Organization Change 6th Edition - Theory and Practice
Publisher: | SAGE Publications, Inc |
Author: | W. Warner Burke |
Edition: | @2024 |
eBook ISBN: | 9781071870723 |
Print ISBN: | 9781071869918 |
Type: | 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân |
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Thay đổi tổ chức
Lý thuyết và thực hành
Thay đổi là điều thường xuyên xảy ra trong các tổ chức ngày nay. Lãnh đạo, quản lý và nhân viên phải hiểu cách thực hiện thay đổi theo kế hoạch và xử lý những thay đổi bất ngờ. Phiên bản thứ sáu của Thay đổi tổ chức: Lý thuyết và thực hành cung cấp một khám phá mở mang tầm mắt về bản chất của sự thay đổi bằng cách trình bày nghiên cứu dựa trên bằng chứng mới nhất để thảo luận về một loạt lý thuyết, mô hình và quan điểm về thay đổi tổ chức. Tác giả sách bán chạy nhất, W. Warner Burke, đã khéo léo kết nối lý thuyết với thực tiễn với các trường hợp hiện đại về thay đổi tổ chức hiệu quả và không hiệu quả, các ví dụ gần đây về lãnh đạo chuyển đổi và thay đổi có kế hoạch và mang tính cách mạng cũng như các phương pháp hay nhất để tác động đến sự thay đổi thành công. Phiên bản thứ sáu được cập nhật đầy đủ bao gồm một chương mới về bằng chứng hiện tại về sự thay đổi của tổ chức, bao gồm đánh giá các mô hình mang tính quy định về thay đổi theo kế hoạch, các nguyên tắc quản lý thay đổi dựa trên bằng chứng, vai trò của lịch sử tổ chức như một phần của quá trình thay đổi và tác động của người lãnh đạo đến sự thay đổi của tổ chức.
Chapter 1 Sources for Understanding Organization Change
Introduction and Overview
A Short Story of Launching Organization Change
Chapter 2 Rethinking Organization Change
The Paradox of Planned Organization Change
Making the Case for Organization Change
Changing Corporations
Changing Government Agencies
Changing Higher Education Institutions and Nonprofit Organizations
Personal Declarations and Points of View
The Metaphor of Choice
The Theories of Choice
Types of Organization Change
Levels of Organization Change
How Organization Change Occurs
The Content and Process of Organization Change
Organizational Models
The Organizational Model of Choice
Organization Change Should Be Data-Based and Measured
Planned Organization Change Requires Leadership
Planned Organization Change Is Complex
A Closing Request
Chapter 3 A Brief History of Organization Change
Scientific Management
The Hawthorne Studies
Industrial Psychology
Survey Feedback
Sensitivity Training
Sociotechnical Systems
Organization Development
The Managerial Grid and Organization Development
Coercion and Confrontation
Management Consulting
Chapter 4 Theoretical Foundations of Organizations and Organization Change
Open-System Theory
Characteristics of Open Systems
Organization Change Is Systemic
Toward a Deeper Understanding of Organization Change
Capra’s Three Criteria for Understanding Life
Implications for Organizations and Organization Change
Chapter 5 The Nature of Organization Change
Revolutionary Change
Evolutionary Change
Revolutionary Change: Case Example
Dime Bancorp, Inc.
Organizational Survey
Evolutionary Change: Case Example
The Tools for Assessment and Ratings
Behavioral Practices
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI)
Leadership Assessment Inventory (LAI)
Data Summary of the Firm’s Partners
Chapter 6 Levels of Organization Change: Inpidual, Group, and Larger System
Change in Organizations at the Inpidual Level
Recruitment, Selection, Replacement, and Displacement
Training and Development
Coaching and Counseling
Inpidual Responses to Organization Change
Inpiduals Coping With Change
Change in Organizations at the Group Level
Self-Directed Groups
Group Responses to Organization Change
Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level
Orders of Change
Change Phases
Change Focus
Change Processes
System Responses to Organization Change
Chapter 7 Organization Change: Research and Theory
Reviews of Organization Change Research
Recent Approaches to Research and Theory
The Shift From “Normal” Science
The Organizational Change Research Theory of Porras and Colleagues
Organization Models
Organization Change Theory
Current Thinking on Organization Change and Research
Chapter 8 Conceptual Models for Understanding Organization Change
Content: What to Change
Process: How to Change—A Theoretical Framework
Life-Cycle Theory
Teleological Theory
Dialectical Theory
Evolutionary Theory
Process: How to Change—Practice Frameworks
Lewin’s Three Steps
Lewin’s Three Steps Expanded: Schein
Phases of Planned Change
Organization Change as a Transition
Mini-Theories Related to Organization Change
Inpidual Emphasis
Need Theory: Maslow/Herzberg
Expectancy Theory (Cognitive): Vroom/Lawler
Job Satisfaction: Hackman and Oldham
Positive Reinforcement: Skinner
Group Emphasis
The Group as the Focus of Change: Lewin
Changing Values Through the Group: Argyris
The Group Unconscious: Bion
The Larger-System Emphasis
Participative Management: The One Best Way—Likert
It All Depends: Lawrence and Lorsch
The Organization as a Family: Levinson
The Content and Process of Strategic Change in Organizations
Strategies for Effecting Change in Human Systems
Empirical-Rational Strategies
Normative-Reeducative Strategies
Power-Coercive Strategies
Chapter 9 Integrated Models for Understanding Organizations and for Leading and Managing Change
What Is an Organizational Model?
