
Managing Organisational Change 1st Edition


Publisher:Sage Publications Ltd (UK) 
Author: Allan Ramdhony; Christoph Thiele
Edition: @2024
eBook ISBN:9781529615395
Print ISBN: 9781446298312
Type: 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân  

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Mô tả sản phẩm

Quản lý thay đổi tổ chức
Khám phá góc nhìn mới mẻ về quản lý sự thay đổi của tổ chức trong cuốn sách giáo khoa dễ tiếp cận này, cuốn sách liên kết lý thuyết với thực tiễn và áp dụng các khái niệm phức tạp vào cuộc sống. Được cấu trúc xoay quanh ba trụ cột của quản lý thay đổi thành công, cuốn sách xem xét sự thay đổi trong bối cảnh nền kinh tế toàn cầu và xem xét một loạt các ví dụ quốc tế. Các tính năng chính bao gồm: Nghiên cứu điển hình khám phá ý nghĩa thực tế của các vấn đề thay đổi thông qua các công ty như Tập đoàn Alibaba, NHS England, GSK, Tata Motors, Nike, Hewlett-Packard và Krakatau Steel của Indonesia. Các bài tập thực hành và phản ánh nhằm khuyến khích thử nghiệm các công cụ và kỹ thuật cũng như để hiểu sâu hơn.

List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Case Studies
Online Resources
1 Introduction
1.1 Conceptual framework
1.2 Aim and objectives
1.3 Book structure
1.4 Pedagogical approach
1.5 How to use this book
1.6 Overarching learning outcomes
1.7 References
2 The Nature of Change and Role of Change Management
Learning outcomes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Philosophical underpinnings
2.3 Typology of organisational change
2.4 The theory of punctuated equilibrium
2.5 Causes of organisational change
2.6 The role of change management
2.7 Exploring the links between OD, PM and CM
2.8 Conceptual nugget: Adopting a systemic approach to change management
2.9 Key learning points
2.10 Independent learning
2.11 References
3 Strategic Change
Learning outcomes
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Meaning of strategic change
3.3 Change agency: Determinism v. Voluntarism
3.4 Approaches to strategic change
3.5 Diagnostic tools to facilitate strategic change
3.6 Conceptual nugget: Leading strategic change in a VUCA business world
3.7 Key learning points
3.8 Independent learning
3.9 References
4 Theories and Models of Change Management
Learning outcomes
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Key change theories
4.3 Characteristics of a good change model
4.4 Critical review of popular organisational change models
4.5 Conceptual nugget: The superior value of systemic models
4.6 Key learning points
4.7 Independent learning
4.8 References
5 Reactions to Change
Learning outcomes
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The psycho-social factors underlying human reactions to change
5.3 Types of reactions to change
5.4 The coping cycle
5.5 Resistance to change
5.6 Conceptual nugget: Managing resistance to change as dialogic practice
5.7 Key learning points
5.8 Independent learning
5.9 References
6 Culture Change
Learning outcomes
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The complex and multidimensional concept of culture
6.3 Layers of organisational culture
6.4 The cultural web
6.5 Organisational subcultures
6.6 Strategies for managing cultural change
6.7 Managing cultural persity in an international context
6.8 Conceptual nugget: A dialogic model for managing culture change
6.9 Key learning points
6.10 Independent learning
6.11 References
7 Leading Change
Learning outcomes
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The meaning of leadership
7.3 Leadership through the ages: Implications for organisational change leadership
7.4 Leaders v. managers
7.5 Key leadership theories
7.6 Contemporary approaches to organisational change leadership
7.7 Conceptual nugget: Dialogic leadership
7.8 Key learning points
7.9 Independent learning
7.10 References
8 Communicating Change
Learning outcomes
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Human communication and organisational change
8.3 Shannon and Weaver’s model of communication
8.4 Why do organisations fare badly in communicating change?
8.5 Clampitt et al.’s typology of communication strategies
8.6 Choosing the right medium for communicating change
8.7 Organisational silence
8.8 Conceptual nugget: A dialogic model for communicating change
8.9 Key learning points
8.10 Independent learning
8.11 References
9 Implementing Change
Learning outcomes
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Approaches to change implementation
9.3 Methods of change implementation
9.4 Combining Lean with Six Sigma: LSS
9.5 Conceptual Nugget: A filtering device for selecting change implementation methods
9.6 Key learning points
9.7 Independent learning
9.8 References
10 Evaluating Change
Learning outcomes
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Evaluation in the context of organisational change
10.3 Operationalising a process model of change evaluation
10.4 The Balanced Scorecard
10.5 Change evaluation in SMEs
10.6 Conceptual nugget: A critical approach to change evaluation
10.7 Key learning points
10.8 Independent learning
10.9 References
11 Sustaining Change
Learning outcomes
11.1 Introduction
11.2 On change sustainability and sustaining change
11.3 The impact of the public discourse of sustainability on business organisations
11.4 Embedding sustainability in the value chain
11.5 Strategies for sustaining change
11.6 Conceptual nugget: A seven-step practical framework for sustaining change
11.7 Key learning points
11.8 Independent learning
11.9 References
12 Conclusions
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Achievement of aim and objectives
12.3 Summary review of conceptual nuggets
12.4 Concluding remarks


