 15.1: Organizational Change at Amazon
Case Study 15.2: The Price of Entrepreneurship
Appendix 1: The Scientific Method in Organizational Behavior
Appendix 2: Organizational Structure
Author Index
Subject Index