Sustainable Marketing 1st Edition A Holistic Approach
Publisher: | Sage Publications Ltd (UK) |
Author: | Mark Peterson |
Edition: | @2021 |
eBook ISBN: | 9781529769272 |
Print ISBN: | 9781526494641 |
Type: | 1 Year Subscription. Dành cho Cá nhân |
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Tiếp thị bền vững
Một cách tiếp cận toàn diện
Dựa trên ý tưởng rằng các chiến lược tiếp thị toàn diện cho phép các công ty đánh giá rủi ro và nhận ra các cơ hội, cuốn sách này dựa trên các nghiên cứu mới và các ví dụ trong ngành để giúp bạn nhận ra các hoạt động bền vững hiệu quả mang lại lợi ích cho công ty, các bên liên quan và xã hội. Với cách tiếp cận dựa trên vấn đề mổ xẻ sự tương tác giữa tiếp thị và xã hội, tác giả khuyến khích người đọc tham gia một cách nghiêm túc vào bản chất đang thay đổi của thị trường; làm thế nào các công ty có thể thích ứng với các nguyên tắc bền vững và các mối đe dọa môi trường trong khi vẫn duy trì được lợi nhuận trên thị trường toàn cầu ngày nay. Sử dụng nhiều ví dụ bao gồm Costco, Juul, Facebook, Patagonia và Bitcoin, Peterson nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của các vấn đề xã hội mà các doanh nghiệp phải đối mặt ngày nay như xóa đói giảm nghèo, nỗ lực hướng tới cuộc sống 'xanh' hơn, trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp trong các công ty và áp lực chính trị như hướng dẫn phát thải và giảm lượng khí thải carbon toàn cầu. Tính năng Mavericks Who Made It cũng nêu bật những doanh nhân chủ chốt trong suốt lịch sử, những thành công quan trọng của họ và tác động của họ đối với hoạt động tiếp thị bền vững.
Author Biography
Online Resources
Part I Macromarketing for Sustainable Marketing
1 Twenty-First-Century Micro and Macro Issues
Throwing Shade: The Air in Big Cities
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line
What Is Driving the Turn for Businesses to Be Mindful of Society?
Reason 1: Technological Improvements
Reason 2: Rising Prosperity and Environmental Values
Reason 3: Awareness of Earth’s Limits
Reason 4: Firms Can ‘Do the Right Thing’
Reason 5: Intangible Assets
Reason 6: Nongovernmental Organizations
Reason 7: Branding as a Social Phenomenon
Defining Markets
The Role and Influence of Government on Markets
Changing Definitions of Marketing
The ‘Biggest M’
Early Macromarketing: Socialism and Capitalism
Second-Wave Macromarketing Pioneers
The ‘Biggest M’ and Business Acumen
A Wide-Angle Lens Is Needed to Perceive and Pursue The ‘Biggest M’
Implications of the ‘Biggest M’ for Entrepreneurship
Mavericks Who Made It: Ray Anderson
2 Marketing and Society
Throwing Shade: Juul
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
More about Marketing
Marketing and Society
World-class Product + No Other Marketing = No Success
What Marketing Can Do for Societies
What an Absence of Marketing Can Do to Societies
Misperceptions about Markets
Challenging the Inherent Stability of Markets
The Aggregate Marketing System
Physical Flows in the Aggregate Marketing System
Broadly Considering Market Exchanges in the AMS
A Closer Look at Macromarketing Systems
Tobacco Marketing
Complex Systems
Mavericks Who Made It: Martin Luther King, Jr.
3 Stakeholders in Marketing
Throwing Shade: The Fashion Industry
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Theory
Holistic Definition of Sustainability
Ethical Dimensions of Sustainability
Service-Dominant Logic
The Importance of Employing a Stakeholder Orientation
Costco – An Agent for its Members
Costco’s Mission and Code of Ethics
Lessons from Costco and Its Stakeholder Orientation
Mavericks Who Made It: Paul Polman
4 The Role of Business in Society
Throwing Shade: Corporations Paying No Taxes
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Is the Business of Business Business?
Friedman: The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Make Profit
The Debate Begins: Mackey Challenges Friedman
Corporate Social Responsibility
What Does CSR Look Like in Business?
