
Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership 8th Edition Casting Light or Shadow


Publisher:SAGE Publications, Inc
Author: Craig E. Johnson
Edition: @2025
eBook ISBN:9781071904268
Print ISBN: 9781071904244
Type: 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân  

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Mô tả sản phẩm

Đáp ứng những thách thức đạo đức của lãnh đạo
Chiếu ánh sáng hoặc bóng tối
Đáp ứng những thách thức đạo đức của lãnh đạo áp dụng cách tiếp cận đa ngành, rút ​​ra từ nhiều lĩnh vực nghiên cứu để giúp người đọc đưa ra các quyết định có đạo đức, lãnh đạo một cách liêm chính và tạo ra một nền văn hóa đạo đức. Được đóng gói với các nghiên cứu trường hợp thực tế, ví dụ, tự đánh giá và ứng dụng, Phiên bản thứ tám được cập nhật đầy đủ được thiết kế để nâng cao năng lực đạo đức và khả năng lãnh đạo.

What’s New to This Edition?
Part I The Shadow Side of Leadership
Chapter 1 The Leader’s Light or Shadow
What’s Ahead
A Dramatic Difference/The Dark Side of Leadership
The Leader’s Shadows
The Shadow of Power
The Shadow of Privilege
The Shadow of Mismanaged Information and Disinformation
The Shadow of Inconsistency
The Shadow of Misplaced and Broken Loyalties
The Shadow of Irresponsibility
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Student Study Site
Chapter 2 Stepping In and Out of the Shadows
What’s Ahead
Shadow Casters: Unhealthy Motivations
Unmet Needs
Shadow Casters: Personality Disorders
Shadow Casters: Faulty Decision-Making
Faulty Assumptions
Failure of Moral Imagination
Moral Disengagement
Turning Immoral Conduct Into Moral Conduct
Devaluing Victims
Lack of Ethical Expertise
Shadow Casters: Contextual Factors
Stepping Out of the Shadows
Incorporate Your Ethical Development Into Your Leader Development
Adopt a Growth Mindset
Think Like an Ethical Expert
Build Your Ethical Competencies
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Part II Looking Inward
Chapter 3 The Leader’s Character
What’s Ahead
Elements of Character
Key Leadership Virtues
Practicing Courage
Practicing Justice
Practicing Temperance
Wisdom and Prudence (Practical Wisdom)
Practicing Wisdom and Prudence
Compassion (Kindness, Generosity, Love)
Practicing Compassion
Practicing Integrity
Practicing Humility
Practicing Optimism
Forming a Moral Identity
Character Building
Finding Role Models
Hearing Stories/Living Shared Stories
The Narrative of Indifference (Sloth)
The Narrative of Anger
The Narrative of Constant Comparison (Envy)
The Narrative of Intemperance (Gluttony)
Learning From Hardship
Developing Habits
Developing Personal Mission Statements
Identifying Values
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 4 Combating Evil
What’s Ahead
The Faces of Evil
Evil as Idealism
Evil as Terror Management
Evil as Exclusion
Evil as Bureaucracy
Evil as a Choice
Evil as Ordinary
Cultural Factors
Psychological Factors
Social Factors
Facing Evil
Making a Case for Forgiveness
Breaking the Cycle of Evil
The Forgiveness Process
Seeking Forgiveness
Spirituality and Leadership
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Part III Ethical Standards and Strategies
Chapter 5 Ethical Perspectives
What’s Ahead
Utilitarianism: Do the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of People
Applications and Cautions
Kant’s Categorical Imperative: Do What’s Right No Matter the Cost
Applications and Cautions
Ethical Ideology: Consequences vs. Moral Principles
Justice as Fairness: Guaranteeing Equal Rights and Opportunities Behind the Veil of Ignorance
Applications and Cautions
Altruism: Love Your Neighbor
Applications and Cautions
Feminist Ethical Perspectives: Power, Care, and Responsibility
Applications and Cautions
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 6 Ethical Decision Making and Behavior
What’s Ahead
Ethical Decision Making: Reason and Emotion
Components of Moral Action
Component 1: Moral Sensitivity (Recognition)
Component 2: Moral Judgment
Cognitive Moral Development
Ethical Blind Spots
Component 3: Moral Focus (Motivation)
Component 4: Moral Character
Decision-Making Formats
The Four-Way Method
Balance Sheet
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
The Foursquare Protocol
Protocol Element 1: Close Description of the Situation. (Dig into the facts.)
Protocol Element 2: Gathering Accumulated Experience in Similar Situations. (Examine inpidual reactions to past solutions.)
