
IMPACT Social Studies, U.S. History: Making a New Nation, Grade 5, Inquiry Journal

BRAND: McGraw Hill

Grade Levels: 5
Copyright: 2020
MHID: 0076914097 |  ISBN 13: 9780076914098

ISBN: 9780076914098

The Inquiry Journal is a soft-covered worktext that students can write in. It starts the inquiry process with the Essential Question from the chapter. Following critical analysis of images, students share viewpoints and cite evidence for their opinions as they work together to problem-solve and complete chapter inquiry projects. Reader’s Theater scripts are also provided to bring social studies content to life! Also available as an interactive online text!

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Product Description

The Inquiry Journal is a soft-covered worktext that students can write in. It starts the inquiry process with the Essential Question from the chapter. Following critical analysis of images, students share viewpoints and cite evidence for their opinions as they work together to problem-solve and complete chapter inquiry projects. Reader’s Theater scripts are also provided to bring social studies content to life! Also available as an interactive online text!

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