The Benefits of CSR for Firms
Efforts to Develop Standards for CSR
Lessons from Novo Nordisk
The Effect of ESG and Sustainability Reporting
Conscious Capitalism
Defining Conscious Capitalism
Conscious Capitalism at Work: Whole Foods Market
The Benefits of Conscious Capitalism
Mavericks Who Made It: Gary Erickson
5 The Role of the State in Society
Throwing Shade: Corruption of Government Officials
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Coronavirus Pandemic
Quality of Life
Government Services Can Contribute to QOL
The Social Responsibility of Government Regarding Business
The US Government Bails Out GM and Chrysler
Imperfections Resulting from Government Activity in Markets
Setting the Rules of the Game
Playing Umpire
Imposing Taxes
Direct and Indirect Interventions in Markets
Government and Distributive Justice
Liberal and Conservative Visions
Trust in Government and Business
Mavericks Who Made It: John Stanford
Part II Important Factors Affecting Sustainable Marketing
6 Globalization and Protectionism
Throwing Shade: Facebook
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
A Global Phenomenon
Industrialized Fake News
Building Global Brands
What the World’s Consumers Expect from Global Brands
The Three Dimensions of Global Brands
A Global Firm with a Global Corporate Culture
Navigating Globalization
Globalist Views
Anti-globalist Views
Semi-globalist Views
Debate about Globalization
The Wars of Globalization
Mavericks Who Made It: Bill Roedy
7 Contemporary Consumers
Throwing Shade: Ups and Downs of Bicycle Commuting
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
The ‘Me’ in Markets of Today
‘Just a Little Bit More’
Is ‘More Is Better’ Correct?
Is ‘More Is Better’ the Complete Story?
The Attitude–Behavior Gap
Vulnerable Consumers
More Consumers Become Vulnerable in an Economic Downturn
More Consumers Become Vulnerable When Mother Nature Moves
Voluntary Simplicity or Minimalism
The ‘We’ in Markets of Today
Others as Enablers for the Consumer
Reconsidering Ownership
Endless Possibilities for Collaborative Consumption
Mavericks Who Made It: Mother Teresa
Part III Sustainable Marketing for the Environment
8 The Environmental Imperative
Throwing Shade: Greenwashing
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
From Bad Business to Good Business
Commerce in the Age of Transparency
Macromarketing Perspectives on Sustainability
Can the DSP Be Changed?
The Two Phases of Business Sustainability
Doing the Right Thing
Citizenship and Stewardship
The Role of Employees
New Belgium Brewing Company’s Employees
Branding New Belgium from the Inside Out
The End of Employee-Ownership at New Belgium
Mavericks Who Made It: Greta Thunberg
9 Environmentally Oriented Business
Throwing Shade: China and Climate Change
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Patagonia and the Environment
Patagonia and Philanthropy
Patagonia’s Environmental Wisdom
Background for Environmentally Oriented Business
Natural Infrastructure – Could it Break Down?
A Challenge Unprecedented in Scale and Scope
The Paris Agreement
Public Sector Entrepreneurship to Reduce CO2 Emissions
Prospects for a Low-Carbon Future
EPA and Emissions Regulation
Walmart Sets Sail to Harness Winds of Change for Sustainable Business Practices
Green Light for Sustainable Business Practices at Walmart
Measuring a Product’s Carbon Footprint
Mavericks Who Made It: Jim Neiman
10 Sustainable Business Practices
Throwing Shade: Bitcoin Energy Usage
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Understanding Sustainable Entrepreneurship
From Intrapreneur to Entrepreneur
Stages of Entrepreneurship
Green Opportunities for Sustainable Enterprises
Concern for the Planet and Communities on the Rise
Businesses Make Changes for the Natural Environment
Consumers Turn toward Green
Businesses Turn toward Green
The Pathway to a More Sustainable Business
Mavericks Who Made It: Clean-Tech Opportunities Emerge from Four Market Imperfections
Market Imperfection 1: Inefficient Systems – David Tse of NovoNutrients
Market Imperfection 2: Externalities – Bruce Kania of Floating Island International
Market Imperfection 3: Flawed Pricing Mechanisms – Karl Ulrich and TerraPass
Market Imperfection 4: Imperfectly Distributed Information – Yoan Nussbaumer of Chargemap
Part IV Sustainable Marketing for Equity
11 Developing Markets
Throwing Shade: Golden Rice
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
What We Know about Country Development
Challenges in Explaining Economic Development
Gains for Developing Countries
Macro Factors for Understanding the Context of Developing Markets
