
Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace 5th Edition


Publisher:SAGE Publications, Inc
Author: Michalle E. Mor Barak
Edition: @2022
eBook ISBN:9781544333069
Print ISBN: 9781544333076
Type: 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho học sinh lớp 6

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Mô tả sản phẩm

Quản lý sự đa dạng: Hướng tới một nơi làm việc toàn cầu
Cuốn sách Quản lý sự đa dạng: Hướng tới một nơi làm việc toàn cầu từng đoạt giải thưởng sử dụng cách tiếp cận liên ngành để cung cấp cho sinh viên sự hiểu biết về sự đa dạng từ góc độ toàn cầu. Tác giả Michalle E. Mor Barak đưa ra những hướng dẫn thực tế để giúp các nhà quản lý tạo ra một nơi làm việc hòa nhập và phát triển văn hóa tổ chức bao trùm sự đa dạng. Phiên bản thứ năm bao gồm phạm vi bao quát mở rộng về công lý môi trường, sự đa dạng về người khuyết tật, sự đa dạng của LGBTQ và khả năng lãnh đạo toàn diện. Truy cập hai hoạt động miễn phí dành cho sinh viên ngay bây giờ: Thu hút sinh viên của bạn bằng các ví dụ đương đại về sự đa dạng trong lực lượng lao động từ tác giả từng đoạt giải thưởng Michalle E. Mor Barak.

List of Boxes, Figures, and Tables
About the Author
Chapter 1 • Introduction and Conceptual Framework
The Challenge of Managing Diversity in a Global Context
Tensions Posed by Global Workforce Trends
Diversity and Exclusion: A Critical Workforce Problem
The Inclusive Workplace Model
Conceptual Framework and Organization of the Book
Summary and Conclusion
Part I • The Global Context for Diversity Management
Chapter 2 • Diversity Legislation in a Global Perspective: Equality and Fairness in Employment
The International Bill of Human Rights and Employment Rights
Importance and Influence of the Declaration of Human Rights
Diversity-Related Employment Legislation
Broad-Based Anti-discrimination Legislation
Race—South Africa
Equal Remuneration—United States
Sexual Orientation—International
Gender Identity–United States and International
Antisexual Harassment Legislation—International
Practical Implications
Summary and Conclusion
Supplement 2.1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Supplement 2.2. Global Antidiscrimination and Equal Rights Legislation Checklist of Protections Offered by a Select Number of Countries
Chapter 3 • Discrimination, Equality and Fairness in Employment: Social Policies and Affirmative/Positive Action Programs
Discrimination and Equality in Employment
Theoretical Perspectives of Discrimination and Affirmative Action
Social Policies and Affirmative/Positive Action Programs
Legal Arrangements for Affirmative and Positive Action Policies
Principles of Affirmative Action and Positive Action Programs
Specific Goals and Target Population
Policies and Activities
Enforcement, Incentives, and Sanctions
The Public Debate Over Affirmative and Positive Action Policies
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 4 • Global Demographic Trends: Impact on Workforce Diversity
International Population Trends
Trends in the Working Age Population
Migration Trends
National Trends
Gender Diversity
Age Diversity
Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Ability and Disability Diversity
Sexual Orientation Diversity
Gender Identity Diversity
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 5 • Socioeconomic Transitions: The New Realities of the Global Workforce
Worker Migration
Occupational Diversity
Migration of Employers
Implications for Diversity of Gender, Disability, and Sexual Orientation
Educational Trends and Workforce Diversity
Summary and Conclusion
Part II • Social Psychological Perspectives of Workplace Diversity
Chapter 6 • Defining Diversity in a Global Context: Prejudice and Discrimination
Workforce Diversity Defined
Narrow Category–Based Diversity Definitions
Broad Category–Based Diversity Definitions
Diversity Definitions Based on a Conceptual Rule
Moving Toward a Global Definition of Diversity
Stereotypes and Prejudice
Dehumanization and Oppression
Employment-Related Discrimination
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 7 • Vive la Différence?: Theoretical Perspectives on Diversity and Exclusion in the Workplace
Diversity and Exclusion: A Critical Workforce Problem
Overview of Social Psychological Theories of Diversity and Exclusion
Theoretical Underpinnings of the Inclusion-Exclusion Construct
Orienting Theories of Diversity and Exclusion
Explanatory Theories of Diversity and Exclusion
Explanatory Theories Addressing Question 1: Why Do Employees Feel Excluded in Their Workplace?
