
Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation 4th Edition


Publisher:Sage Publications Ltd (UK)
Author: Patrick Dawson; Constantine Andriopoulos
Edition: @2021
eBook ISBN:9781529764994
Print ISBN: 9781529734959
Type: 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân  

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Quản lý sự thay đổi, sáng tạo và đổi mới
Văn bản bán chạy nhất này mang đến một cách tiếp cận mới mẻ và độc đáo để quản lý sự thay đổi của tổ chức, với quan điểm rằng sự thay đổi, tính sáng tạo và đổi mới có mối liên hệ với nhau. Nó cung cấp một sự hiểu biết lý thuyết mạnh mẽ về sự thay đổi, sáng tạo và đổi mới cùng với hướng dẫn và ý tưởng thực tế cho sự thay đổi và phát triển của tổ chức. Ấn bản thứ tư đi kèm: rất nhiều nghiên cứu điển hình hoàn toàn mới và ví dụ từ khắp nơi trên thế giới, nội dung bổ sung về đổi mới và công nghệ, thảo luận mở rộng và một chương bổ sung về các khía cạnh con người của sự thay đổi bao gồm văn hóa, ý nghĩa và tính thời gian. Được viết bằng một lối viết hấp dẫn và dễ tiếp cận. phong cách, cuốn sách này rất cần thiết cho những ai đang nghiên cứu về quản lý thay đổi tổ chức hoặc sự sáng tạo và đổi mới.

List of Figures
List of Tables
About the Authors
Praise for Previous Editions
Online Resources
PART ONE Setting the Scene: The Changing Landscape of Business Organizations
1 Introduction
Managing change, creativity and innovation
The importance of change, creativity and innovation in a world of flux and transition
Case 1.1 A creative innovation to the problem of delivering packages in increasingly congested cities
Rationale and structure of the book
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
2 The Process of Change, Creativity and Innovation
Organizational change
Defining organizational change: The key dimensions
The main drivers of change
Gradual and rapid change: An explanatory model
Case 2.1 Global Pandemic 2020 COVID-19: Triggers for change and the JobKeepers initiative in Australia
Myths surrounding creativity: Towards a definition
Theories and models of creativity
Creative thinking
Reflective exercise: Creative accidents and managing the process of creative work
Forms and levels of innovation
Closed and open innovation
Disruptive innovation: Breaking away from established patterns
A process model of continuous innovation
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Takeaway exercise
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
3 A Brief History of Management Thought in the Development of Concepts, Theories and Business Practice
The Industrial Revolution
Industrial organization and the coordination and control of work
Change and the human aspects of work
Sleepers wake: The spectre of technology and innovation
Fit for purpose: The rise of contingency theory
In search of excellence: Recipes for success
Guru literature, popularized ideas and the reinvention of management
New ideas for prospective futures: The global digital economy, advanced technology, precarious employment and declining household incomes
Resources, readings and reflections
A reflective and prospective exercise
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
PART TWO Change and Innovation in Organizations
4 Classifying Theories of Organizational Change
The need for good research, concepts and theory
Positivism versus interpretivism: What is knowledge and existence?
The paradox of continuity and change
Classifying theories of change: The conceptual terrain
Four foundational theories for understanding organizational change
A historical frame for explaining developments in organizational change theories
Metaphors of organizations and images of managing change
A summary of theories and approaches to organizational change
Case 4.1 Mybank: A case study of organizational change
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
5 Change Management Practice: Choices, Lessons Learned and Key Considerations
Reasons for change: Context, drivers and choices
Case 5.1 The role of government in driving change: Electricity in New Zealand and the politics of privatization
Environmental determinism and strategic choice
Scale and type of organizational change
The practice of managing change: Guidelines, lessons and perspectives
Reflective exercise: How leaders spark and sustain change
The practice of managing innovation and change: Success and failure
Is change and innovation the solution to business success?
Case 5.2 Micro-X: A case study on competitive innovation of a high technology start-up company
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
6 Human Dimensions: Readiness, Communication, Sensemaking and Culture
Getting ready for change
Communication and change
Communication skills and competencies for change
Communication: Process and strategies
Communication for gaining commitment and not compliance to change
Case 6.1 A question of communication? A change project in a local government agency in New Zealand
Communication as conversations in making sense of change
Case 6.2 The importance of informal communication: Gossip and confidential gossip at work
Organizational culture
Case 6.3 Cultures at work: The case of Home Care Service
The management of cultural change in organizations
Case 6.4 Leadership, culture and change: The case of Jerusalem Paints Industry
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
7 People and Change: Power, Politics, Resistance, Time and Temporality
Power and politics in the management of change
Power and change
Politics as ‘power in action’ in managing change
The politics of change management: Winning the turf game
Case 7.1 The hegemonic power of management and the sacking of the night shift: Power-coercive strategies or Machiavellian management?