Emerging Markets
Mavericks Who Made It: Myriam Sidibe
12 Poverty Alleviation
Throwing Shade: Market Dynamics for Vanilla Beans
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Putting Poverty Alleviation into Perspective
Wisdom from a Longtime Poverty Alleviator
The Role of Aid
Social Entrepreneurship
Creating Social Value
Structures for Social Enterprises
Mavericks Who Made It: Paul Polak
Tiếp thị bền vững
Một cách tiếp cận toàn diện
Dựa trên ý tưởng rằng các chiến lược tiếp thị toàn diện cho phép các công ty đánh giá rủi ro và nhận ra các cơ hội, cuốn sách này dựa trên các nghiên cứu mới và các ví dụ trong ngành để giúp bạn nhận ra các hoạt động bền vững hiệu quả mang lại lợi ích cho công ty, các bên liên quan và xã hội. Với cách tiếp cận dựa trên vấn đề mổ xẻ sự tương tác giữa tiếp thị và xã hội, tác giả khuyến khích người đọc tham gia một cách nghiêm túc vào bản chất đang thay đổi của thị trường; làm thế nào các công ty có thể thích ứng với các nguyên tắc bền vững và các mối đe dọa môi trường trong khi vẫn duy trì được lợi nhuận trên thị trường toàn cầu ngày nay. Sử dụng nhiều ví dụ bao gồm Costco, Juul, Facebook, Patagonia và Bitcoin, Peterson nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của các vấn đề xã hội mà các doanh nghiệp phải đối mặt ngày nay như xóa đói giảm nghèo, nỗ lực hướng tới cuộc sống 'xanh' hơn, trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp trong các công ty và áp lực chính trị như hướng dẫn phát thải và giảm lượng khí thải carbon toàn cầu. Tính năng Mavericks Who Made It cũng nêu bật những doanh nhân chủ chốt trong suốt lịch sử, những thành công quan trọng của họ và tác động của họ đối với hoạt động tiếp thị bền vững.
Tiếp thị bền vững
Một cách tiếp cận toàn diện
Dựa trên ý tưởng rằng các chiến lược tiếp thị toàn diện cho phép các công ty đánh giá rủi ro và nhận ra các cơ hội, cuốn sách này dựa trên các nghiên cứu mới và các ví dụ trong ngành để giúp bạn nhận ra các hoạt động bền vững hiệu quả mang lại lợi ích cho công ty, các bên liên quan và xã hội. Với cách tiếp cận dựa trên vấn đề mổ xẻ sự tương tác giữa tiếp thị và xã hội, tác giả khuyến khích người đọc tham gia một cách nghiêm túc vào bản chất đang thay đổi của thị trường; làm thế nào các công ty có thể thích ứng với các nguyên tắc bền vững và các mối đe dọa môi trường trong khi vẫn duy trì được lợi nhuận trên thị trường toàn cầu ngày nay. Sử dụng nhiều ví dụ bao gồm Costco, Juul, Facebook, Patagonia và Bitcoin, Peterson nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng của các vấn đề xã hội mà các doanh nghiệp phải đối mặt ngày nay như xóa đói giảm nghèo, nỗ lực hướng tới cuộc sống 'xanh' hơn, trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp trong các công ty và áp lực chính trị như hướng dẫn phát thải và giảm lượng khí thải carbon toàn cầu. Tính năng Mavericks Who Made It cũng nêu bật những doanh nhân chủ chốt trong suốt lịch sử, những thành công quan trọng của họ và tác động của họ đối với hoạt động tiếp thị bền vững.
Author Biography
Online Resources
Part I Macromarketing for Sustainable Marketing
1 Twenty-First-Century Micro and Macro Issues
Throwing Shade: The Air in Big Cities
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line
What Is Driving the Turn for Businesses to Be Mindful of Society?
Reason 1: Technological Improvements
Reason 2: Rising Prosperity and Environmental Values
Reason 3: Awareness of Earth’s Limits
Reason 4: Firms Can ‘Do the Right Thing’
Reason 5: Intangible Assets
Reason 6: Nongovernmental Organizations
Reason 7: Branding as a Social Phenomenon
Defining Markets
The Role and Influence of Government on Markets
Changing Definitions of Marketing
The ‘Biggest M’
Early Macromarketing: Socialism and Capitalism
Second-Wave Macromarketing Pioneers
The ‘Biggest M’ and Business Acumen
A Wide-Angle Lens Is Needed to Perceive and Pursue The ‘Biggest M’
Implications of the ‘Biggest M’ for Entrepreneurship
Mavericks Who Made It: Ray Anderson
2 Marketing and Society
Throwing Shade: Juul
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
More about Marketing
Marketing and Society
World-class Product + No Other Marketing = No Success
What Marketing Can Do for Societies
What an Absence of Marketing Can Do to Societies
Misperceptions about Markets
Challenging the Inherent Stability of Markets
The Aggregate Marketing System
Physical Flows in the Aggregate Marketing System
Broadly Considering Market Exchanges in the AMS
A Closer Look at Macromarketing Systems
Tobacco Marketing
Complex Systems
Mavericks Who Made It: Martin Luther King, Jr.