Limitation of Social Identity Theory in Understanding Diversity and Exclusion
Implications of Social Identity Theory to Diversity and Exclusion
Social Comparison Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory
Explanatory Theories Addressing Question 2: How Can Experiences of Exclusion Influence Employee Attitudes, Behaviors and Performance?
Explanatory Theories Addressing Question 3: Why Are There Conflicts Between Groups in the Workplace?
Research on Organizational Demography Documenting Exclusion
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 8 • Culture and Communication in the Global Workplace
The Cultural Context for the Global Workplace
Cultural Value Dimensions
Power Distance
Inpidualism Versus Collectivism
Masculinity Versus Femininity
Avoidance of Uncertainty
Long- Versus Short-Term Orientation
Indulgence Versus Restraint
Summary and Critique of Hofstede’s Framework
The GLOBE Study
Cross-Cultural Communication
Effective Cross-Cultural Communication
Verbal Communication
Language Fluency and Cultural Fluency
Nonverbal Communication
Cross-Cultural Communication Styles
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 9 • Interpersonal Relationships in a Global Work Context
Cultural Styles and Relational Mental Models
Diversity in Interpersonal Relationships
Emotional Detachment Versus Emotional Involvement
Conflict and Harmony
Interpersonal Relationships and Cross-Cultural Communication
Theoretical Perspectives on Interpersonal Cross-Cultural Communication
Face and Harmony Orientation
Relationship Versus Task Orientation
Direct Versus Indirect Communication
Summary and Conclusion
Part III • Managing A Diverse Workforce in the Global Context: The Inclusive Workplace
Chapter 10 • Diversity Management: Paradigms, Rationale, and Key Elements
Defining Diversity Management
From Equal Rights Laws to Affirmative/Positive Action, to Diversity Management
Diversity Management Paradigms
The Human Resource Paradigm in Diversity Management
The Multicultural Organization Paradigm in Diversity Management
Models of Global Diversity Management
The Impetus for Implementing Diversity Management
Characteristics and Limitations of Diversity Management
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 11 • Inclusive Leadership: Unlocking the Diversity Potential
Leadership Dilemmas and the Diversity Paradox
Transformational Leadership, Inclusive Leadership, and the Organization’s Competitive Advantage
Organizational Leadership and Inclusion
Inclusive Leadership
Leadership and Policy-Practice Decoupling
Policy-Practice Decoupling Within Levels and Between Levels
Inclusive Leadership from the Ground Up—Leadership Emergence
Inclusive Leadership from the Top: The Central Role of CEOs
Inclusive Leadership in the Middle: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 12 • Overview of the Inclusive Workplace Model
Overview of the Inclusive Workplace Model
The Inclusive Workplace: Level I
Inclusive Policies and Practices
Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level I
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 13 • The Inclusive Workplace Model
Level II—Inclusion Through Corporate-Community Collaborations
Inclusive Policies and Practices
Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level II
Level II Summary and Conclusion
Level III—Inclusion Through State/National Collaborations
Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level III
Level III Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 14 • The Inclusive Workplace Model
The Inclusive Workplace: Level IV
Barriers and Benefits to Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level IV
Summary and Conclusion Level IV
The Inclusive Workplace: Level V
Barriers and Benefits to Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level V
Summary and Conclusion Level V
Chapter 15 • Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace: Putting the Pieces Together
The Value Base for the Inclusive Workplace
Implementation of the Inclusive Workplace
Practical Steps for Creating an Inclusive Workplace: Climate for Diversity, Climate for Inclusion, and Survey Scales
Climate for Diversity and Climate for Inclusion
Assessment of Climate for Diversity and Climate for Inclusion—Survey Scales
The Climate for Inclusion-Exclusion Scale (MBIE)
Psychometric Properties and Previous Research Using the Measure
The Mor Barak et al. Diversity Climate Scale
Psychometric Properties and Previous Research Using the Measure
Appendix 1: Case Illustration: Level I—Inclusion Through Diversity Within Work Organizations—Denny’s, Inc.
