Managing Careers and Employability 1st Edition
Publisher: | Sage Publications Ltd (UK) |
Author: | Yehuda Baruch |
Edition: | @2022 |
eBook ISBN: | 9781529786378 |
Print ISBN: | 9781529751840 |
Type: | 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân |
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Quản lý nghề nghiệp và việc làm
Kết hợp nền tảng lý thuyết vững chắc với nhiều nghiên cứu điển hình và ví dụ thực tế, cuốn sách giáo khoa có thẩm quyền này cung cấp sự hiểu biết sâu sắc về hệ thống nghề nghiệp, ở cả cấp độ cá nhân và tổ chức. Áp dụng cách tiếp cận toàn cầu, Quản lý Nghề nghiệp và Việc làm xem xét sự phát triển gần đây của thị trường lao động và khám phá các chủ đề đương đại như sự nghiệp khởi nghiệp, hệ sinh thái nghề nghiệp và mặt tối của sự nghiệp. Một loạt các tính năng học tập bao gồm các câu hỏi phản ánh, các thuật ngữ chính và bài tập, giúp bạn suy ngẫm và quản lý sự nghiệp của chính mình. Các tài nguyên trực tuyến bao gồm Hướng dẫn dành cho gia sư, bao gồm các ghi chú giảng dạy cho từng chương cũng như các trang trình bày PowerPoint có thể được điều chỉnh và chỉnh sửa để phù hợp với nhu cầu giảng dạy cụ thể. Thích hợp cho sinh viên đại học và sau đại học đang theo học quản lý nghề nghiệp và các khóa học liên quan. Yehuda Baruch là Giáo sư Quản lý tại Trường Kinh doanh Southampton, Đại học Southampton.
1 Introduction
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Career perspectives: Inpidual versus organizational
What is the meaning of career?
Why employability?
Balancing inpidual and organizational needs
Labour markets
The changing nature of careers
Organizational careers: The rumours of their death have been premature
New psychological contracts: The evolution of employment relationships
Changing the rules of the game
Changes in the occupational sector from a historical perspective
Career systems and their multi constituencies: Who brings what, who does what
Technology impact
Career ecosystems
Successful career systems
Career management as part of the HR matrix
From strategic HRM to strategic career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
2 Inpidual careers
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Introduction: Career – inpidual perspective
Career choice
Internal, external, and organizational careers
Inpidual models of career choice
Inpidual models of career stage and development
Personality and career
Key terms
Discussion questions
3 Inpidual careers and career models
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Models of inpidual career development and the protean career
Inpiduals and career counselling
Studying inpidual careers
Career success
The desert generation phenomenon
Boundaryless, intelligent, kaleidoscope, and post-corporate careers and career construction theory
How to reinvent and resurrect one’s own career
Key terms
Discussion questions
4 Employability, sustainability, and entrepreneurship
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Employability – when and for whom?
Graduates’ employability
Organizational perspective of employability
Career sustainability
Entrepreneurship as a promising, viable career path
Phasing out – the ending of working life
Key terms
Discussion questions
5 The dynamic nature of career management
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Career dynamism
VUCA – perpetual motion
The Peter Principle and organizational career systems
Career communities
The dark side of careers
Career networking
Careers as metaphors
Changes in specific occupations and the emergence of new vocations and business sectors
Change versus stability: implications for career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
6 Organizational career systems – the Career Active System Triad (CAST)
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
From an inpidual focus to an organizational perspective
The career active system triad (CAST)
Organizational career systems
Organizational frames and career dynamism
Strategic HRM, strategic career systems
Flexibility and competitive advantage
Flexibility as a strategic response
The blurring of boundaries
Work stress and control over time
Alternative work arrangements
Organizational developments and career systems
Recruitment, selection and, career systems
‘New deals’
Evaluating career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
Appendix 6.1
7 Organizational career management practices
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Introduction: Career practices
The use of career practices: Empirical evidence
CPM practices: Clusters
Career practices for whom?
Career practices: Detailed discussion
From a collection to a collective: Integrating practices into a system
Implications for organizations
Key terms
Discussion questions
8 Global career management
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
The internationalization of careers: Inpidual perspective
Inpidual characteristics of global managers
Global psychological contracts?
Global employability
The push/pull model
Different national managerial cultures
Global career systems: The organizational perspective
HRM operating across borders: ‘Glocalized’ careers
Expatriation and repatriation career strategies
Repatriation and reverse culture shock
Key terms
Discussion questions
9 Equality, persity, and inclusion: Careers perspective
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
What is persity?
What is inclusion?
What is discrimination?
What is management of persity?
Organizational approaches to tackling discrimination and improving inclusion
Procedural justice and distributive justice
Specific groups and relevant issues
Belonging to a special type of family
Organizational policies and their importance in managing persity
Key terms
Discussion questions
10 Conclusion: The future of careers
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Back to basics
Future trends
Technology, e-business careers, and virtual careers
Life or working career?