Resistance and change
Inpidual responses to change
Group responses to change
Case 7.2 Collective resistance through social media: The case of social movement organizations (SMOs)
Suppressing collective forms of resistance at work: Foxconn factories in China
Resistance as authentic grievance for positive change
Case 7.3 Resistance to threatened identities: Cultural reactions to change imposition
Time, temporality and organizational change
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercises
Workshop discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
8 Conventional Frameworks: Planning, Diagnostics and Sequence
Laying the foundations for planned approaches: Kurt Lewin
Organizational Development (OD) and diagnostic change management
A matrix model of OD interventions
Dunphy and Stace’s situational approach to change management
Case 8.1 The British Rail case study: Learning from the past?
John Kotter: Leading and managing successful change
Case 8.2 Change at General Motors–Holden
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Research and reading exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
9 Interpretative Frameworks, Dialogical OD, the Learning Organization and Appreciative Inquiry
Dialogical OD and the movement away from diagnostic foundations
Peter Senge: Continual transformation and the learning organization
Jabri’s participative dialogical approach to managing change
Case 9.1 Change and the transitioning of people with intellectual disabilities into aged care facilities
Appreciative Inquiry (AI): Searching for the best in people
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Research and reading exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
10 The Processual Turn: Politics, Context and Time
Laying the foundations: Processual–contextual perspectives
Temporality and the dominance of objective time in theorizing change
Storying processes of change: Narrative and dialogue
The storyist turn: change as a multi-story process
The change kaleidoscope framework
Dawson’s processual approach for understanding change
A reappraisal of time for processual understanding
Processes shaping organizational change
Criticisms of Dawson’s processual approach
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Podcast exercise: Does time exist?
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
PART THREE Creativity, Innovation and Change in Organizations
11 Creative Industries, Innovative Cities and Changing Worlds
A new epoch of creativity and innovation
Case 11.1 Entrepreneurial flair and the success of Amazon
Creative industries: Strategy, wealth creation and growth
Case 11.2 Social enterprise in the creative and cultural sector – The Forum Music Centre
The age of creativity: Organizations, people and location
The industrial and creative pide in the experience economy
Creative cities and regions: Advancing creativity for development
The creative class and the urban pide: Bohemians, tech-geeks, baristas and low-income service workers
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Video discussion
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading/listening
12 The Inpidual: Promoting Critical Thinking
Cognitive factors
Implications for creativity, innovation and change management
Personality traits
Implications for creativity, innovation and change management
Case 12.1 Kylie Jenner, the creative entrepreneur who built a global empire in record time
Formal or explicit knowledge
Informal or tacit knowledge
Knowledge for creativity?
Is knowledge always conducive to processes of change, creativity and innovation?
Implications for creativity, innovation and change management
Types of motivation
Implications for creativity, innovation and change management
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
13 The Group: Nurturing Teamwork
Teams and the creative process
Why do people join teams?
Why do teams fail?
Team-building interventions during change
Creative teams: What do we know?
Team inputs
Team size
Team longevity
Knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs)
Resourcing the team
Team composition
Team processes
Action processes
Interpersonal processes
Team cohesiveness
Moderators of team performance
Task type
Team leadership
Team outcomes
Case 13.1 Atlassian cofounders build a partnership that lasts
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
14 The Contextual Environment: Structure, Systems, Resources and Culture
What is organizational structure?
Situational factors
Corporate strategy
Organizational size
Environmental uncertainty
Organizing for change, creativity and innovation
Goal-setting and reward systems
Sufficient resourcing
Systems of communication
Project selection
Case 14.1 The creative process at an advertising agency in Australia
So what is organizational culture?
Why is culture an important influence on organizational creativity and innovation?
Norms that promote creativity and innovation
Norms that promote implementation
Practical principles for sustaining and building creativity and change
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
15 The Leader: Promoting New Ideas at Work
Defining leadership
How are managers different from leaders?