Quản lý thay đổi tổ chức
Khám phá góc nhìn mới mẻ về quản lý sự thay đổi của tổ chức trong cuốn sách giáo khoa dễ tiếp cận này, cuốn sách liên kết lý thuyết với thực tiễn và áp dụng các khái niệm phức tạp vào cuộc sống. Được cấu trúc xoay quanh ba trụ cột của quản lý thay đổi thành công, cuốn sách xem xét sự thay đổi trong bối cảnh nền kinh tế toàn cầu và xem xét một loạt các ví dụ quốc tế. Các tính năng chính bao gồm: Nghiên cứu điển hình khám phá ý nghĩa thực tế của các vấn đề thay đổi thông qua các công ty như Tập đoàn Alibaba, NHS England, GSK, Tata Motors, Nike, Hewlett-Packard và Krakatau Steel của Indonesia. Các bài tập thực hành và phản ánh nhằm khuyến khích thử nghiệm các công cụ và kỹ thuật cũng như để hiểu sâu hơn.

List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Case Studies
Online Resources
1 Introduction
1.1 Conceptual framework
1.2 Aim and objectives
1.3 Book structure
1.4 Pedagogical approach
1.5 How to use this book
1.6 Overarching learning outcomes
1.7 References
2 The Nature of Change and Role of Change Management
Learning outcomes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Philosophical underpinnings
2.3 Typology of organisational change
2.4 The theory of punctuated equilibrium
2.5 Causes of organisational change
2.6 The role of change management
2.7 Exploring the links between OD, PM and CM
2.8 Conceptual nugget: Adopting a systemic approach to change management
2.9 Key learning points
2.10 Independent learning
2.11 References
3 Strategic Change
Learning outcomes
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Meaning of strategic change
3.3 Change agency: Determinism v. Voluntarism
3.4 Approaches to strategic change
3.5 Diagnostic tools to facilitate strategic change
3.6 Conceptual nugget: Leading strategic change in a VUCA business world
3.7 Key learning points
3.8 Independent learning
3.9 References
4 Theories and Models of Change Management
Learning outcomes
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Key change theories
4.3 Characteristics of a good change model
4.4 Critical review of popular organisational change models
4.5 Conceptual nugget: The superior value of systemic models
4.6 Key learning points
4.7 Independent learning
4.8 References
5 Reactions to Change
Learning outcomes
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The psycho-social factors underlying human reactions to change
5.3 Types of reactions to change
5.4 The coping cycle
5.5 Resistance to change
5.6 Conceptual nugget: Managing resistance to change as dialogic practice
5.7 Key learning points
5.8 Independent learning
5.9 References
6 Culture Change
Learning outcomes
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The complex and multidimensional concept of culture
6.3 Layers of organisational culture
6.4 The cultural web
6.5 Organisational subcultures
6.6 Strategies for managing cultural change
6.7 Managing cultural persity in an international context
6.8 Conceptual nugget: A dialogic model for managing culture change
6.9 Key learning points
6.10 Independent learning
6.11 References
7 Leading Change
Learning outcomes
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The meaning of leadership
7.3 Leadership through the ages: Implications for organisational change leadership
7.4 Leaders v. managers
7.5 Key leadership theories
7.6 Contemporary approaches to organisational change leadership
7.7 Conceptual nugget: Dialogic leadership
7.8 Key learning points
7.9 Independent learning
7.10 References
8 Communicating Change
Learning outcomes
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Human communication and organisational change
8.3 Shannon and Weaver’s model of communication
8.4 Why do organisations fare badly in communicating change?
8.5 Clampitt et al.’s typology of communication strategies
8.6 Choosing the right medium for communicating change
8.7 Organisational silence
8.8 Conceptual nugget: A dialogic model for communicating change
8.9 Key learning points
8.10 Independent learning
8.11 References
9 Implementing Change
Learning outcomes
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Approaches to change implementation
9.3 Methods of change implementation
9.4 Combining Lean with Six Sigma: LSS
9.5 Conceptual Nugget: A filtering device for selecting change implementation methods
9.6 Key learning points
9.7 Independent learning
9.8 References
10 Evaluating Change
Learning outcomes
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Evaluation in the context of organisational change
10.3 Operationalising a process model of change evaluation
10.4 The Balanced Scorecard
10.5 Change evaluation in SMEs
10.6 Conceptual nugget: A critical approach to change evaluation
10.7 Key learning points
10.8 Independent learning
10.9 References
11 Sustaining Change
Learning outcomes
11.1 Introduction
11.2 On change sustainability and sustaining change
11.3 The impact of the public discourse of sustainability on business organisations
11.4 Embedding sustainability in the value chain
11.5 Strategies for sustaining change
11.6 Conceptual nugget: A seven-step practical framework for sustaining change
11.7 Key learning points
11.8 Independent learning
11.9 References
12 Conclusions
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Achievement of aim and objectives
12.3 Summary review of conceptual nuggets
12.4 Concluding remarks

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