Homogenous History
The “New Face” of Denny’s
Diversity Changes
Awards and Impact
Continued Legal Trouble
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
Summary and Conclusion
Appendix 2: Case Illustration: Level II—Inclusion Through Corporate-Community Collaboration—Unilever
Unilever and Palm Oil
Importance of Palm Oil
The Oil Palm Tree Industry
Current Trends
Impact of Palm Plantations
Unilever’s Sustainability Development
Sustainable Agriculture Initiative
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Plan
Unilever’s Commitments Related to Palm Oil
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
Appendix 3: Case Illustration: Level III—Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups at the National/State Level—Eurest
History of the Aboriginals
Australia’s Plan to Mend the Injustices
New Laws and Policies
Indigenous Employment Policy
Indigenous Training and Employment Program
Continuing Controversy
Closing the Gap
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
Appendix 4: Case Illustration: Level IV—Inclusion Through Global Collaborations—Fair Trade Company
Fair Trade History
Principles of Fair Trade
Market Expansion
Example of the Costs of Fair-Trade Goods
Global Village and Fair-Trade Company
Need for Options in Japan
Fair Trade and Gender Inequality in Less-Developed Countries
Formula for Success
Fair Trade Future
Fair Trade Product Certifications
Fair Trade Impact on Producing Countries
Fair Trade Towns, Colleges, Schools, and Congregations
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
Appendix 5: Case Illustration: Level V—Inclusion Through Sustainability and Environmental Justice—Uranium Mines Deadly Legacy at the Navajo Nation
History of Uranium Mines on Navajo Land
Health Impacts
Legal Action
Cleanup Efforts and Lingering Mistrust
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis


Quản lý sự đa dạng: Hướng tới một nơi làm việc toàn cầu
Cuốn sách Quản lý sự đa dạng: Hướng tới một nơi làm việc toàn cầu từng đoạt giải thưởng sử dụng cách tiếp cận liên ngành để cung cấp cho sinh viên sự hiểu biết về sự đa dạng từ góc độ toàn cầu. Tác giả Michalle E. Mor Barak đưa ra những hướng dẫn thực tế để giúp các nhà quản lý tạo ra một nơi làm việc hòa nhập và phát triển văn hóa tổ chức bao trùm sự đa dạng. Phiên bản thứ năm bao gồm phạm vi bao quát mở rộng về công lý môi trường, sự đa dạng về người khuyết tật, sự đa dạng của LGBTQ và khả năng lãnh đạo toàn diện. Truy cập hai hoạt động miễn phí dành cho sinh viên ngay bây giờ: Thu hút sinh viên của bạn bằng các ví dụ đương đại về sự đa dạng trong lực lượng lao động từ tác giả từng đoạt giải thưởng Michalle E. Mor Barak.