Ingredients of leadership
Historical overview of key leadership theories
Trait approaches to leadership
Behavioural theories
Contingency theories
Contemporary approaches to leadership
Transformational and transactional leadership
Charismatic and visionary leadership
Leading creativity and innovation
Qualities and approaches of leadership for change
Leading an ambidextrous organization: Exploitative and explorative innovation
Case 15.1 Transformation and change at Leeds Rhinos: The power of one
Case 15.2 From Jack Welch to Jack Dorsey: A tale of changing capitalism: Yogababble displaces shareholder returns, but egocentric bosses remain the same
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
16 Conclusion
Creative employees and the creative process
Lessons for managing change, creativity and innovation


Quản lý sự thay đổi, sáng tạo và đổi mới
Văn bản bán chạy nhất này mang đến một cách tiếp cận mới mẻ và độc đáo để quản lý sự thay đổi của tổ chức, với quan điểm rằng sự thay đổi, tính sáng tạo và đổi mới có mối liên hệ với nhau. Nó cung cấp một sự hiểu biết lý thuyết mạnh mẽ về sự thay đổi, sáng tạo và đổi mới cùng với hướng dẫn và ý tưởng thực tế cho sự thay đổi và phát triển của tổ chức. Ấn bản thứ tư đi kèm: rất nhiều nghiên cứu điển hình hoàn toàn mới và ví dụ từ khắp nơi trên thế giới, nội dung bổ sung về đổi mới và công nghệ, thảo luận mở rộng và một chương bổ sung về các khía cạnh con người của sự thay đổi bao gồm văn hóa, ý nghĩa và tính thời gian. Được viết bằng một lối viết hấp dẫn và dễ tiếp cận. phong cách, cuốn sách này rất cần thiết cho những ai đang nghiên cứu về quản lý thay đổi tổ chức hoặc sự sáng tạo và đổi mới.


List of Figures
List of Tables
About the Authors
Praise for Previous Editions
Online Resources
PART ONE Setting the Scene: The Changing Landscape of Business Organizations
1 Introduction
Managing change, creativity and innovation
The importance of change, creativity and innovation in a world of flux and transition
Case 1.1 A creative innovation to the problem of delivering packages in increasingly congested cities
Rationale and structure of the book
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
2 The Process of Change, Creativity and Innovation
Organizational change
Defining organizational change: The key dimensions
The main drivers of change
Gradual and rapid change: An explanatory model
Case 2.1 Global Pandemic 2020 COVID-19: Triggers for change and the JobKeepers initiative in Australia
Myths surrounding creativity: Towards a definition
Theories and models of creativity
Creative thinking
Reflective exercise: Creative accidents and managing the process of creative work
Forms and levels of innovation
Closed and open innovation
Disruptive innovation: Breaking away from established patterns
A process model of continuous innovation
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Takeaway exercise
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
3 A Brief History of Management Thought in the Development of Concepts, Theories and Business Practice
The Industrial Revolution
Industrial organization and the coordination and control of work
Change and the human aspects of work
Sleepers wake: The spectre of technology and innovation
Fit for purpose: The rise of contingency theory
In search of excellence: Recipes for success
Guru literature, popularized ideas and the reinvention of management
New ideas for prospective futures: The global digital economy, advanced technology, precarious employment and declining household incomes
Resources, readings and reflections
A reflective and prospective exercise
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
PART TWO Change and Innovation in Organizations
4 Classifying Theories of Organizational Change
The need for good research, concepts and theory
Positivism versus interpretivism: What is knowledge and existence?
The paradox of continuity and change
Classifying theories of change: The conceptual terrain
Four foundational theories for understanding organizational change
A historical frame for explaining developments in organizational change theories
Metaphors of organizations and images of managing change
A summary of theories and approaches to organizational change
Case 4.1 Mybank: A case study of organizational change
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
5 Change Management Practice: Choices, Lessons Learned and Key Considerations
Reasons for change: Context, drivers and choices
Case 5.1 The role of government in driving change: Electricity in New Zealand and the politics of privatization
Environmental determinism and strategic choice
Scale and type of organizational change
The practice of managing change: Guidelines, lessons and perspectives
Reflective exercise: How leaders spark and sustain change
The practice of managing innovation and change: Success and failure
Is change and innovation the solution to business success?
Case 5.2 Micro-X: A case study on competitive innovation of a high technology start-up company
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
6 Human Dimensions: Readiness, Communication, Sensemaking and Culture
Getting ready for change
Communication and change
Communication skills and competencies for change
Communication: Process and strategies
Communication for gaining commitment and not compliance to change
Case 6.1 A question of communication? A change project in a local government agency in New Zealand
Communication as conversations in making sense of change
Case 6.2 The importance of informal communication: Gossip and confidential gossip at work
Organizational culture
Case 6.3 Cultures at work: The case of Home Care Service
The management of cultural change in organizations
Case 6.4 Leadership, culture and change: The case of Jerusalem Paints Industry
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
7 People and Change: Power, Politics, Resistance, Time and Temporality
Power and politics in the management of change
Power and change
Politics as ‘power in action’ in managing change
The politics of change management: Winning the turf game
Case 7.1 The hegemonic power of management and the sacking of the night shift: Power-coercive strategies or Machiavellian management?