Why Use an Organizational Model?
Organizational Models and Organization Change
Weisbord’s Six-Box Model
The Nadler–Tushman Congruence Model
The Transformation Process
Congruence as the Concept of Fit
Tichy’s TPC Framework
A Comparison of the Three Models
Chapter 10 The Burke–Litwin Causal Model of Organization Performance and Change
The Model
Transformational and Transactional Dimensions
Support for the Model’s Validity
The Influence of the External Environment
The Transformational Factors
The Transactional Factors
Chapter 11 Organizational Culture Change
Experiencing Organizational Culture
The British Airways Story: A Case of Culture Change
You Don’t Change Culture by Trying to Change the Culture
A Theoretical Summary of the British Airways Story
Chapter 12 Understanding and Working With Loosely Coupled Systems
The Case of Change at the A. K. Rice Institute
Enter External Consultant (Yours Truly)
Action Steps
A Volunteer Organization
Changing Deep Structure
Dealing With Resistance and Ambivalence
Group Relations Versus Organization Development
Organizational Structure and Loosely Coupled Systems
Loosely Coupled Systems
Voice of Causation
Voice of Typology
Voice of Direct Effects
Voice of Compensation
Voice of Organizational Outcomes
Chapter 13 Healthcare and Government Organizations
Important Characteristics of Healthcare and Government Organizations
Changing Health Care Organizations
Changing Government Organizations
Summary and Some Conclusions
Chapter 14 Transformational Leadership
Does Leadership Matter?
On Defining Leadership
Toward Further Definition
The Leader–Manager Distinction
Authority and Leadership
Transformational Leadership According to Bass
Charismatic Leadership (or Idealized Influence)
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Inpidual Consideration
Characteristics of Executive Leadership
Conceptual Complexity
Behavioral Complexity
Strategic Decision-Making
Visionary and Inspirational
Howard Gardner’s Leading Minds
McKee: A Master Storyteller
Howard Gardner’s Changing Minds
Chapter 15 Leading Organization Change
Phases of Organization Change and the Leader’s Role
The Prelaunch Phase
Leader Self-Examination
The External Environment
Establishing the Need for Change
Providing Clarity of Vision and Direction
The Launch Phase
Communicating the Need
Initial Activities
Dealing With Resistance
Resistance Isn’t What It Used to Be
Change Leader Contributions to Resistance
Resistance as a Resource
Postlaunch: Further Implementation
Multiple Leverage
Taking the Heat
Repeating the Message
Sustaining the Change
Unanticipated Consequences
Choosing Successors
Launching Yet Again New Initiatives
Chapter 16 The Change Leader: Selection and Development
Getting Leadership Selection and Development Right
Learning Agility
Positive Organization Change
Chapter 17 Organization Change: Moving Forward With Evidence
Recent Reviews of Organizational Change Based on an Integration of Management Practice and Scholarship
Prescriptive Models of Planned Organizational Change
Evidence-Based Principles of Change Management
The Role of an Organization’s History as Part of the Change Process
Leaders’ Impact on Organization Change
Leader Actions and Outcomes
Leader Actions and Behaviors
Chapter 18 Organization Change: Summary and Integration
Applying the Tipping Point Principles to Planned Organization Change
The Launch
Sustaining the Change
Changing the Organization
Successful Processes of Organization Change
The Look of Change
Corporate Culture in the Work of Lawler and Worley
External Environment
Organization Design and Structure
Human Capital
Reward System
Built to Change
Appendix: Annotated Bibliography
About the Author
Thay đổi tổ chức
Lý thuyết và thực hành