Protocol Element 3: Recognize the Significant Distinctions Between The Current Problem and Past Ones. (Gauge similarities with past situations.)
Protocol Element 4: Situating Yourself to Decide. (Analyze your decision-making process.)
Balance Sheet
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
Five Timeless Questions
Question 1: What Are the Net, Net Consequences?
Question 2: What Are My Core Obligations?
Question 3: What Will Work in the World as It Is?
Question 4: Who Are We?
Question 5: What Can I Live With?
Balance Sheet
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
The Moral Brief
Balance Sheet
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 7 Exercising Ethical Influence
What’s Ahead
Ethical Issues in Influence
Impression Management
Compliance Gaining
Communication of Expectations
Faulty Evidence
Faulty Reasoning
Resisting Influence
Reciprocation (Give-and-Take)
Social Proof
Commitment and Consistency
Counteracting Disinformation
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 8 Normative Leadership Theories
What’s Ahead
Transformational Leadership: Raising the Ethical Bar
Applications and Cautions
Authentic Leadership: Know Yourself and to Your Own Self Be True
Applications and Cautions
Aesthetic (Beautiful) Leadership
Applications and Cautions
Benevolent Paternalism: Caring for the Whole Person
Applications and Cautions
Servant Leadership: Put the Needs of Followers First
Applications and Cautions
Ethical Leadership: Moral Persons and Moral Managers
Applications and Cautions
Relational Leadership: Putting Connection First
Applications and Cautions
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Part IV Shaping Ethical Contexts
Chapter 9 Building an Ethical Small Group
What’s Ahead
The Leader and the Small Group
Fostering Inpidual Ethical Accountability
Promoting Ethical Group Interaction
Improving Listening Performance
Cultivating a Safety Climate
Raising Emotional Intelligence
Engaging in Productive Conflict
Building a Cohesive Team
Avoiding Moral Pitfalls
Signs of Overconfidence
Signs of Closed-Mindedness
Signs of Group Pressure
Defensive Routines
Escalation of Commitment
Group Leadership for Public Value
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 10 Creating an Ethical, Inclusive Organizational Climate
What’s Ahead
Ethical Climates
Signs of Healthy Ethical Climates
Structural Reinforcement
Organizational Citizenship
Climate-Building Tools
Discovering and Communicating Purpose and Core Values
Codes of Ethics
Compliance, Integrity, and Anticorruption
Conflicts of Interest
Employee, Client, and Vendor Information
Employment Practices
Environmental Issues
Ethics and Compliance Resources
Internet, Social Networking and Social Media
Relationships With Third Parties
Preventing and Eliminating Destructive Behaviors
Ethical Socialization Processes
Ethics Training
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 11 Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership in a Global Society
What’s Ahead
The Dark Side of Globalization
The Global Shadow of Power
The Global Shadow of Privilege
The Global Shadow of Mismanaged Information
The Global Shadow of Inconsistency
The Global Shadow of Misplaced and Broken Loyalties
The Global Shadow of Irresponsibility
Cultural Differences and Ethical Values
Defining Culture
World Values Survey
Programmed Value Patterns
Power Distance
Inpidualism versus Collectivism
Masculinity versus Femininity
Uncertainty Avoidance
Project GLOBE
In-Group Collectivism
Future Orientation
Performance Orientation
Humane Orientation
Moral Foundations Theory
Facing the Challenges
Confronting Attitudinal Obstacles
Finding Common Moral Ground
Declarations of Human Rights
A Global Ethic
The Caux Principles
Universal Virtues
Making Ethical Choices in Culturally Diverse Settings
Integrative Social Contracts Theory
HKH Model
Metaethics Lens
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Student Study Site
Chapter 12 Ethical Crisis Leadership
What’s Ahead
Crisis: An Overview
The Three Stages of a Crisis
Stage 1. Precrisis
Stage 2: Crisis Event
Stage 3: Postcrisis
Components of Ethical Crisis Management
Assume Broad Responsibility
Practice Transparency
Take Decisive (Heroic) Action
Demonstrate Care and Concern
Engage the Head as Well as the Heart
Respond from a Strong Moral Foundation
Build Resilience
The Ethical Demands of Extreme Leadership
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Student Study Site
About the Author