3 Stakeholders in Marketing
Throwing Shade: The Fashion Industry
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Theory
Holistic Definition of Sustainability
Ethical Dimensions of Sustainability
Service-Dominant Logic
The Importance of Employing a Stakeholder Orientation
Costco – An Agent for its Members
Costco’s Mission and Code of Ethics
Lessons from Costco and Its Stakeholder Orientation
Mavericks Who Made It: Paul Polman
4 The Role of Business in Society
Throwing Shade: Corporations Paying No Taxes
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Is the Business of Business Business?
Friedman: The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Make Profit
The Debate Begins: Mackey Challenges Friedman
Corporate Social Responsibility
What Does CSR Look Like in Business?
The Benefits of CSR for Firms
Efforts to Develop Standards for CSR
Lessons from Novo Nordisk
The Effect of ESG and Sustainability Reporting
Conscious Capitalism
Defining Conscious Capitalism
Conscious Capitalism at Work: Whole Foods Market
The Benefits of Conscious Capitalism
Mavericks Who Made It: Gary Erickson
5 The Role of the State in Society
Throwing Shade: Corruption of Government Officials
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Coronavirus Pandemic
Quality of Life
Government Services Can Contribute to QOL
The Social Responsibility of Government Regarding Business
The US Government Bails Out GM and Chrysler
Imperfections Resulting from Government Activity in Markets
Setting the Rules of the Game
Playing Umpire
Imposing Taxes
Direct and Indirect Interventions in Markets
Government and Distributive Justice
Liberal and Conservative Visions
Trust in Government and Business
Mavericks Who Made It: John Stanford
Part II Important Factors Affecting Sustainable Marketing
6 Globalization and Protectionism
Throwing Shade: Facebook
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
A Global Phenomenon
Industrialized Fake News
Building Global Brands
What the World’s Consumers Expect from Global Brands
The Three Dimensions of Global Brands
A Global Firm with a Global Corporate Culture
Navigating Globalization
Globalist Views
Anti-globalist Views
Semi-globalist Views
Debate about Globalization
The Wars of Globalization
Mavericks Who Made It: Bill Roedy
7 Contemporary Consumers
Throwing Shade: Ups and Downs of Bicycle Commuting
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
The ‘Me’ in Markets of Today
‘Just a Little Bit More’
Is ‘More Is Better’ Correct?
Is ‘More Is Better’ the Complete Story?
The Attitude–Behavior Gap
Vulnerable Consumers
More Consumers Become Vulnerable in an Economic Downturn
More Consumers Become Vulnerable When Mother Nature Moves
Voluntary Simplicity or Minimalism
The ‘We’ in Markets of Today
Others as Enablers for the Consumer
Reconsidering Ownership
Endless Possibilities for Collaborative Consumption
Mavericks Who Made It: Mother Teresa
Part III Sustainable Marketing for the Environment
8 The Environmental Imperative
Throwing Shade: Greenwashing
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
From Bad Business to Good Business
Commerce in the Age of Transparency
Macromarketing Perspectives on Sustainability
Can the DSP Be Changed?
The Two Phases of Business Sustainability
Doing the Right Thing
Citizenship and Stewardship
The Role of Employees
New Belgium Brewing Company’s Employees
Branding New Belgium from the Inside Out
The End of Employee-Ownership at New Belgium
Mavericks Who Made It: Greta Thunberg
9 Environmentally Oriented Business
Throwing Shade: China and Climate Change
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Patagonia and the Environment
Patagonia and Philanthropy
Patagonia’s Environmental Wisdom
Background for Environmentally Oriented Business
Natural Infrastructure – Could it Break Down?