Thay đổi là điều thường xuyên xảy ra trong các tổ chức ngày nay. Lãnh đạo, quản lý và nhân viên phải hiểu cách thực hiện thay đổi theo kế hoạch và xử lý những thay đổi bất ngờ. Phiên bản thứ sáu của Thay đổi tổ chức: Lý thuyết và thực hành cung cấp một khám phá mở mang tầm mắt về bản chất của sự thay đổi bằng cách trình bày nghiên cứu dựa trên bằng chứng mới nhất để thảo luận về một loạt lý thuyết, mô hình và quan điểm về thay đổi tổ chức. Tác giả sách bán chạy nhất, W. Warner Burke, đã khéo léo kết nối lý thuyết với thực tiễn với các trường hợp hiện đại về thay đổi tổ chức hiệu quả và không hiệu quả, các ví dụ gần đây về lãnh đạo chuyển đổi và thay đổi có kế hoạch và mang tính cách mạng cũng như các phương pháp hay nhất để tác động đến sự thay đổi thành công. Phiên bản thứ sáu được cập nhật đầy đủ bao gồm một chương mới về bằng chứng hiện tại về sự thay đổi của tổ chức, bao gồm đánh giá các mô hình mang tính quy định về thay đổi theo kế hoạch, các nguyên tắc quản lý thay đổi dựa trên bằng chứng, vai trò của lịch sử tổ chức như một phần của quá trình thay đổi và tác động của người lãnh đạo đến sự thay đổi của tổ chức.
Thay đổi tổ chức
Lý thuyết và thực hành
Thay đổi là điều thường xuyên xảy ra trong các tổ chức ngày nay. Lãnh đạo, quản lý và nhân viên phải hiểu cách thực hiện thay đổi theo kế hoạch và xử lý những thay đổi bất ngờ. Phiên bản thứ sáu của Thay đổi tổ chức: Lý thuyết và thực hành cung cấp một khám phá mở mang tầm mắt về bản chất của sự thay đổi bằng cách trình bày nghiên cứu dựa trên bằng chứng mới nhất để thảo luận về một loạt lý thuyết, mô hình và quan điểm về thay đổi tổ chức. Tác giả sách bán chạy nhất, W. Warner Burke, đã khéo léo kết nối lý thuyết với thực tiễn với các trường hợp hiện đại về thay đổi tổ chức hiệu quả và không hiệu quả, các ví dụ gần đây về lãnh đạo chuyển đổi và thay đổi có kế hoạch và mang tính cách mạng cũng như các phương pháp hay nhất để tác động đến sự thay đổi thành công. Phiên bản thứ sáu được cập nhật đầy đủ bao gồm một chương mới về bằng chứng hiện tại về sự thay đổi của tổ chức, bao gồm đánh giá các mô hình mang tính quy định về thay đổi theo kế hoạch, các nguyên tắc quản lý thay đổi dựa trên bằng chứng, vai trò của lịch sử tổ chức như một phần của quá trình thay đổi và tác động của người lãnh đạo đến sự thay đổi của tổ chức.
Chapter 1 Sources for Understanding Organization Change
Introduction and Overview
A Short Story of Launching Organization Change
Chapter 2 Rethinking Organization Change
The Paradox of Planned Organization Change
Making the Case for Organization Change
Changing Corporations
Changing Government Agencies
Changing Higher Education Institutions and Nonprofit Organizations
Personal Declarations and Points of View
The Metaphor of Choice
The Theories of Choice
Types of Organization Change
Levels of Organization Change
How Organization Change Occurs
The Content and Process of Organization Change
Organizational Models
The Organizational Model of Choice
Organization Change Should Be Data-Based and Measured
Planned Organization Change Requires Leadership
Planned Organization Change Is Complex
A Closing Request
Chapter 3 A Brief History of Organization Change
Scientific Management
The Hawthorne Studies
Industrial Psychology
Survey Feedback
Sensitivity Training
Sociotechnical Systems
Organization Development
The Managerial Grid and Organization Development
Coercion and Confrontation
Management Consulting
Chapter 4 Theoretical Foundations of Organizations and Organization Change
Open-System Theory
Characteristics of Open Systems
Organization Change Is Systemic
Toward a Deeper Understanding of Organization Change
Capra’s Three Criteria for Understanding Life
Implications for Organizations and Organization Change
Chapter 5 The Nature of Organization Change
Revolutionary Change
Evolutionary Change
Revolutionary Change: Case Example
Dime Bancorp, Inc.
