
Inspire Science Grade 1 Collaboration Kit

BRAND: McGraw Hill

Grade Levels: 1
Copyright: 2020
MHID: 0076873749 |  ISBN 13: 9780076873746

ISBN: 9780076873746

Collaboration Kit bundles contain the materials needed form almost all the hands-on Inquiry Activities in all four units of Inspire Science. Common classroom items (e.g., pencils, construction paper, graph paper, etc.) are not provided in the kits. Materials are organized in large plastic bins by unit and module. Sometimes large items (e.g., sand and soil) are placed in separate boxes due to their size.

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See what in the box

Product Description

Collaboration Kit bundles contain the materials needed form almost all the hands-on Inquiry Activities in all four units of Inspire Science. Common classroom items (e.g., pencils, construction paper, graph paper, etc.) are not provided in the kits. Materials are organized in large plastic bins by unit and module. Sometimes large items (e.g., sand and soil) are placed in separate boxes due to their size.

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