A Challenge Unprecedented in Scale and Scope
The Paris Agreement
Public Sector Entrepreneurship to Reduce CO2 Emissions
Prospects for a Low-Carbon Future
EPA and Emissions Regulation
Walmart Sets Sail to Harness Winds of Change for Sustainable Business Practices
Green Light for Sustainable Business Practices at Walmart
Measuring a Product’s Carbon Footprint
Mavericks Who Made It: Jim Neiman
10 Sustainable Business Practices
Throwing Shade: Bitcoin Energy Usage
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Understanding Sustainable Entrepreneurship
From Intrapreneur to Entrepreneur
Stages of Entrepreneurship
Green Opportunities for Sustainable Enterprises
Concern for the Planet and Communities on the Rise
Businesses Make Changes for the Natural Environment
Consumers Turn toward Green
Businesses Turn toward Green
The Pathway to a More Sustainable Business
Mavericks Who Made It: Clean-Tech Opportunities Emerge from Four Market Imperfections
Market Imperfection 1: Inefficient Systems – David Tse of NovoNutrients
Market Imperfection 2: Externalities – Bruce Kania of Floating Island International
Market Imperfection 3: Flawed Pricing Mechanisms – Karl Ulrich and TerraPass
Market Imperfection 4: Imperfectly Distributed Information – Yoan Nussbaumer of Chargemap
Part IV Sustainable Marketing for Equity
11 Developing Markets
Throwing Shade: Golden Rice
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
What We Know about Country Development
Challenges in Explaining Economic Development
Gains for Developing Countries
Macro Factors for Understanding the Context of Developing Markets
Emerging Markets
Mavericks Who Made It: Myriam Sidibe
12 Poverty Alleviation
Throwing Shade: Market Dynamics for Vanilla Beans
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Putting Poverty Alleviation into Perspective
Wisdom from a Longtime Poverty Alleviator
The Role of Aid
Social Entrepreneurship
Creating Social Value
Structures for Social Enterprises
Mavericks Who Made It: Paul Polak
Author Biography
Online Resources
Part I Macromarketing for Sustainable Marketing
1 Twenty-First-Century Micro and Macro Issues
Throwing Shade: The Air in Big Cities
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line
What Is Driving the Turn for Businesses to Be Mindful of Society?
Reason 1: Technological Improvements
Reason 2: Rising Prosperity and Environmental Values
Reason 3: Awareness of Earth’s Limits
Reason 4: Firms Can ‘Do the Right Thing’
Reason 5: Intangible Assets
Reason 6: Nongovernmental Organizations
Reason 7: Branding as a Social Phenomenon
Defining Markets
The Role and Influence of Government on Markets
Changing Definitions of Marketing
The ‘Biggest M’
Early Macromarketing: Socialism and Capitalism
Second-Wave Macromarketing Pioneers
The ‘Biggest M’ and Business Acumen
A Wide-Angle Lens Is Needed to Perceive and Pursue The ‘Biggest M’
Implications of the ‘Biggest M’ for Entrepreneurship
Mavericks Who Made It: Ray Anderson
2 Marketing and Society
Throwing Shade: Juul
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
More about Marketing
Marketing and Society
World-class Product + No Other Marketing = No Success
What Marketing Can Do for Societies
What an Absence of Marketing Can Do to Societies
Misperceptions about Markets
Challenging the Inherent Stability of Markets
The Aggregate Marketing System
Physical Flows in the Aggregate Marketing System
Broadly Considering Market Exchanges in the AMS
A Closer Look at Macromarketing Systems
Tobacco Marketing
Complex Systems
Mavericks Who Made It: Martin Luther King, Jr.
3 Stakeholders in Marketing
Throwing Shade: The Fashion Industry
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Theory
Holistic Definition of Sustainability
Ethical Dimensions of Sustainability
Service-Dominant Logic
The Importance of Employing a Stakeholder Orientation
Costco – An Agent for its Members
Costco’s Mission and Code of Ethics
Lessons from Costco and Its Stakeholder Orientation
Mavericks Who Made It: Paul Polman
4 The Role of Business in Society
Throwing Shade: Corporations Paying No Taxes
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Is the Business of Business Business?
Friedman: The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Make Profit
The Debate Begins: Mackey Challenges Friedman
Corporate Social Responsibility
What Does CSR Look Like in Business?