List of Boxes, Figures, and Tables
About the Author
Chapter 1 • Introduction and Conceptual Framework
The Challenge of Managing Diversity in a Global Context
Tensions Posed by Global Workforce Trends
Diversity and Exclusion: A Critical Workforce Problem
The Inclusive Workplace Model
Conceptual Framework and Organization of the Book
Summary and Conclusion
Part I • The Global Context for Diversity Management
Chapter 2 • Diversity Legislation in a Global Perspective: Equality and Fairness in Employment
The International Bill of Human Rights and Employment Rights
Importance and Influence of the Declaration of Human Rights
Diversity-Related Employment Legislation
Broad-Based Anti-discrimination Legislation
Race—South Africa
Equal Remuneration—United States
Sexual Orientation—International
Gender Identity–United States and International
Antisexual Harassment Legislation—International
Practical Implications
Summary and Conclusion
Supplement 2.1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Supplement 2.2. Global Antidiscrimination and Equal Rights Legislation Checklist of Protections Offered by a Select Number of Countries
Chapter 3 • Discrimination, Equality and Fairness in Employment: Social Policies and Affirmative/Positive Action Programs
Discrimination and Equality in Employment
Theoretical Perspectives of Discrimination and Affirmative Action
Social Policies and Affirmative/Positive Action Programs
Legal Arrangements for Affirmative and Positive Action Policies
Principles of Affirmative Action and Positive Action Programs
Specific Goals and Target Population
Policies and Activities
Enforcement, Incentives, and Sanctions
The Public Debate Over Affirmative and Positive Action Policies
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 4 • Global Demographic Trends: Impact on Workforce Diversity
International Population Trends
Trends in the Working Age Population
Migration Trends
National Trends
Gender Diversity
Age Diversity
Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Ability and Disability Diversity
Sexual Orientation Diversity
Gender Identity Diversity
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 5 • Socioeconomic Transitions: The New Realities of the Global Workforce
Worker Migration
Occupational Diversity
Migration of Employers
Implications for Diversity of Gender, Disability, and Sexual Orientation
Educational Trends and Workforce Diversity
Summary and Conclusion
Part II • Social Psychological Perspectives of Workplace Diversity
Chapter 6 • Defining Diversity in a Global Context: Prejudice and Discrimination
Workforce Diversity Defined
Narrow Category–Based Diversity Definitions
Broad Category–Based Diversity Definitions
Diversity Definitions Based on a Conceptual Rule
Moving Toward a Global Definition of Diversity
Stereotypes and Prejudice
Dehumanization and Oppression
Employment-Related Discrimination
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 7 • Vive la Différence?: Theoretical Perspectives on Diversity and Exclusion in the Workplace
Diversity and Exclusion: A Critical Workforce Problem
Overview of Social Psychological Theories of Diversity and Exclusion
Theoretical Underpinnings of the Inclusion-Exclusion Construct
Orienting Theories of Diversity and Exclusion
Explanatory Theories of Diversity and Exclusion
Explanatory Theories Addressing Question 1: Why Do Employees Feel Excluded in Their Workplace?
Limitation of Social Identity Theory in Understanding Diversity and Exclusion
Implications of Social Identity Theory to Diversity and Exclusion
Social Comparison Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory
Explanatory Theories Addressing Question 2: How Can Experiences of Exclusion Influence Employee Attitudes, Behaviors and Performance?
Explanatory Theories Addressing Question 3: Why Are There Conflicts Between Groups in the Workplace?
Research on Organizational Demography Documenting Exclusion
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 8 • Culture and Communication in the Global Workplace
The Cultural Context for the Global Workplace
Cultural Value Dimensions
Power Distance
Inpidualism Versus Collectivism
Masculinity Versus Femininity
Avoidance of Uncertainty
Long- Versus Short-Term Orientation
Indulgence Versus Restraint
Summary and Critique of Hofstede’s Framework
The GLOBE Study
Cross-Cultural Communication
Effective Cross-Cultural Communication
Verbal Communication
Language Fluency and Cultural Fluency
Nonverbal Communication
Cross-Cultural Communication Styles
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 9 • Interpersonal Relationships in a Global Work Context
Cultural Styles and Relational Mental Models
Diversity in Interpersonal Relationships
Emotional Detachment Versus Emotional Involvement
Conflict and Harmony
Interpersonal Relationships and Cross-Cultural Communication
Theoretical Perspectives on Interpersonal Cross-Cultural Communication
Face and Harmony Orientation