Strategic career or career strategy?
The career ecosystems theory as an over-arching perspective
Lessons and challenges
Discussion questions
Quản lý nghề nghiệp và việc làm
Kết hợp nền tảng lý thuyết vững chắc với nhiều nghiên cứu điển hình và ví dụ thực tế, cuốn sách giáo khoa có thẩm quyền này cung cấp sự hiểu biết sâu sắc về hệ thống nghề nghiệp, ở cả cấp độ cá nhân và tổ chức. Áp dụng cách tiếp cận toàn cầu, Quản lý Nghề nghiệp và Việc làm xem xét sự phát triển gần đây của thị trường lao động và khám phá các chủ đề đương đại như sự nghiệp khởi nghiệp, hệ sinh thái nghề nghiệp và mặt tối của sự nghiệp. Một loạt các tính năng học tập bao gồm các câu hỏi phản ánh, các thuật ngữ chính và bài tập, giúp bạn suy ngẫm và quản lý sự nghiệp của chính mình. Các tài nguyên trực tuyến bao gồm Hướng dẫn dành cho gia sư, bao gồm các ghi chú giảng dạy cho từng chương cũng như các trang trình bày PowerPoint có thể được điều chỉnh và chỉnh sửa để phù hợp với nhu cầu giảng dạy cụ thể. Thích hợp cho sinh viên đại học và sau đại học đang theo học quản lý nghề nghiệp và các khóa học liên quan. Yehuda Baruch là Giáo sư Quản lý tại Trường Kinh doanh Southampton, Đại học Southampton.
Quản lý nghề nghiệp và việc làm
Kết hợp nền tảng lý thuyết vững chắc với nhiều nghiên cứu điển hình và ví dụ thực tế, cuốn sách giáo khoa có thẩm quyền này cung cấp sự hiểu biết sâu sắc về hệ thống nghề nghiệp, ở cả cấp độ cá nhân và tổ chức. Áp dụng cách tiếp cận toàn cầu, Quản lý Nghề nghiệp và Việc làm xem xét sự phát triển gần đây của thị trường lao động và khám phá các chủ đề đương đại như sự nghiệp khởi nghiệp, hệ sinh thái nghề nghiệp và mặt tối của sự nghiệp. Một loạt các tính năng học tập bao gồm các câu hỏi phản ánh, các thuật ngữ chính và bài tập, giúp bạn suy ngẫm và quản lý sự nghiệp của chính mình. Các tài nguyên trực tuyến bao gồm Hướng dẫn dành cho gia sư, bao gồm các ghi chú giảng dạy cho từng chương cũng như các trang trình bày PowerPoint có thể được điều chỉnh và chỉnh sửa để phù hợp với nhu cầu giảng dạy cụ thể. Thích hợp cho sinh viên đại học và sau đại học đang theo học quản lý nghề nghiệp và các khóa học liên quan. Yehuda Baruch là Giáo sư Quản lý tại Trường Kinh doanh Southampton, Đại học Southampton.
1 Introduction
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Career perspectives: Inpidual versus organizational
What is the meaning of career?
Why employability?
Balancing inpidual and organizational needs
Labour markets
The changing nature of careers
Organizational careers: The rumours of their death have been premature
New psychological contracts: The evolution of employment relationships
Changing the rules of the game
Changes in the occupational sector from a historical perspective
Career systems and their multi constituencies: Who brings what, who does what
Technology impact
Career ecosystems
Successful career systems
Career management as part of the HR matrix
From strategic HRM to strategic career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
2 Inpidual careers
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Introduction: Career – inpidual perspective
Career choice
Internal, external, and organizational careers
Inpidual models of career choice
Inpidual models of career stage and development
Personality and career
Key terms
Discussion questions
3 Inpidual careers and career models
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Models of inpidual career development and the protean career
Inpiduals and career counselling
Studying inpidual careers
Career success
The desert generation phenomenon
Boundaryless, intelligent, kaleidoscope, and post-corporate careers and career construction theory
How to reinvent and resurrect one’s own career
Key terms
Discussion questions
4 Employability, sustainability, and entrepreneurship
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Employability – when and for whom?
Graduates’ employability
Organizational perspective of employability
Career sustainability
Entrepreneurship as a promising, viable career path
Phasing out – the ending of working life
Key terms
Discussion questions
5 The dynamic nature of career management
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Career dynamism
VUCA – perpetual motion
The Peter Principle and organizational career systems
Career communities
The dark side of careers
Career networking
Careers as metaphors
Changes in specific occupations and the emergence of new vocations and business sectors
Change versus stability: implications for career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
6 Organizational career systems – the Career Active System Triad (CAST)
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
From an inpidual focus to an organizational perspective
The career active system triad (CAST)
Organizational career systems
Organizational frames and career dynamism
Strategic HRM, strategic career systems
Flexibility and competitive advantage
Flexibility as a strategic response
The blurring of boundaries
Work stress and control over time
Alternative work arrangements
Organizational developments and career systems
Recruitment, selection and, career systems
‘New deals’
Evaluating career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
Appendix 6.1
7 Organizational career management practices
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Introduction: Career practices
The use of career practices: Empirical evidence
CPM practices: Clusters
Career practices for whom?