Resistance and change
Inpidual responses to change
Group responses to change
Case 7.2 Collective resistance through social media: The case of social movement organizations (SMOs)
Suppressing collective forms of resistance at work: Foxconn factories in China
Resistance as authentic grievance for positive change
Case 7.3 Resistance to threatened identities: Cultural reactions to change imposition
Time, temporality and organizational change
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercises
Workshop discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
8 Conventional Frameworks: Planning, Diagnostics and Sequence
Laying the foundations for planned approaches: Kurt Lewin
Organizational Development (OD) and diagnostic change management
A matrix model of OD interventions
Dunphy and Stace’s situational approach to change management
Case 8.1 The British Rail case study: Learning from the past?
John Kotter: Leading and managing successful change
Case 8.2 Change at General Motors–Holden
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Research and reading exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
9 Interpretative Frameworks, Dialogical OD, the Learning Organization and Appreciative Inquiry
Dialogical OD and the movement away from diagnostic foundations
Peter Senge: Continual transformation and the learning organization
Jabri’s participative dialogical approach to managing change
Case 9.1 Change and the transitioning of people with intellectual disabilities into aged care facilities
Appreciative Inquiry (AI): Searching for the best in people
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Research and reading exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
10 The Processual Turn: Politics, Context and Time
Laying the foundations: Processual–contextual perspectives
Temporality and the dominance of objective time in theorizing change
Storying processes of change: Narrative and dialogue
The storyist turn: change as a multi-story process
The change kaleidoscope framework
Dawson’s processual approach for understanding change
A reappraisal of time for processual understanding
Processes shaping organizational change
Criticisms of Dawson’s processual approach
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Podcast exercise: Does time exist?
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
PART THREE Creativity, Innovation and Change in Organizations
11 Creative Industries, Innovative Cities and Changing Worlds
A new epoch of creativity and innovation
Case 11.1 Entrepreneurial flair and the success of Amazon
Creative industries: Strategy, wealth creation and growth
Case 11.2 Social enterprise in the creative and cultural sector – The Forum Music Centre
The age of creativity: Organizations, people and location
The industrial and creative pide in the experience economy
Creative cities and regions: Advancing creativity for development
The creative class and the urban pide: Bohemians, tech-geeks, baristas and low-income service workers
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Video discussion
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading/listening
12 The Inpidual: Promoting Critical Thinking
Cognitive factors
Implications for creativity, innovation and change management
Personality traits
Implications for creativity, innovation and change management
Case 12.1 Kylie Jenner, the creative entrepreneur who built a global empire in record time
Formal or explicit knowledge
Informal or tacit knowledge
Knowledge for creativity?
Is knowledge always conducive to processes of change, creativity and innovation?
Implications for creativity, innovation and change management
Types of motivation
Implications for creativity, innovation and change management
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
13 The Group: Nurturing Teamwork
Teams and the creative process
Why do people join teams?
Why do teams fail?
Team-building interventions during change
Creative teams: What do we know?
Team inputs
Team size
Team longevity
Knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs)
Resourcing the team
Team composition
Team processes
Action processes
Interpersonal processes
Team cohesiveness
Moderators of team performance
Task type
Team leadership
Team outcomes
Case 13.1 Atlassian cofounders build a partnership that lasts
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
14 The Contextual Environment: Structure, Systems, Resources and Culture
What is organizational structure?
Situational factors
Corporate strategy
Organizational size
Environmental uncertainty
Organizing for change, creativity and innovation
Goal-setting and reward systems
Sufficient resourcing
Systems of communication
Project selection
Case 14.1 The creative process at an advertising agency in Australia
So what is organizational culture?
Why is culture an important influence on organizational creativity and innovation?
Norms that promote creativity and innovation
Norms that promote implementation
Practical principles for sustaining and building creativity and change
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
15 The Leader: Promoting New Ideas at Work
Defining leadership
How are managers different from leaders?
Ingredients of leadership
Historical overview of key leadership theories
Trait approaches to leadership
Behavioural theories
Contingency theories
Contemporary approaches to leadership
Transformational and transactional leadership
Charismatic and visionary leadership
Leading creativity and innovation
Qualities and approaches of leadership for change
Leading an ambidextrous organization: Exploitative and explorative innovation
Case 15.1 Transformation and change at Leeds Rhinos: The power of one
Case 15.2 From Jack Welch to Jack Dorsey: A tale of changing capitalism: Yogababble displaces shareholder returns, but egocentric bosses remain the same
Resources, readings and reflections
Chapter review questions
Hands-on exercise
Group discussion
Some useful websites
Recommended reading
16 Conclusion
Creative employees and the creative process
Lessons for managing change, creativity and innovation

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