Relationship Versus Task Orientation
Direct Versus Indirect Communication
Summary and Conclusion
Part III • Managing A Diverse Workforce in the Global Context: The Inclusive Workplace
Chapter 10 • Diversity Management: Paradigms, Rationale, and Key Elements
Defining Diversity Management
From Equal Rights Laws to Affirmative/Positive Action, to Diversity Management
Diversity Management Paradigms
The Human Resource Paradigm in Diversity Management
The Multicultural Organization Paradigm in Diversity Management
Models of Global Diversity Management
The Impetus for Implementing Diversity Management
Characteristics and Limitations of Diversity Management
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 11 • Inclusive Leadership: Unlocking the Diversity Potential
Leadership Dilemmas and the Diversity Paradox
Transformational Leadership, Inclusive Leadership, and the Organization’s Competitive Advantage
Organizational Leadership and Inclusion
Inclusive Leadership
Leadership and Policy-Practice Decoupling
Policy-Practice Decoupling Within Levels and Between Levels
Inclusive Leadership from the Ground Up—Leadership Emergence
Inclusive Leadership from the Top: The Central Role of CEOs
Inclusive Leadership in the Middle: Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 12 • Overview of the Inclusive Workplace Model
Overview of the Inclusive Workplace Model
The Inclusive Workplace: Level I
Inclusive Policies and Practices
Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level I
Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 13 • The Inclusive Workplace Model
Level II—Inclusion Through Corporate-Community Collaborations
Inclusive Policies and Practices
Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level II
Level II Summary and Conclusion
Level III—Inclusion Through State/National Collaborations
Barriers and Benefits of Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level III
Level III Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 14 • The Inclusive Workplace Model
The Inclusive Workplace: Level IV
Barriers and Benefits to Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level IV
Summary and Conclusion Level IV
The Inclusive Workplace: Level V
Barriers and Benefits to Implementing the Inclusive Approach at Level V
Summary and Conclusion Level V
Chapter 15 • Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace: Putting the Pieces Together
The Value Base for the Inclusive Workplace
Implementation of the Inclusive Workplace
Practical Steps for Creating an Inclusive Workplace: Climate for Diversity, Climate for Inclusion, and Survey Scales
Climate for Diversity and Climate for Inclusion
Assessment of Climate for Diversity and Climate for Inclusion—Survey Scales
The Climate for Inclusion-Exclusion Scale (MBIE)
Psychometric Properties and Previous Research Using the Measure
The Mor Barak et al. Diversity Climate Scale
Psychometric Properties and Previous Research Using the Measure
Appendix 1: Case Illustration: Level I—Inclusion Through Diversity Within Work Organizations—Denny’s, Inc.
Homogenous History
The “New Face” of Denny’s
Diversity Changes
Awards and Impact
Continued Legal Trouble
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
Summary and Conclusion
Appendix 2: Case Illustration: Level II—Inclusion Through Corporate-Community Collaboration—Unilever
Unilever and Palm Oil
Importance of Palm Oil
The Oil Palm Tree Industry
Current Trends
Impact of Palm Plantations
Unilever’s Sustainability Development
Sustainable Agriculture Initiative
Implementation of the Sustainable Development Plan
Unilever’s Commitments Related to Palm Oil
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
Appendix 3: Case Illustration: Level III—Inclusion of Disadvantaged Groups at the National/State Level—Eurest
History of the Aboriginals
Australia’s Plan to Mend the Injustices
New Laws and Policies
Indigenous Employment Policy
Indigenous Training and Employment Program
Continuing Controversy
Closing the Gap
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
Appendix 4: Case Illustration: Level IV—Inclusion Through Global Collaborations—Fair Trade Company
Fair Trade History
Principles of Fair Trade
Market Expansion
Example of the Costs of Fair-Trade Goods
Global Village and Fair-Trade Company
Need for Options in Japan
Fair Trade and Gender Inequality in Less-Developed Countries
Formula for Success
Fair Trade Future
Fair Trade Product Certifications
Fair Trade Impact on Producing Countries
Fair Trade Towns, Colleges, Schools, and Congregations
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis
Appendix 5: Case Illustration: Level V—Inclusion Through Sustainability and Environmental Justice—Uranium Mines Deadly Legacy at the Navajo Nation
History of Uranium Mines on Navajo Land
Health Impacts
Legal Action
Cleanup Efforts and Lingering Mistrust
Questions for Discussion and Further Analysis

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