Career practices: Detailed discussion
From a collection to a collective: Integrating practices into a system
Implications for organizations
Key terms
Discussion questions
8 Global career management
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
The internationalization of careers: Inpidual perspective
Inpidual characteristics of global managers
Global psychological contracts?
Global employability
The push/pull model
Different national managerial cultures
Global career systems: The organizational perspective
HRM operating across borders: ‘Glocalized’ careers
Expatriation and repatriation career strategies
Repatriation and reverse culture shock
Key terms
Discussion questions
9 Equality, persity, and inclusion: Careers perspective
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
What is persity?
What is inclusion?
What is discrimination?
What is management of persity?
Organizational approaches to tackling discrimination and improving inclusion
Procedural justice and distributive justice
Specific groups and relevant issues
Belonging to a special type of family
Organizational policies and their importance in managing persity
Key terms
Discussion questions
10 Conclusion: The future of careers
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Back to basics
Future trends
Technology, e-business careers, and virtual careers
Life or working career?
Strategic career or career strategy?
The career ecosystems theory as an over-arching perspective
Lessons and challenges
Discussion questions
1 Introduction
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Career perspectives: Inpidual versus organizational
What is the meaning of career?
Why employability?
Balancing inpidual and organizational needs
Labour markets
The changing nature of careers
Organizational careers: The rumours of their death have been premature
New psychological contracts: The evolution of employment relationships
Changing the rules of the game
Changes in the occupational sector from a historical perspective
Career systems and their multi constituencies: Who brings what, who does what
Technology impact
Career ecosystems
Successful career systems
Career management as part of the HR matrix
From strategic HRM to strategic career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
2 Inpidual careers
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Introduction: Career – inpidual perspective
Career choice
Internal, external, and organizational careers
Inpidual models of career choice
Inpidual models of career stage and development
Personality and career
Key terms
Discussion questions
3 Inpidual careers and career models
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Models of inpidual career development and the protean career
Inpiduals and career counselling
Studying inpidual careers
Career success
The desert generation phenomenon
Boundaryless, intelligent, kaleidoscope, and post-corporate careers and career construction theory
How to reinvent and resurrect one’s own career
Key terms
Discussion questions
4 Employability, sustainability, and entrepreneurship
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Employability – when and for whom?
Graduates’ employability
Organizational perspective of employability
Career sustainability
Entrepreneurship as a promising, viable career path
Phasing out – the ending of working life
Key terms
Discussion questions
5 The dynamic nature of career management
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Career dynamism
VUCA – perpetual motion
The Peter Principle and organizational career systems
Career communities
The dark side of careers
Career networking
Careers as metaphors
Changes in specific occupations and the emergence of new vocations and business sectors
Change versus stability: implications for career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
6 Organizational career systems – the Career Active System Triad (CAST)
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
From an inpidual focus to an organizational perspective
The career active system triad (CAST)
Organizational career systems
Organizational frames and career dynamism
Strategic HRM, strategic career systems
Flexibility and competitive advantage
Flexibility as a strategic response
The blurring of boundaries
Work stress and control over time
Alternative work arrangements
Organizational developments and career systems
Recruitment, selection and, career systems
‘New deals’
Evaluating career systems
Key terms
Discussion questions
Appendix 6.1
7 Organizational career management practices
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Introduction: Career practices
The use of career practices: Empirical evidence
CPM practices: Clusters
Career practices for whom?
Career practices: Detailed discussion
From a collection to a collective: Integrating practices into a system
Implications for organizations
Key terms
Discussion questions
8 Global career management
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
The internationalization of careers: Inpidual perspective
Inpidual characteristics of global managers
Global psychological contracts?
Global employability
The push/pull model
Different national managerial cultures
Global career systems: The organizational perspective
HRM operating across borders: ‘Glocalized’ careers
Expatriation and repatriation career strategies
Repatriation and reverse culture shock
Key terms
Discussion questions
9 Equality, persity, and inclusion: Careers perspective
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
What is persity?
What is inclusion?
What is discrimination?
What is management of persity?
Organizational approaches to tackling discrimination and improving inclusion
Procedural justice and distributive justice
Specific groups and relevant issues
Belonging to a special type of family
Organizational policies and their importance in managing persity
Key terms
Discussion questions
10 Conclusion: The future of careers
Learning objectives
Chapter outline
Back to basics
Future trends
Technology, e-business careers, and virtual careers
Life or working career?
Strategic career or career strategy?
The career ecosystems theory as an over-arching perspective
Lessons and challenges
Discussion questions