The Benefits of CSR for Firms
Efforts to Develop Standards for CSR
Lessons from Novo Nordisk
The Effect of ESG and Sustainability Reporting
Conscious Capitalism
Defining Conscious Capitalism
Conscious Capitalism at Work: Whole Foods Market
The Benefits of Conscious Capitalism
Mavericks Who Made It: Gary Erickson
5 The Role of the State in Society
Throwing Shade: Corruption of Government Officials
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Coronavirus Pandemic
Quality of Life
Government Services Can Contribute to QOL
The Social Responsibility of Government Regarding Business
The US Government Bails Out GM and Chrysler
Imperfections Resulting from Government Activity in Markets
Setting the Rules of the Game
Playing Umpire
Imposing Taxes
Direct and Indirect Interventions in Markets
Government and Distributive Justice
Liberal and Conservative Visions
Trust in Government and Business
Mavericks Who Made It: John Stanford
Part II Important Factors Affecting Sustainable Marketing
6 Globalization and Protectionism
Throwing Shade: Facebook
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
A Global Phenomenon
Industrialized Fake News
Building Global Brands
What the World’s Consumers Expect from Global Brands
The Three Dimensions of Global Brands
A Global Firm with a Global Corporate Culture
Navigating Globalization
Globalist Views
Anti-globalist Views
Semi-globalist Views
Debate about Globalization
The Wars of Globalization
Mavericks Who Made It: Bill Roedy
7 Contemporary Consumers
Throwing Shade: Ups and Downs of Bicycle Commuting
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
The ‘Me’ in Markets of Today
‘Just a Little Bit More’
Is ‘More Is Better’ Correct?
Is ‘More Is Better’ the Complete Story?
The Attitude–Behavior Gap
Vulnerable Consumers
More Consumers Become Vulnerable in an Economic Downturn
More Consumers Become Vulnerable When Mother Nature Moves
Voluntary Simplicity or Minimalism
The ‘We’ in Markets of Today
Others as Enablers for the Consumer
Reconsidering Ownership
Endless Possibilities for Collaborative Consumption
Mavericks Who Made It: Mother Teresa
Part III Sustainable Marketing for the Environment
8 The Environmental Imperative
Throwing Shade: Greenwashing
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
From Bad Business to Good Business
Commerce in the Age of Transparency
Macromarketing Perspectives on Sustainability
Can the DSP Be Changed?
The Two Phases of Business Sustainability
Doing the Right Thing
Citizenship and Stewardship
The Role of Employees
New Belgium Brewing Company’s Employees
Branding New Belgium from the Inside Out
The End of Employee-Ownership at New Belgium
Mavericks Who Made It: Greta Thunberg
9 Environmentally Oriented Business
Throwing Shade: China and Climate Change
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Patagonia and the Environment
Patagonia and Philanthropy
Patagonia’s Environmental Wisdom
Background for Environmentally Oriented Business
Natural Infrastructure – Could it Break Down?
A Challenge Unprecedented in Scale and Scope
The Paris Agreement
Public Sector Entrepreneurship to Reduce CO2 Emissions
Prospects for a Low-Carbon Future
EPA and Emissions Regulation
Walmart Sets Sail to Harness Winds of Change for Sustainable Business Practices
Green Light for Sustainable Business Practices at Walmart
Measuring a Product’s Carbon Footprint
Mavericks Who Made It: Jim Neiman
10 Sustainable Business Practices
Throwing Shade: Bitcoin Energy Usage
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Understanding Sustainable Entrepreneurship
From Intrapreneur to Entrepreneur
Stages of Entrepreneurship
Green Opportunities for Sustainable Enterprises
Concern for the Planet and Communities on the Rise
Businesses Make Changes for the Natural Environment
Consumers Turn toward Green
Businesses Turn toward Green
The Pathway to a More Sustainable Business
Mavericks Who Made It: Clean-Tech Opportunities Emerge from Four Market Imperfections
Market Imperfection 1: Inefficient Systems – David Tse of NovoNutrients
Market Imperfection 2: Externalities – Bruce Kania of Floating Island International
Market Imperfection 3: Flawed Pricing Mechanisms – Karl Ulrich and TerraPass
Market Imperfection 4: Imperfectly Distributed Information – Yoan Nussbaumer of Chargemap
Part IV Sustainable Marketing for Equity
11 Developing Markets
Throwing Shade: Golden Rice
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
What We Know about Country Development
Challenges in Explaining Economic Development
Gains for Developing Countries
Macro Factors for Understanding the Context of Developing Markets
Emerging Markets
Mavericks Who Made It: Myriam Sidibe
12 Poverty Alleviation
Throwing Shade: Market Dynamics for Vanilla Beans
Chapter Overview and Learning Objectives
Putting Poverty Alleviation into Perspective
Wisdom from a Longtime Poverty Alleviator
The Role of Aid
Social Entrepreneurship
Creating Social Value
Structures for Social Enterprises
Mavericks Who Made It: Paul Polak