Đáp ứng những thách thức đạo đức của lãnh đạo
Chiếu ánh sáng hoặc bóng tối
Đáp ứng những thách thức đạo đức của lãnh đạo áp dụng cách tiếp cận đa ngành, rút ​​ra từ nhiều lĩnh vực nghiên cứu để giúp người đọc đưa ra các quyết định có đạo đức, lãnh đạo một cách liêm chính và tạo ra một nền văn hóa đạo đức. Được đóng gói với các nghiên cứu trường hợp thực tế, ví dụ, tự đánh giá và ứng dụng, Phiên bản thứ tám được cập nhật đầy đủ được thiết kế để nâng cao năng lực đạo đức và khả năng lãnh đạo.


What’s New to This Edition?
Part I The Shadow Side of Leadership
Chapter 1 The Leader’s Light or Shadow
What’s Ahead
A Dramatic Difference/The Dark Side of Leadership
The Leader’s Shadows
The Shadow of Power
The Shadow of Privilege
The Shadow of Mismanaged Information and Disinformation
The Shadow of Inconsistency
The Shadow of Misplaced and Broken Loyalties
The Shadow of Irresponsibility
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Student Study Site
Chapter 2 Stepping In and Out of the Shadows
What’s Ahead
Shadow Casters: Unhealthy Motivations
Unmet Needs
Shadow Casters: Personality Disorders
Shadow Casters: Faulty Decision-Making
Faulty Assumptions
Failure of Moral Imagination
Moral Disengagement
Turning Immoral Conduct Into Moral Conduct
Devaluing Victims
Lack of Ethical Expertise
Shadow Casters: Contextual Factors
Stepping Out of the Shadows
Incorporate Your Ethical Development Into Your Leader Development
Adopt a Growth Mindset
Think Like an Ethical Expert
Build Your Ethical Competencies
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Part II Looking Inward
Chapter 3 The Leader’s Character
What’s Ahead
Elements of Character
Key Leadership Virtues
Practicing Courage
Practicing Justice
Practicing Temperance
Wisdom and Prudence (Practical Wisdom)
Practicing Wisdom and Prudence
Compassion (Kindness, Generosity, Love)
Practicing Compassion
Practicing Integrity
Practicing Humility
Practicing Optimism
Forming a Moral Identity
Character Building
Finding Role Models
Hearing Stories/Living Shared Stories
The Narrative of Indifference (Sloth)
The Narrative of Anger
The Narrative of Constant Comparison (Envy)
The Narrative of Intemperance (Gluttony)
Learning From Hardship
Developing Habits
Developing Personal Mission Statements
Identifying Values
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 4 Combating Evil
What’s Ahead
The Faces of Evil
Evil as Idealism
Evil as Terror Management
Evil as Exclusion
Evil as Bureaucracy
Evil as a Choice
Evil as Ordinary
Cultural Factors
Psychological Factors
Social Factors
Facing Evil
Making a Case for Forgiveness
Breaking the Cycle of Evil
The Forgiveness Process
Seeking Forgiveness
Spirituality and Leadership
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Part III Ethical Standards and Strategies
Chapter 5 Ethical Perspectives
What’s Ahead
Utilitarianism: Do the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of People
Applications and Cautions
Kant’s Categorical Imperative: Do What’s Right No Matter the Cost
Applications and Cautions
Ethical Ideology: Consequences vs. Moral Principles
Justice as Fairness: Guaranteeing Equal Rights and Opportunities Behind the Veil of Ignorance
Applications and Cautions
Altruism: Love Your Neighbor
Applications and Cautions
Feminist Ethical Perspectives: Power, Care, and Responsibility
Applications and Cautions
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 6 Ethical Decision Making and Behavior
What’s Ahead
Ethical Decision Making: Reason and Emotion
Components of Moral Action
Component 1: Moral Sensitivity (Recognition)
Component 2: Moral Judgment
Cognitive Moral Development
Ethical Blind Spots
Component 3: Moral Focus (Motivation)
Component 4: Moral Character
Decision-Making Formats
The Four-Way Method
Balance Sheet
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
The Foursquare Protocol
Protocol Element 1: Close Description of the Situation. (Dig into the facts.)
Protocol Element 2: Gathering Accumulated Experience in Similar Situations. (Examine inpidual reactions to past solutions.)
Protocol Element 3: Recognize the Significant Distinctions Between The Current Problem and Past Ones. (Gauge similarities with past situations.)
Protocol Element 4: Situating Yourself to Decide. (Analyze your decision-making process.)
Balance Sheet