Organizational Survey
Evolutionary Change: Case Example
The Tools for Assessment and Ratings
Behavioral Practices
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI)
Leadership Assessment Inventory (LAI)
Data Summary of the Firm’s Partners
Chapter 6 Levels of Organization Change: Inpidual, Group, and Larger System
Change in Organizations at the Inpidual Level
Recruitment, Selection, Replacement, and Displacement
Training and Development
Coaching and Counseling
Inpidual Responses to Organization Change
Inpiduals Coping With Change
Change in Organizations at the Group Level
Self-Directed Groups
Group Responses to Organization Change
Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level
Orders of Change
Change Phases
Change Focus
Change Processes
System Responses to Organization Change
Chapter 7 Organization Change: Research and Theory
Reviews of Organization Change Research
Recent Approaches to Research and Theory
The Shift From “Normal” Science
The Organizational Change Research Theory of Porras and Colleagues
Organization Models
Organization Change Theory
Current Thinking on Organization Change and Research
Chapter 8 Conceptual Models for Understanding Organization Change
Content: What to Change
Process: How to Change—A Theoretical Framework
Life-Cycle Theory
Teleological Theory
Dialectical Theory
Evolutionary Theory
Process: How to Change—Practice Frameworks
Lewin’s Three Steps
Lewin’s Three Steps Expanded: Schein
Phases of Planned Change
Organization Change as a Transition
Mini-Theories Related to Organization Change
Inpidual Emphasis
Need Theory: Maslow/Herzberg
Expectancy Theory (Cognitive): Vroom/Lawler
Job Satisfaction: Hackman and Oldham
Positive Reinforcement: Skinner
Group Emphasis
The Group as the Focus of Change: Lewin
Changing Values Through the Group: Argyris
The Group Unconscious: Bion
The Larger-System Emphasis
Participative Management: The One Best Way—Likert
It All Depends: Lawrence and Lorsch
The Organization as a Family: Levinson
The Content and Process of Strategic Change in Organizations
Strategies for Effecting Change in Human Systems
Empirical-Rational Strategies
Normative-Reeducative Strategies
Power-Coercive Strategies
Chapter 9 Integrated Models for Understanding Organizations and for Leading and Managing Change
What Is an Organizational Model?
Why Use an Organizational Model?
Organizational Models and Organization Change
Weisbord’s Six-Box Model
The Nadler–Tushman Congruence Model
The Transformation Process
Congruence as the Concept of Fit
Tichy’s TPC Framework
A Comparison of the Three Models
Chapter 10 The Burke–Litwin Causal Model of Organization Performance and Change
The Model
Transformational and Transactional Dimensions
Support for the Model’s Validity
The Influence of the External Environment
The Transformational Factors
The Transactional Factors
Chapter 11 Organizational Culture Change
Experiencing Organizational Culture
The British Airways Story: A Case of Culture Change
You Don’t Change Culture by Trying to Change the Culture
A Theoretical Summary of the British Airways Story
Chapter 12 Understanding and Working With Loosely Coupled Systems
The Case of Change at the A. K. Rice Institute
Enter External Consultant (Yours Truly)
Action Steps
A Volunteer Organization
Changing Deep Structure
Dealing With Resistance and Ambivalence
Group Relations Versus Organization Development
Organizational Structure and Loosely Coupled Systems
Loosely Coupled Systems
Voice of Causation
Voice of Typology
Voice of Direct Effects
Voice of Compensation
Voice of Organizational Outcomes
Chapter 13 Healthcare and Government Organizations
Important Characteristics of Healthcare and Government Organizations
Changing Health Care Organizations
Changing Government Organizations
Summary and Some Conclusions
Chapter 14 Transformational Leadership
Does Leadership Matter?
