
Inspire Science: Grade 2, Student Edition, Unit 4

BRAND: McGraw Hill

Grade Levels: 2
Copyright: 2020
MHID: 0076996239 |  ISBN 13: 9780076996230

ISBN: 9780076996230

Inspire Science is designed to foster students’ innate curiosity, elevate their critical thinking, facilitate handson investigation to deepen their understanding, and encourage creative problem-solving to inspire innovative thinking. The Inspire Science progressions within each grade establish a strong base of knowledge for the performance expectations the following years. Inspire Science, Grade 2 also offers science leveled readers, investigator articles, collaboration kits, and a variety of digital resources to engage students in collaborative hands-on learning.

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Product Description

Inspire Science is designed to foster students’ innate curiosity, elevate their critical thinking, facilitate handson investigation to deepen their understanding, and encourage creative problem-solving to inspire innovative thinking. The Inspire Science progressions within each grade establish a strong base of knowledge for the performance expectations the following years. Inspire Science, Grade 2 also offers science leveled readers, investigator articles, collaboration kits, and a variety of digital resources to engage students in collaborative hands-on learning.

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