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
Five Timeless Questions
Question 1: What Are the Net, Net Consequences?
Question 2: What Are My Core Obligations?
Question 3: What Will Work in the World as It Is?
Question 4: Who Are We?
Question 5: What Can I Live With?
Balance Sheet
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
The Moral Brief
Balance Sheet
Advantages (Pros)
Disadvantages (Cons)
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 7 Exercising Ethical Influence
What’s Ahead
Ethical Issues in Influence
Impression Management
Compliance Gaining
Communication of Expectations
Faulty Evidence
Faulty Reasoning
Resisting Influence
Reciprocation (Give-and-Take)
Social Proof
Commitment and Consistency
Counteracting Disinformation
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 8 Normative Leadership Theories
What’s Ahead
Transformational Leadership: Raising the Ethical Bar
Applications and Cautions
Authentic Leadership: Know Yourself and to Your Own Self Be True
Applications and Cautions
Aesthetic (Beautiful) Leadership
Applications and Cautions
Benevolent Paternalism: Caring for the Whole Person
Applications and Cautions
Servant Leadership: Put the Needs of Followers First
Applications and Cautions
Ethical Leadership: Moral Persons and Moral Managers
Applications and Cautions
Relational Leadership: Putting Connection First
Applications and Cautions
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Part IV Shaping Ethical Contexts
Chapter 9 Building an Ethical Small Group
What’s Ahead
The Leader and the Small Group
Fostering Inpidual Ethical Accountability
Promoting Ethical Group Interaction
Improving Listening Performance
Cultivating a Safety Climate
Raising Emotional Intelligence
Engaging in Productive Conflict
Building a Cohesive Team
Avoiding Moral Pitfalls
Signs of Overconfidence
Signs of Closed-Mindedness
Signs of Group Pressure
Defensive Routines
Escalation of Commitment
Group Leadership for Public Value
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 10 Creating an Ethical, Inclusive Organizational Climate
What’s Ahead
Ethical Climates
Signs of Healthy Ethical Climates
Structural Reinforcement
Organizational Citizenship
Climate-Building Tools
Discovering and Communicating Purpose and Core Values
Codes of Ethics
Compliance, Integrity, and Anticorruption
Conflicts of Interest
Employee, Client, and Vendor Information
Employment Practices
Environmental Issues
Ethics and Compliance Resources
Internet, Social Networking and Social Media
Relationships With Third Parties
Preventing and Eliminating Destructive Behaviors
Ethical Socialization Processes
Ethics Training
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Chapter 11 Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership in a Global Society
What’s Ahead
The Dark Side of Globalization
The Global Shadow of Power
The Global Shadow of Privilege
The Global Shadow of Mismanaged Information
The Global Shadow of Inconsistency
The Global Shadow of Misplaced and Broken Loyalties
The Global Shadow of Irresponsibility
Cultural Differences and Ethical Values
Defining Culture
World Values Survey
Programmed Value Patterns
Power Distance
Inpidualism versus Collectivism
Masculinity versus Femininity
Uncertainty Avoidance
Project GLOBE
In-Group Collectivism
Future Orientation
Performance Orientation
Humane Orientation
Moral Foundations Theory
Facing the Challenges
Confronting Attitudinal Obstacles
Finding Common Moral Ground
Declarations of Human Rights
A Global Ethic
The Caux Principles
Universal Virtues
Making Ethical Choices in Culturally Diverse Settings
Integrative Social Contracts Theory
HKH Model
Metaethics Lens
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Student Study Site
Chapter 12 Ethical Crisis Leadership
What’s Ahead
Crisis: An Overview
The Three Stages of a Crisis
Stage 1. Precrisis
Stage 2: Crisis Event
Stage 3: Postcrisis
Components of Ethical Crisis Management
Assume Broad Responsibility
Practice Transparency
Take Decisive (Heroic) Action
Demonstrate Care and Concern
Engage the Head as Well as the Heart
Respond from a Strong Moral Foundation
Build Resilience
The Ethical Demands of Extreme Leadership
Implications and Applications
For Further Exploration
Student Study Site
About the Author

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