On Defining Leadership
Toward Further Definition
The Leader–Manager Distinction
Authority and Leadership
Transformational Leadership According to Bass
Charismatic Leadership (or Idealized Influence)
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Inpidual Consideration
Characteristics of Executive Leadership
Conceptual Complexity
Behavioral Complexity
Strategic Decision-Making
Visionary and Inspirational
Howard Gardner’s Leading Minds
McKee: A Master Storyteller
Howard Gardner’s Changing Minds
Chapter 15 Leading Organization Change
Phases of Organization Change and the Leader’s Role
The Prelaunch Phase
Leader Self-Examination
The External Environment
Establishing the Need for Change
Providing Clarity of Vision and Direction
The Launch Phase
Communicating the Need
Initial Activities
Dealing With Resistance
Resistance Isn’t What It Used to Be
Change Leader Contributions to Resistance
Resistance as a Resource
Postlaunch: Further Implementation
Multiple Leverage
Taking the Heat
Repeating the Message
Sustaining the Change
Unanticipated Consequences
Choosing Successors
Launching Yet Again New Initiatives
Chapter 16 The Change Leader: Selection and Development
Getting Leadership Selection and Development Right
Learning Agility
Positive Organization Change
Chapter 17 Organization Change: Moving Forward With Evidence
Recent Reviews of Organizational Change Based on an Integration of Management Practice and Scholarship
Prescriptive Models of Planned Organizational Change
Evidence-Based Principles of Change Management
The Role of an Organization’s History as Part of the Change Process
Leaders’ Impact on Organization Change
Leader Actions and Outcomes
Leader Actions and Behaviors
Chapter 18 Organization Change: Summary and Integration
Applying the Tipping Point Principles to Planned Organization Change
The Launch
Sustaining the Change
Changing the Organization
Successful Processes of Organization Change
The Look of Change
Corporate Culture in the Work of Lawler and Worley
External Environment
Organization Design and Structure
Human Capital
Reward System
Built to Change
Appendix: Annotated Bibliography
About the Author
Chapter 1 Sources for Understanding Organization Change
Introduction and Overview
A Short Story of Launching Organization Change
Chapter 2 Rethinking Organization Change
The Paradox of Planned Organization Change
Making the Case for Organization Change
Changing Corporations
Changing Government Agencies
Changing Higher Education Institutions and Nonprofit Organizations
Personal Declarations and Points of View
The Metaphor of Choice
The Theories of Choice
Types of Organization Change
Levels of Organization Change
How Organization Change Occurs
The Content and Process of Organization Change
Organizational Models
The Organizational Model of Choice
Organization Change Should Be Data-Based and Measured
Planned Organization Change Requires Leadership
Planned Organization Change Is Complex
A Closing Request
Chapter 3 A Brief History of Organization Change
Scientific Management
The Hawthorne Studies
Industrial Psychology
Survey Feedback
Sensitivity Training
Sociotechnical Systems
Organization Development
The Managerial Grid and Organization Development
Coercion and Confrontation
Management Consulting
Chapter 4 Theoretical Foundations of Organizations and Organization Change
Open-System Theory
Characteristics of Open Systems
Organization Change Is Systemic
Toward a Deeper Understanding of Organization Change
Capra’s Three Criteria for Understanding Life
Implications for Organizations and Organization Change
Chapter 5 The Nature of Organization Change
Revolutionary Change
Evolutionary Change
Revolutionary Change: Case Example
Dime Bancorp, Inc.
Organizational Survey
Evolutionary Change: Case Example
The Tools for Assessment and Ratings
Behavioral Practices
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
NEO-Personality Inventory (NEO-PI)
Leadership Assessment Inventory (LAI)
Data Summary of the Firm’s Partners
Chapter 6 Levels of Organization Change: Inpidual, Group, and Larger System
Change in Organizations at the Inpidual Level
Recruitment, Selection, Replacement, and Displacement
Training and Development
Coaching and Counseling
Inpidual Responses to Organization Change
Inpiduals Coping With Change
Change in Organizations at the Group Level
Self-Directed Groups
Group Responses to Organization Change
Change in Organizations at the Larger-System Level
Orders of Change
Change Phases
Change Focus
Change Processes
System Responses to Organization Change
Chapter 7 Organization Change: Research and Theory
Reviews of Organization Change Research
Recent Approaches to Research and Theory
The Shift From “Normal” Science
The Organizational Change Research Theory of Porras and Colleagues
Organization Models
Organization Change Theory
Current Thinking on Organization Change and Research
Chapter 8 Conceptual Models for Understanding Organization Change
Content: What to Change
Process: How to Change—A Theoretical Framework
Life-Cycle Theory
Teleological Theory
Dialectical Theory
Evolutionary Theory
Process: How to Change—Practice Frameworks
Lewin’s Three Steps
Lewin’s Three Steps Expanded: Schein
Phases of Planned Change
Organization Change as a Transition
Mini-Theories Related to Organization Change
Inpidual Emphasis
Need Theory: Maslow/Herzberg
Expectancy Theory (Cognitive): Vroom/Lawler
Job Satisfaction: Hackman and Oldham
Positive Reinforcement: Skinner
Group Emphasis
The Group as the Focus of Change: Lewin
Changing Values Through the Group: Argyris
The Group Unconscious: Bion
The Larger-System Emphasis
Participative Management: The One Best Way—Likert
It All Depends: Lawrence and Lorsch
The Organization as a Family: Levinson
The Content and Process of Strategic Change in Organizations
Strategies for Effecting Change in Human Systems
Empirical-Rational Strategies
Normative-Reeducative Strategies
Power-Coercive Strategies
Chapter 9 Integrated Models for Understanding Organizations and for Leading and Managing Change
What Is an Organizational Model?
Why Use an Organizational Model?
Organizational Models and Organization Change
Weisbord’s Six-Box Model
The Nadler–Tushman Congruence Model
The Transformation Process
Congruence as the Concept of Fit
Tichy’s TPC Framework
A Comparison of the Three Models
Chapter 10 The Burke–Litwin Causal Model of Organization Performance and Change
The Model
Transformational and Transactional Dimensions
Support for the Model’s Validity
The Influence of the External Environment
The Transformational Factors
The Transactional Factors
Chapter 11 Organizational Culture Change
Experiencing Organizational Culture
The British Airways Story: A Case of Culture Change
You Don’t Change Culture by Trying to Change the Culture
A Theoretical Summary of the British Airways Story
Chapter 12 Understanding and Working With Loosely Coupled Systems
The Case of Change at the A. K. Rice Institute
Enter External Consultant (Yours Truly)
Action Steps
A Volunteer Organization
Changing Deep Structure
Dealing With Resistance and Ambivalence
Group Relations Versus Organization Development
Organizational Structure and Loosely Coupled Systems
Loosely Coupled Systems
Voice of Causation
Voice of Typology
Voice of Direct Effects
Voice of Compensation
Voice of Organizational Outcomes
Chapter 13 Healthcare and Government Organizations
Important Characteristics of Healthcare and Government Organizations
Changing Health Care Organizations
Changing Government Organizations
Summary and Some Conclusions
Chapter 14 Transformational Leadership
Does Leadership Matter?
On Defining Leadership
Toward Further Definition
The Leader–Manager Distinction
Authority and Leadership
Transformational Leadership According to Bass
Charismatic Leadership (or Idealized Influence)
Inspirational Motivation
Intellectual Stimulation
Inpidual Consideration
Characteristics of Executive Leadership
Conceptual Complexity
Behavioral Complexity
Strategic Decision-Making
Visionary and Inspirational
Howard Gardner’s Leading Minds
McKee: A Master Storyteller
Howard Gardner’s Changing Minds
Chapter 15 Leading Organization Change
Phases of Organization Change and the Leader’s Role
The Prelaunch Phase
Leader Self-Examination
The External Environment
Establishing the Need for Change
Providing Clarity of Vision and Direction
The Launch Phase
Communicating the Need
Initial Activities
Dealing With Resistance
Resistance Isn’t What It Used to Be
Change Leader Contributions to Resistance
Resistance as a Resource
Postlaunch: Further Implementation
Multiple Leverage
Taking the Heat
Repeating the Message
Sustaining the Change
Unanticipated Consequences
Choosing Successors
Launching Yet Again New Initiatives
Chapter 16 The Change Leader: Selection and Development
Getting Leadership Selection and Development Right
Learning Agility
Positive Organization Change
Chapter 17 Organization Change: Moving Forward With Evidence
Recent Reviews of Organizational Change Based on an Integration of Management Practice and Scholarship
Prescriptive Models of Planned Organizational Change
Evidence-Based Principles of Change Management
The Role of an Organization’s History as Part of the Change Process
Leaders’ Impact on Organization Change
Leader Actions and Outcomes
Leader Actions and Behaviors
Chapter 18 Organization Change: Summary and Integration
Applying the Tipping Point Principles to Planned Organization Change
The Launch
Sustaining the Change
Changing the Organization
Successful Processes of Organization Change
The Look of Change
Corporate Culture in the Work of Lawler and Worley
External Environment
Organization Design and Structure
Human Capital
Reward System
Built to Change
Appendix: Annotated Bibliography
About the Author